I'm pretty sure there have been more stupid statements made in this thread than in the entire history of TiB. Nice work guys.
I think that before we venture into space that there are some serious problems back here on Earth we need to resolve before we start blasting people into space, nonetheless as time goes on we should put more and more emphasis on space travel and exploration. Honestly I don't think the human race will last long enough to make it out of our solar system, if we don't kill each other a natural disaster will probably wipe us out.
I tried to word this nicely, but are you retarded? Do you realize how much radiation natural sources (like the Sun) give off every fucking second? And you're worried about an unfathomably miniscule amount of waste "fucking up the galaxy"?
I did not say, nor assume that. I simply said that there are a number of upsides to the space program - completely separate from whether you find exploration a worthy investment on its own - and that the relative expense is not that great. Just basing it on your history of attacking things out of ignorance, and your attacks out of ignorance on this very subject in the last thread we had about it, where you were ranting about something a 10 second Google search would have laid to rest. But, you know, nothing solid.
And when we fuck up our whole galaxy, where will we go next? There are only a limited number of galaxies in the universe, right? Spoiler
All I am trying to point out here is that we do not know what consequences firing crap out into space could bring. All we can do is make assumptions which may or may not be correct. Look at all the new discoveries we have made about the planet we fucking live on in recent years that have caused us to re-think our actions. And you call me retarded for maybe wishing we might exercise a little caution? I will gladly take your retarded and raise you a short sighted dufus.
I get what you're saying, but you're wrong, for all intents and purposes there is an infinite amount of space in space in every direction. Even if we could produce enough waste to have even the slightest measurable negative effect on any significant amount of space any waste currently produced by humans could simply be shot into a star or a black hole.
I'm genuinely curious about what sort of negative consequences you think might arise from firing garbage into space. Not that it even matters, because how is shipping garbage out into space even remotely feasible? How much energy and money would it take to shoot a week's worth of garbage from a single city up there? Am I missing something here?
I mean Captain Planet threw all the nuclear waste at the sun with a giant scoop like the ones on the Raisin Bran box. Didn't seem too hard for him, and it was eco friendly.
Yeah, but as if Hoggish Greedly will ever let that happen again. (Captain Planet is an assumed alt-focus in every thread, right?)
The space program has a lot of benefits to people. Smaller chips, satellites, gps, and most electronic devices owe some debt to the space program. I was not particularly a big fan of the space program, and I wish I could find it, but Bill Maher had a guy on this past season who had a very articulate defense of the program. I can't remember his name, but he essentially said that the space program forced scientists to do the undoable, to attain what had never been attained, or was thought to be unattainable. If someone remembers, post the guy's name. Anyway, after watching that, I went from neutral on the space program to for it.
Yes, this was it. On his site: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.haydenplanetarium.org/tyson/watch/2012/03/03/real-time-with-bill-maher" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.haydenplanetarium.org/tyson/ ... bill-maher</a> I don't know exactly where it was in the show, but it was pretty good.
Okay, I am wrong then. But here's a true story - A community which my own great grandfather helped create was located along a river that flowed into a large inland bay. In virtually all of the hamlets built along that river they opted to pipe their raw sewage into it. It was a big ass river and there were already a ton of creatures shitting in it anyways so ... why not? Now, well over one hundred years later we realize the Why - and are still cleaning up from it. There is a difference between man-made shit and the shit that's already out there. Take that figuratively or literally. I'm not trying to compare Earth's eco system with Space and I have no clue what firing garbage into Space would do. Sure, slingshot that crap towards a black hole. Near as I tell, our tangible knowledge of black holes is about equal to our understanding that water is wet. All I am saying is that we have no idea. For instance: NG recently discovered an electromagnetic foam at our galaxy's edge. Surprise! Sorry for the rant. But I get a little gitchie when people start quipping off about just sending Earth's trash out into Space. It is an easy out. It's like saying you're fat, eating cheesecake for dinner, then throwing it up and going back for more. And unfortunately, when you drill down through the logistics, it is not all that cost prohibitive to consider firing a garbage off of the planet. Weigh off the costs/benefits of creating/maintaining multiple landfill sites against firing a simple garbage drone into Space. As for the Space program over all. Why are there no decent pictures of the Moon? *Oddly, I am shit faced and it's only 5pm. Not that it is at all relative to my above post of course ....
It's at the edge of the solar system, not the galaxy. I'm not sure you understand how enormous the universe is. For fuck's sake.
Oh ok Danger Boy, so you're sure there isn't a planet out there populated entirely by ducks, and you're sure that when we shoot millions of six pack rings out into space without cutting them up first because "what could possibly go wrong lol?" they won't land on that planet and kill EVERY SINGLE duck? You sure know an awful lot. subgeniuschick: 1 Everybody else: 0