You know, I still haven't seen an adequate depiction of the Thundering Asshole motif. I put that request in a week ago. You people love to draw your characters and your trinkets and your mystical animals and whatnot, but I ask for one picture of a rumbling cartoon sphincter and suddenly everyone's got shit to do? This is an outside-the-box project, ladies and gentlemen. You don't get to draw fierce, earth-trembling crap hatches every day. Get your shit together.
The thunderous quality of this ass is activated by lightning, much like the DeLorean in Back to the Future.
Alternatively, this more celestial ass uses its power against an innocent tree. This image was inspired by the Jerry Bruckheimer Films logo. The giant ass does not like the metaphorical representation of Don Simpson, apparently.
All I know is that I want this on a shirt. All it needs is a sweet tagline at the bottom. "Feel The Rumble" is all I could come up with but I am too tired to figure out if that's dumb or not.
I do like the nominated Thundering Asshole, although "Get your Dick out of my sister" has a nice ring to it. (for no specific reason whatsoever, it just seems like a collection of words worthy of a title)
That's Dr. Thundering Asshole to you, peasant. My vote is for TA, although the Bieber-related titles have a nice ring to them.
I don't approve of "Thundering Asshole" for his title, because then it's assumed that he's the only thundering asshole here, which is definitely not the case.