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True Blood - Season 3

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Roxanne, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Please don't let Franklin be dead. He didn't get staked, it wasn't silver. And he's gonna be PISSED if he gets up.
  2. Roxanne

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    Dec 8, 2009
    I'm pretty sure Franklin is who Tara was arguing with in the teaser for next week, unless there is some other curly-haired brunette man on the show that I'm missing.

    Angry Franklin is always fantastic. I can't imagine they killed off such a good character in such a short amount of time, and if they did, that's an epic fail for True Blood. On top of that, can Tara just be a vampire? I feel like she would be infinitely more interesting. Although I do give her and Sookie kudos for collaborating a fairly decent escape.

    I also want them to do something more with Jason's character, and fast. He has no redeeming qualities right now, and is basically just a huge douchebag. I love him and all, but if he tells one more person he's "almost a cop," I'm going to hit the TV.
  3. Pinkcup

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    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    I know all of the dudes on here are going to disagree, but the man-on man action is hot. Eric doesn't sell it as well as Jesus and Lafayette do, but it's still sexy as hell. But I'm confused about what Eric is trying to accomplish with his flirting--was it just me, or did he give equal amounts of flirt-eye to both Talbot and the King? At first, I thought he might be trying to seduce Talbot into revealing some sort of chink in the King's power structure (the scene at the closet full of artifacts, the card game), then I thought that he might be trying to seduce the King and somehow get personal gain that he could later use to destroy the King (in the limo on the way to Sophie-Ann's palace, at Sophie-Ann's palace), then I considered that the goal was to drive a wedge between Talbot and the King, perhaps to set them fighting and let them destroy each other in a homosexual rage (the scene directly after the card game, when Talbot threw a tantrum). At this point, I think he's driven by desperation and will use whatever tool necessary in order to save Pam and his own ass, but I wish I could see what his strategy was. Or, maybe there isn't a strategy--he's just going to throw his sexiness around and see what sticks.

    But Franklin--my dear, sweet, scary Franklin--is totally not dead. She didn't stake him, and this is basically science. He might remain all bashed-in until he wakes up (or maybe injuries sustained during sleep will heal, only more slowly?) but then he'll heal and get SUPER PISSED. I seriously can't wait!! He's fucked up, but he's totally my favorite character right now.

    Small, disappointing tidbit: Alcide's wolf!?!?!? An all white, fluffy thing with red eyes?! Dear God. It's not fair. Why must such a hot, hot man turn into such a sissy britches wolf? I was expecting something dark, maybe with yellow eyes. This almost-puppy thing is silly.
  4. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Bill twisted Lorena's head all the fucking way around just a few episodes, and she's (sadly) none the worse for it. And, it is pretty clear that Franklin is going to wake up fine, if only more pissed than when those old ladies wouldn't let have his turn at the slots.

    And I for one am happy the show finally got around to explaining what the whole goddamn drama was with Sam's family. Shifters moonlighting as fighting pit bulls? Awesome. It would have been more awesome five episodes ago, but whatever.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Is it a coincidence that it's near Pride Week and the show went REALLY out of its way to gay it up this week? I thought Erik was going to start giving nighttime reacharounds to every vampire he crossed paths with that episode.
  6. Parker

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Pinkcup, hate to remind you, but they aren't scared to kill off a great character...remember Godric? I think you're dead on with your Eric predictions.

    I don't think True Blood wants to "take the easy route" but it is definitely the King that killed Eric's family. The whole point of it being disguised so he can recognize it now as opposed to 500 years ago, is that so we can see the action with this story. If he knew who it was before, Eric would have gone after him until one of them was dead. Its just that simple, sometimes I think people give this show just a teaspoon more credit than it should.

    I loved what they're doing with Jessica. I think anything with her this season has been the best 5 minutes of the show, each episode. Sookie now knows that Bill had information/research on her, I wonder if she's blindly in love or if she's going to call him out. Definitely didn't think of the dogfighting thing until they highlighted the scars today. I also thought whoop-tee-do.

    I'm surprised they didn't pull this shit with Jason earlier. "You know what the difference between you and me is...[pause]" they sure flashed the obvious sign with that one. Something needs to click with Crystal. She's obviously hanging out with guys that make crystal meth (see what they did there?) but when they were hooking up, they were playing some serious wood nymph music, fucking out with it already.
  7. pterodactyl

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    Oct 19, 2009
    When they were hooking up they stopped and she started sniffing the air like Sam does...i'm going with some sort of shifter, and it should have already been explained.

    I can't wait for Eric to go all badass Eric on people. It has to happen eventually. We didn't get an awesome showdown last season with the Vamps/Church crazies we have to get something this season.

    Franklin better not be dead. It's hard to tell from the previews because they were mixing in scenes that had already happened with scenes from next weeks.

    I'm sick of Sams story line. If that kids life is so bad with his parents, why doesn't he just turn into a something and kill them or just leave. I'm pretty sure if I had the ability to turn into animals I'd find a way to get money and survive on my own, and I definitely wouldn't let some drunk boss me around.

    "Whats that old man, you want me to turn into a pit bull and fight?"
    *turns into an grizzly bear*
    *om nom nom*
    "That's what I thought"
  8. scootah

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Lafayette and Jesus are convincingly attracted to men - they actors in those roles are either superbly talented, or genuinely apprieciate other men. Eric pretending to be into men is just woefully unconvincing.
  9. JWags

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I dont know about Jesus, but I remember reading an article about Nelsan Ellis and he went pretty heavy method to get into character for Lafayette, hanging out in alot of gay bars and talking about the difficult dynamic with fans who think he is indeed gay. Dude graduated from Julliard, so he knows his stuff. He has been damn convincing in every other complex dynamic of Lafayette's character, this is no different.

    I just watched the episode again today cause my roommate hadn't seen it. Couple of things stood out to me.

    -Sookie's "What the fuck?" to Eric at the beginning was awesome. That blunt, realistic conversation is what I really like about this show sometimes. Despite that being a very natural human reaction, its rarely in TV or movies.

    -I'm tempted to have a screen shot of Bill on the King's shoulders as my avatar cause that was just fucking hilarious looking for a brief second.

    -Is it just me or has Tara become the most poorly acted character on this show? She was never good, but maybe its the excellent acting all around this season that has made her look horrible. There were a couple times with her delivery where I just said "are you kidding me?" outloud.

    -Jessica has become my favorite character after Eric and Lafayette. Once they dropped the stupid relationship between her and Hoyt and began to flesh her character out, she has become awesome. The look she gave Arlene before going over to the old bitch's table was awesome. And I don't normally like redheads, but damn.

    -Anyone else hope for a second, just a second, that they might kill off Bill? Deep down I knew they wouldn't but I thought it would be crazy if they did and add a completely different element to the show.
  10. Parker

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I hate to pull this bullshit out, but I'm just going to say it. I actually met Mr. Ellis, he's not gay at all. I worked for a media company, that did a joint program with RCN cable company who ran a heavy True Blood promotion last summer with HBO. Plus all the stuff he's said, and then let's not even get into that whole fire starting article about gay guys not being convincing straight guys.

    I think the whole Eric playing gay, and constantly wearing that shit eating grin is supposed to be the campy part of True Blood everyone keeps forgetting about while trying to take this show seriously like it's the Sopranos.

    And I don't know what the fuck to say about Tara, neither Lorena. Everyone keeps talking about how Lorena isn't sexy, isn't likable, but is she supposed to be? Aren't we supposed to think she's this undesirable, unsexy fucked in the head bitch?
  11. Roxanne

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    Dec 8, 2009
    Eric is okay with the flirting, but when he had to touch Russell, it was obvious he was a little uncomfortable. But truthfully, I think he's supposed to be a little bit strained in that role, because he's holding back his mass amounts of loathing for the guy. I can't remember exactly what happened now, but when Russell asked him to accompany him, the smile Eric had on looked more like a grimace, so the fact that he's having trouble keeping up the pretense isn't surprising to me.

    I'm just wondering if he's going to lure Russell into bed to kill him there.
  12. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I agree completely. I have gay friends, and Jesus and Lafayette fit the bill to a T with their mannerisms. Eric acts like a blatant mincing stereotype, like an extra from Cruising or something. HIs "gay smile" gives me the Willies.

    I also think Russell is not falling for Erik's act at all. He'll turn the tables soon, I'm sure of it.
  13. scootah

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Meh. I didn't mean to get into a discussion of who does and who doesn't appreiciate the taste of cock. The whole point of actors is that they pretend to be something they aren't - I'm reasonably sure that Sly Stallone isn't actually that good a boxer. I just meant to say that the actors playing Lafayette and Jesus genuinely nail that aspect of their performance while the actor playing Erik is unconvincing.

    Ellis/Lafayette is my favourite part of the show. His performance has just been fucking perfect all the way through.
  14. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    I think a lot of people are overthinking the situation, considering the characters of Lafayette and Jesus are gay while the character of Eric Northman has been a diehard pussy hound for over a thousand years. Perhaps the unconvincing "act" is an ironic result of the actor's good acting, much like Kevin Dillon (a good actor) does a good job of showing Johnny Chase (a bad actor) playing roles so poorly.
  15. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Oct 21, 2009
    That was until we had to see him shamelessly flirt and get all giddy over another guy. I like bad ass Lafayette, tender Lafayette is not as enjoyable.

    HBO has the most famous gay scenes ever with Six feet Under and OZ, I just hope they don't try and top either of those series.

    Have we ever encountered a vampire older than the King? 3000 years? Also I asked in a previous post if anyone knew about Elena's maker, was that the first reference to him?
  16. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Best episode yet this season (even with no Jessica), but could somebody explain to me why it was less than 45 minutes long?

    I almost forgot how fabulously grotesque a vampire death was on this show. Two thumbs up.

    Bye, bye Lorena, Cooter and Magister. It's about fucking time. Glad to see they're going to let Pam stay on the show.

    So is Sookie a fairy or angel or fucking Leprechaun or SOMETHING, then? I really don't know how else to explain all the gay dancing and the Enya-like music playing during that bizarre dream. She's not human, and it appears Bill has LOTS of explaining to do. That was messed up shit.

    I was hoping for more excitement with Sam's plot, but we'll see.
  17. Parker

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Since they are getting to it, I'm going to tell you the answer to your question is
    Yes, she is one of the 3 things you described.

    About fucking time they killed Lorena. Didn't expect the Magister to turn into a bitch before dying. I'm dying to see if they go up the rungs to see the authority. I love to see the King get on his high horse and all this shit get crazy knowing Eric is going to fuck up his shit later.

    True Blood always seems to have a short episode. They've had one each season. No idea why, but a no Jessica episode should be illegal. Even though they still hinted that Sam's parents have something else they are still holding back which sucks because it means more.

    Man, this episode almost made up for all of season 2. Holy shit.
  18. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Did Cooter actually die? I mean, yeah, bullet to the brain pan, but was it silver?

    Franklin is clearly not dead (there was a slight moment of recognition on Tara's face when Sookie told her what dead vamps end up looking like). Franklin was not a pile of mess, he was a head-splattered mess. I say this supremely hopeful that we get to see him RAGING CRAZY. What a great fucking character, superbly acted.

    I've had a lot of people tell me that Sookie is, in fact
    a fairy.

    Now I want to know the rules for that.
  19. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Yeah, he must be fucking A dead. Remember, Bill killed Wolves near the beginning with his bare hands (broken neck, torn apart, etc.), Erik killed one by biting out his jugular, and Alcide roadkilled one with his cube van this week's episode (I think. The others sure LOOKED upset enough).
  20. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Oct 21, 2009
    It was kind of cool to see Eric kill Talbot, I just wish he wasn't in a super gay sex act when he did it. I'm wondering how Eric expects to get away from Russell, I'm not sure anyone can stop that guy.