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True Blood - Season 3

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Roxanne, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. scootah

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Jesus has to be some kind of Were or a Witch or something. The talk about Lafayette's 'power', the tattoo, having a buddy meet them at the door for intake of the busted up Were. He's got some kind of inside track on paranormals and he leaned on Lafayette for the the ride.

    Most gay relationships on television are written by people who have either never seen a gay relationship, or who don't have enough perspective to see the nuance that makes the dynamic 'real' and watchable. Lafayette and Jesus' relationship is utterly plausible and utterly typical in terms of the relationship dynamic and progression. There's a lot of little details that make me respect whoever's writing that dynamic for the amount of nuance captured.
  2. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Alan Ball is openly gay, so I would expect the staff writers get a lot of good direction in that regard.
  3. JWags

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I hate Crystal, but I definitely laughed in shock and amazement when she got all panther-fied, WTF?

    Eric is acting crazy, but he had a couple amazing lines, moments yet again. His lines to Yvetta before signing the will were hilarious and amazingly delivered and he had a couple of other subtle things that Skarsgard does so well.

    Just as the gay prostitutes came on, I thought to myself "Where has Russell been" and then he appeared, almost on cue. "Looking for something special?" "Found it" Love his character but damn that Talbot breakdown shit was weird. For a minute I thought he was going to turn Tony into his new boytoy.

    Sam continues his roller coaster of lame storyline into badass. Dude has a had a hell of a life. I find myself liking his character more and more whereas he used to be really annoying.

    Oh yeah, can someone just kill Tara already? Fuck she is annoying.
  4. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Oct 21, 2009
    Someone posted before on how annoying Sam's brother is, I second that. I'm not sure who bothers me more, tough girl jive talking Tara or sniveling, crying Tara, here's to hoping she dies soon.

    Also please ease up on the gay stuff, it's way to much. Watching Lafayette bat his eyes at his Latin lover makes me incredibly uncomfortable, watching Russell cry on a gay prostitute made my stomach upset.

    Let's get back to Stackhouse drilling chicks behind the bar while he dumps trash on them.
  5. Parker

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I like the whole "Sam has a dark past." Thing, but man, they sure fucking wasted 5-6 episodes on the family stuff to get to this. I mean now they're pulling this out? We could have used 3-4 more flashback episodes of anything showing Sam is not the pussy we think he is. I mean, fuck, it is not cool for them to try and switch the the slow burn Mad Men tactics.

    The way Hoyt cold cocked Tommy was hilarious. Just a left hand jab right to the face, no hesitation. I really hope that kid has a point because usually, when shit is spinning its wheels, the actor can give a hint of something going on behind the scenes. This guys face just says "Nope, nothing else here, I'm just a little shit."

    Since no one has said it... "Mmm, Jessica."
  6. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I didn't care for the Easy Rider-style V trip, but it looks like they may be fleshing out Jesus as a regular instead of killing him off in one of the next two episodes. Don't tell me there wasn't foreshadowing when they were watching his grandfather getting all Voodoolicious at the end of the dream. That could make for a great side-plot.

    The show is starting to act like Mad Men. Every character is walking around with dark secrets that they're intentionally hiding from certain people.

    Why did Jason look like he was 45 years old in the confession scene with Tara? Was it just me, or did Kwanten look like Clint Eastwood in that scene?

    Paquin and Moyer were married over the weekend.
  7. Pinkcup

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    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Um, that suggestion gets a resounding "HELL NO" from my corner. I get that male homosexuality is somehow weird to you and it makes you uncomfortable, but the rest of us (or maybe just me and Scootah) are thrilled to death with it.

    You have to admit, the breakdown of hetero v. homo sex is still skewed more towards your preferences. We get to watch Jesus and LaLa get tantalizingly close to a handjob scene before it cuts to black, but then we have to watch Sookie ride it like she stole it for 15 minutes with Bill. For those of us who find all varieties of intercourse to be equally appealing, it's a little disappointing that so much air time is allotted to arguably the shittiest relationship on TB (yeah, I know she's the main character, but not really) when the focus could be on more the more nuanced and entertaining characters. Jesus/Lafayette. Russell/Talbot (oh, I miss Talbot). Jessica/Hoyt. Pam/Nan Flannigan.....okay, that one was just my idea. But you get the picture.

    I just watched Sunday's episode, so I'm late to this party, but here are my thoughts:

    --Tommy is a little shit. I was actually kind of hoping he would pull Jessica away from Hoyt while Hoyt was with the creepy doll collector, but I've since changed my mind. Tommy sucks. Besides, he's totally a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of dude, and Jessica is too good for that.

    --I want to staple Tara's lips together so they stop moving. I don't mind the words coming out, it's the trembling that kills me.

    --Sookie is a selfish bitch. If my "best friend" told me she had been raped, tortured, and almost killed by a vampire & then my boyfriend witnessed it AND verbally indicated that he was cool with it.....I certainly would NOT ditch her with my horny older brother so I could go interrogate an entirely different vampire about my problems. Seriously....a hug and "I'm sorry" was all she could muster up!? Then her whole self-righteous speech about lying versus protecting....seriously, shut the fuck up. Jason was completely right about that--she's divorced from reality because of her telepathic abilities. I'm not saying Jason shouldn'tve told Tara about Eggs, but I am saying that her holier-than-thou stance was horrible.


    --Terry is a wonderful man. Seriously, wow. I teared up when he was holding Arlene and telling her to cry it out on his shoulder....cute man who isn't afraid of expressing feelings? Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
  8. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Enough Were-bullshit. DO NOT bring them back, EVER. Werewolves are pussies on this show, they get their asses kicked by girls, their transformations are lame and aside from Alcide they're all insufferable losers. Wereleopards now? Sam and his Napoleon Complex brother are Were-Whatevers. Why is a white trash methhead chick turn into a jungle cat from South America? I don't get it at all.

    Sam and Alcide, you can stay. The rest of you (and his little shit brother) can kick rocks.
  9. scootah

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Never going to happen.

    Here's the thing. The sexual tone of the show is catering primarily to girls, because while they may not be the entirety of the audience, they are the biggest spending market segment. Specifically, the girls who rubbed one out to Twilight in the Cinema and have since gone looking for something harder. They're buying the True Blood blood orange soda, they're buying the books, their buying the t-shirts, they're rubbing one out to every man on man scene and they're calling out 'Eric' or 'Bill' while they fuck their boyfriends.

    To be fair, I've also bought the books, and I'm incredibly excited about Charlaine Harris doing a book signing here in October. But the point still stands.
  10. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Oct 19, 2009

    I actually think the gay element of this show is one of its better qualities. Why? Because it doesn't place the gayness at the center of the story, nor do any of the straight characters react negatively to it, nor does it for one second seem out of place or even a bit weird. And La La is the shit.

    True Blood is doing something that I can't really recall ever seeing (read the words, "I" can't "recall" seeing), i.e. dealing with a gay relationship without having the "gayness" of it affect the plot or other characters in any way at all. Fucking bravo True Blood.
  11. Roxanne

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    Dec 8, 2009
    I was always wondering why Sam hadn't been using his shifting abilities for more lucrative purposes. Now I want to know what else he has gotten up to. Poor kid, though, always unlucky in love. First that blond bimbo double-crosses him, and then that other shifter girl in the second season does the same. No wonder he has intimacy issues.

    I really just don't know what the purpose of Tara's character is anymore. She instigated the most annoying story line ever in season 2 and now she's just puttering around, not being a vampire, and getting Franklin killed. Not cool, True Blood writers.

    Oh and as far as the were stuff goes, I don't mind Crystal being a werepanther (leopards have spots, people). I assume if someone was in South America and got bitten, and then moved up north to Louisiana and bit someone else, that would create a werepanther population there. I'm more concerned with the fact that she is the most flip-flopping girl ever, and her annoying level is second only to Tara.

    And lastly, "Blah blah vampire emergency blah." Pam's character just came out of nowhere, didn't it?
  12. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Oct 21, 2009
    If I have to see Tara mourn Eggs one more second I'm going to throw my TV out the window.

    I'm a little upset about how easily they are able to kill Russell, I would think with his speed and power he could just bolt right back into fangtasia with Eric handcuffed to him, I mean now that he is burning a little bit he can't move?

    I really can not wait to see Jason take Kitch down, that should happen in two weeks.

    I liked the thing at the beginning showing all the characters that died, I forgot how funny the scene with Liam and Maudette Pickens was.

    Lastly what happened to the good werewolf?
  13. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Word. Motherfucking word.

    Think of it as the Kryptonite effect, i.e. how Kryptonite immediately reduces Superman to a fetal-positioned pussy despite the fact that while he's fast enough to fly backwards in time, he's apparently not fast enough to get a few dozen yards away from the green rock. It's a necessary fictional concession.

    And since Russell will burn even faster than the 2000-yr old Godric did, there should be enough time for Sookie or someone else to run out and get Eric back inside once Russell turns to ash.
  14. Celos

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Sam calling his waitresses bitches was adorable. No homo!
  15. Pinkcup

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    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    I don't agree. But watching him shit all over his little shit of a brother was the opposite of adorable, though. Was it not incredibly obvious that Tommy can't read or write!?!?! And his whole tantrum about the notepad was about covering that fact up? Jesus, Sam. Same thing with hurting Terry--anyone who makes fun of war vets deserves a fuckload of bad karma.

    And then you nail Ms. Broken Tremble-Lip herself, Tara Thornton? Utter failure.
  16. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    That scene with Lafayette and Jesus on the couch was the best "Scare Jolt" of the entire series so far. It's not wasy to make me jump and my in and that shock did just that. They were doing some REAL horror moments with Lafayette this episode (which should happen more on the show considering the subject matter), and I'm thinking that Jesus is setting him up from the beginning because Lafayette's true calling is yet to be revealed. This has been the best "sub-plot" of the season, involving the two of them. It's had the best dramatics as well as the best lead-in. Could be good.

    Since this season is winding down it seems that they're doing a lot of lead-ins for next season. So, the (really) ugly waitress is a witch, and I won't be surprised if she's a key villain next season. It better had not be more Mary-Ann temptress horseshit again.

    Erik's not going to die, obviously. Idiots need to stop sweating that they're not going to kill off the most popular character on the show.

    Sam and Big Mouth deserved each other that episode. Do recent rape and love loss victims normally down a bottle of Gilla and fuck some guy who's shitfaced and acting like a twat? I hope he knocks her up and the baby eats her insides.

    Tell me something: did Jessica not look sexy as FUCK when she was about to bite Hoyt on the couch? Christ. I've always found her to be the most nubile regular on the show, but that look she gave haunts my dreams.
  17. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I didn't get that at all, but it makes sense. So I would have to say it was not incredibly obvious. Especially to someone as shitfaced as Sam.

    I'm really fucking tired of Bill. Can he get fucking staked already? "Ah teach third grade... and I love mah johb."

    I don't think Jesus was there to set up Lafayette in any way, like Crown is suggesting. I think he's got a serious family background in Voodoo, and he's gonna mix that with a newfound drug addiction and fuck things up real good.
  18. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Oct 21, 2009
    No she looked like a typical ginger broad except she had fangs. However comparing her to nude hideous Tara she looked like a fucking super model.

    I would take any of the nude fairies or the English fairy over Jessica, although I must admit Jessica has been a great addition to the show. To bad she has the worst "maker" in vampire history.

    P.S. I hate Tara.
  19. whathasbeenseen

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    Dec 30, 2009
    Panther meth chick
    Tara's Mom
    Tommy (only placed here because at least he can turn into a dog)
    New waitress bitch who looks like a slapped ass

    This is my list of irritation. It is an indelible list. Its like God (I'm playing that role in this here simile) condemning you to the firey pits of hell in his book of fuck ups. These characters are irredeemable fuck ups.

    Tara? No need to comment.

    Bill? If I hear him say in his flowery delivery "Ah wiill protehct you Soookeh" one more goddamned time...

    Panther chick? I swear the dude whose job it was to check off "Hot" "Great Face" "Amazing tits" on the call sheet for Jason's girlfriends before hiring them turned to Jesus and hired this bitch to completely undo all the good he did for the mental spank bank of men everywhere. I swear, for the first few seasons I knew that Sunday night would involve no need for porn for my pre-sleep self flogging. Beyond that shes a goddamned idiot. Take on the DEA? Fucking retarded.

    Tommy? "Whats my motivation in this scene?" Well Tommy, you're a Douche, yes with a capital D. How long can you keep writing that in for him?

    New waitress? I have shit out cuter turds than her. Again refer to my previous mention of why I hate panther chick
  20. Parker

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Mike, your lack of love of the Ginger Goddess that is Deborah Ann Woll is simply unacceptable.

    Now I have very low expectations for this show, which in turn increases my enjoyment a lot, because I know the source material is pretty crappy. But I feel like once they got out the mansion, these last few episodes have dragged because it feels like they are holding so much back for the season finale or for next season.

    -Everyone has been dying for a reason not to hate Sam, here one is, I loved his "fuck-all I'm tired of being the nice guy" shtick. Too bad it was a little out of left field with no subtle and frustrating lead-up. Him punking Tommy has to be his best highlight ever, besides goring that annoying bitch Mary-Anne.
    -On the other hand, everyone knows some shit has been up with Jesus since he started talking about that energy shit with Laf, and his mom talking about crazy shit had to mean something, I wish they would finally get to it because they've been hinting at it forever.
    -I'm disappointed in Jason, I agree with Whathasbeenseen, without the jerking parts. He used to bring in Quality A, now he's bringing in this C- bush league material.
    -Pam is becoming my second favorite chick on this show. Fucking excellent.
    -Hoyt's mom is back. God bless that hateful woman. I don't give a fuck what anyone says, she's fucking hilarious. Great actress nailing the little she's given.

    Best line of the fucking episode comes from the Estonian fuck-toy and stripper.
    "Back in Tallinn, I'm a cardiologist!"