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True Blood - Season 3

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Roxanne, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. The Dread Pirate

    The Dread Pirate
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    Oct 20, 2009
    My Secret Evil Lair
    Was I the only one who screamed "NO!" at the TV when Tara started to cut her hair and not her wrists? The writers need to stop teasing me like that. I thought for sure we'd be rid of that useless bitch.
  2. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Boy, what a flop for the season finale. That episode was the worst one of the year. It's a shame because I thought this season was fantastic but to go out like this was a real let down. I mean the cliff hangers are either worthless or obvious.

    -The creators are not going to kill Bill so he either beats the queen or something else happens

    - Does Sam shoot Tommy? Who Cares? I like the darker Sam but I have zero interest in his brother.

    - Tara tuns herself into a fryguy and runs away, will she return? If I have any luck no, but I'm sure she will be back to over act, curse and continue to make my ears bleed. (I got a strange look from my wife when I continued to chant "do it" when she had the scissor blades to her neck)

    The episode had some funny scenes, the Hoyt intervention was great and I love a burnt Russell but it really didn't have that extra punch that the last show of the season is supposed to have. The doll in Hoyt and Jessica's house was creepy, not quite sure what that's foreshadowing.

    I suppose they were sticking to the dynamic of the Sookie/Bill love plot but it was just a horribly dull ending for a great show. I guess they were allowed considering last season ended with a nude Sam ripping out a witches heart.

    I'm sure we are going to get plenty of new hot fairies so everyone can stop obsessing about "The Ginger Goddess."
  3. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    What the hell was that about? Christ that was boring. How did Eric and Pam escape the concrete pit?

    I think they focused way more on building up for the next season than about creating an interesting hour of television. "Killing" Russell was dragged out way more than was necessary and ended with basically the same outcome as if they had just let him fry in the sun. What was up with Sookie laughing maniacally while she destroyed Talbot's remains? That wasn't very fairy-like. Jason is going to play Moses for a bunch of werewolves now? Why can't those werewolves take care of themselves...they're fucking werewolves. I'm pretty fucking disappointed.

    I just hope Tara leaves and never comes back.
  4. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    No Dubya they are were panthers slash hillbillys. We all know Tara will turn up again. With a ridiculous haircut.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    So, WHAT exactly happened at the end? Did Sookie "Level Up" and become a mage or something? And Bill can fly? That was a strange episode, to say the least.

    Oh, well. It was worth it just for the part with Erik casually strolling up to the house saturated with wet concrete. That truly made me laugh.
  6. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Bill called Reuben to have him kill Pam, and Pam killed him instead. She must have inferred something went wrong at the concrete site so she ran over and dug Eric out.

    I agree that the episode was a little boring. I was super pissed when Sookie was grabbing Claudine's hand because I knew the episode was going to leave that horrible cliffhanger, with no sort of way to speculate about what's going on next season. At least last season there was the surety that Bill had been kidnapped at Lorena's behest.

    Eric had a few good moments, but overall it was sorely lacking in vampire badassery. Although I do think the writers need to let Bill's nature show through a little more. The handcuffs on Eric and the revelation that he let those two hillbillies beat the tar out of Sookie was pretty surprising for me. Bill is so much more interesting when he's being a dick.

    To be honest, I found the Hoyt/Jessica storyline to be the most interesting out of the show. Bill and Sookie's relationship wasn't exactly normal or human. Hoyt legitimately wants to lead a normal life with a vampire, to the extent of settling down in their own little house and whatnot. I think that's what the show has been about at the core: vampires actually trying to integrate into human society. Usually the vampire/human relationship is all drama and blood and torrid romance, so I really hope this one is handled with finesse next season, because I think all the implications of having a "normal" relationship with a vampire could be really interesting to explore.
  7. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    It looked like some awful Matrix scene. However, Evan Rachel Wood did look all sorts of macabre hot there.

    Erik picking concrete out of his hair and then Pam's exasperated and bored whining about killing Rueben was hilarious. Those two have my favorite dynamic of the show.

    Sloppy episode overall, I was very underwhelmed. And how come Godric disintegrated instantly yet Russell just burned into some weird hardened lava creature despite being much older?
  8. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    I'm assuming it took Russell/Eric longer to burn because they had the fairy blood in them.
  9. Yukon Cornelius

    Yukon Cornelius
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
    Eric is Pam's maker, meaning he has the ability to telepathically call her when the need arrises.
  10. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    Ok fine I'll accept that as an an excuse. But that still requires that Bill didn't think of that little caveat. I'm still not liking it.
  11. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Bill knew that Eric would telepathically summon Pam to rescue him as soon as Bill walked away from the construction site. To prevent her from saving Eric, Bill called Reuben and tried to have Pam killed before she got that summons. He came up with the noble-sounding reason for Sookie (and who knows, perhaps keeping her safe from Pam was also a factor? But is Pam really a credible threat at this point?) but let's not shit ourselves here. Bill is equal parts good and bad, self-serving and selfless, gentleman and asshole. This last episode really fleshed out his personality, and you see a lot more underneath the slavish adoration and stifling need to "protect" Sookeh. He's not above orchestrating a parking lot beat down on a girl he doesn't even know. He's manipulative--he engineered a violent situation that forced Sookie into drinking his blood, thus having vivid sexual dreams/fantasies about him all the time...which would ultimately lead her to further contact with him. He approached her as a target to acquire, not a human being worthy of frank discussion. And yet...I truly do believe that he loves her (but then....he proposed to this girl, while looking her in the eye and remembering that he paid someone to kick the shit out of her!!). Sometimes I think he's a saner, more emotionally-controlled, less awesome version of Franklin.

    Speaking of Franklin......PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY TARA THORNTON IS LEAVING BON TEMPS!!! Sweet haircut (even though that is not the way weave works...if that were real hair, that would've been all fucked up), said her goodbyes, trembled her lip, and peaced the fuck out. Good riddance. Go whine about supernaturals in some other small town in Louisiana.

    Also, Tommy can't read. Glad Alan Ball clarified that for us, even though I thought it was obvious from the get-go.

    Possible discussion points (for me, anyhow):

    -The creepy doll in in the Hoyt-Jessica love nest
    -Jason's leadership capabilities in Dirty Britches City
    -The appearance of Godric
    -Sookie's weird laugh as she poured Talbot punch down the garbage disposal
    -Why Alcide even has a wardrobe, there's no point
  12. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    A sub-par finale, but still the best season yet.

    Face it: Russell will be back (which I hope). Not next season, but 5 or 6. The number one rule of horror is: Unless you truly, TRULY kill the bad guy (as in feed him through a meat grinder or stab him with the Spear Of Destiny), he will return and be all pissed off. Whether he gets revived with electricity like Jason or revived by flaming dog piss like Freddy (actually happened), you know his spurs are going to be jingling and jangling again.

    Jessica wins Most Improved Player award. I thought she was great in every scene she had.

    I will also miss the glop the used to be Talbot in the crystal urn. No words, but such a powerful (and hilarious) performance. Talbot himself was a great character.

    Good to know Alcide and Jesus will be back. They are well fleshed-out additions to the show (I REALLY hope Alcide's sister comes back). We all know Sookie will bang Alcide next season. Let's just get that out of the way, people. Lafayette apparently can see people's sins now. Blood on Sam's hands. The evil Cajun's kid. Jesus looking like the villains from Pitfall. I still suspect Magic Man is setting everybody's favourite homosexual up for something.

    Russell's news broadcast was my single favourite scene of the year.

    Finally, Franklyn you were the Main Event this season. A nutjob for the ages, my regret is you died so soon. Oh, and you didn't kill Tara. Cunt. What the fuck is with that hairdo, anyways? I mean, LOOK at this ridiculous shit:

  13. Muney

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    T-dotish, Ontario
    When Hoyt and Jessica talked at Merlotts about how he doesnt like Summer, he mention something about how Summer has a collection of "Creepy Dolls" or that all she ever talks about were her "damned dolls"? The doll is obviously (to me) something to do with Summer. I assume Summer and Hoyts mom are going to be doing some vampire hunting. Also, the next scene after the doll was Hoyts mom buying a gun.

    Spoiler about whats in the books that possibly has something to do with the doll.

    There are people discussing on different forums that Summer is a witch (I dont see it, but its possible). In the books when a witch casts a spell or curse, it makes an odour that Sookie and Vampires can spell. When Jessica walks into the house, the first thing she said was it smelled funny.