I like that theory except I thought it was pretty much set that he did not do anything with the actress because he's gay and he remembers the war crimes just doesn't want to talk about them with his gf. He definitely doesn't want to talk about the gay sex that happened then either. He was definitely a worker for a private military corporation like Blackwater, except they call it Black Mountain. The other missing thing about the theory is the money. He'd have to wake-up somewhere and realize he had a ton of fucking money right? I think he's going to end up being a part of it somehow, just don't think he's going to be "the" guy. I'm guessing it might be Frank's right hand man who's been acting a little shady. 4 episodes in, it has to be someone that's been shown on screen so far. He's a guy that would know that Ray was going to the house and know the value of Caspere. Also since he's been talking to the Russian behind Frank's back, maybe he's trying to do the deal separately.
Well it depends, if the guys from the shootout led by Ledo Amarilla (more on him in a second) was able to get Caspere's watch, its reasonable that he would get a hold of the money too. It wasnt set that he didn't do anything with the actress entirely, its just assumed from his perspective that he didnt. But if he blacks out, he may become an unreliable narrator. As for the Ledo Amarilla guy, Ledo could be short for Ledoux and Amarilla means "yellow." This could be just an easter egg reference to the Yellow King in season one, or a very direct reference to him as the same figurative being thats just lurking beneath the surface. Reggie Ledoux was the red herring in season 1, I bet Ledo is the one for this one as well. As for Paul's connection, himself, Caspere, the Mayor, and others could be part of a larger society. In California, the first one that comes to mind is Bohemian Grove. Its powerful white guys that get together in the woods and do weird shit with each other, like a pseudo-Illuminati.
I loved that episode, definitely put the show into grade-A territory. Vaughn getting back into moonlighting was awesome, it shows that being a criminal is what he truly is. That episode showed huge improvements of the three PD members as well. I love how Kitsch is socially retarded but under fire he's a complete salty dog, unflappable and utterly sociopathic. If Kitsch isn't the killer, perhaps the EPA guy is. Who knows, last time we met the true killer he was a twenty second throwaway character played by Reamus. But Kitsch seems to have some bizarre M. Night Shayamalan-esque moments when he gets by himself. I also like Farrell much more sober, his character more compelling now. As for the shootout, it was definitely out left field and exciting, a little over-the-top on the mortality rate and nihilistic but the last shot was fantastic. Farrell and MacAdams collapse in despair, and Paul in his night-and-day comparison to after he banged some dude.
So was I to assume that Valcoro actually DID kill someone who he thought was his ex-wife's rapist, but wasn't the right guy? And now he's basically trying to play it off like he was just having a macho moment? And he didn't know the real person was caught but his ex did and that's why she was so pissed at the hearing?
Frank set Ray up to kill a guy that wasn't the rapist, but told him he was the rapist. He went back to Alicia like "Hey I killed the dude, I'm a hero" and she probably was less then excited. Then she was knocked-up and no one knew who it was. At the same time Frank is further corrupting him causing his to start getting moody/drinky/boozy leading to him being a horrible dad/husband. Can't wait to see that conversation between Ray and Frank next episode.
Pretty interesting twist, Colin Farrell's reaction to that news should win an Emmy all by itself. Anyone else notice the relationship each of the characters has with children/parents and illegitimacy? Frank and his wife are debating to have a kid but Frank doesnt want one that isnt his, Ray is trying to keep his although knowing its not his, Paul doesnt know who his father is because his mother is a crazed stripper, and Ani has estrangement issues with her father.
They never showed Valcoro killing the guy, right? I'd be curious to see if they flash back to that scene. I hope Kitsch gets some sort of revenge on that girl who's accusing him of shit.
I feel like this show is finally hitting it's groove with this episode. The character development took a bit longer than the first season, but now I think you finally have a feel for who they really are (particularly Frank and Valcaro). Kitsch is still a bit of a mystery (and frankly not that great of an actor despite the pretty) and Ani is a little slower to get a feels on. Nope - they never showed Valcaro killing the guy but all implications are that he did so I am not expecting a huge plot twist that he didn't at this point. Of course I should know better than the speculate on where this show goes.
Why would Paul be dumb enough to store that kind of cash at his mother's house? What's wrong with a good old safety deposit box?
Or even put it in a CD, no risk and even get miniscule growth from it. Yep, this is probably why I don't write for a hit TV show.
Do y'all really think someone who grew up in a trailer with a white trash stripper mama is financially literate enough to consider a safety deposit box, CD, or anything other than something along the lines of a mattress stash? I don't know how they're going to wrap this up in only 3 more episodes. I feel like things are just starting to pick up. Btw, the gal playing Vince Vaughn's wife is absolutely awful. Her acting makes me cringe.
I actually DO think that someone who's managed to become a CHiP, and who has also gone through what I can only assume are reams of technical paperwork to become a soldier, then be discharged (and probably get some kind of compensation or GI Bill) would be able to handle opening up a bank account or going down and getting a safety deposit box. Especially since he knows his mom is deceptive, crazy and has a gambling problem. I guess we chalk this one up to a plot hole.
Unless that $20k was stolen from the military and he didn't want any official paper trail. After all, there are hundreds of millions of dollars that went unaccounted for and missing over there.
True. That's why I said a safety deposit box - drop the cash and no one but you knows it's there. As a cop, he'd be an expert at negotiating bureaucracy and the courts.
But even a safety deposit box has a paper trail... you can't do it anonymously, and they aren't protected from a warrant. I tend to think (based on my many years of watching cop shows on TV) that any internal affairs investigation that might go on would consider it "interesting" that a cop would have a safety deposit box, and would follow up on it. Plus there's the recurring cost.
You also cant just deposit $20,000 at a bank. In the US any amount over $9,999 is going to trigger an automated alert within the bank for an investigation, as mandated by the FDIC. And even if you make deposits less than that that amount to $20,000, its going to also trigger an alert for potential deposit structuring to avoid the SAR triggers. Safety deposit boxes have to be formally "bought," and as Nett mentioned, there is a paper trail because its tied to your ID and SSN. the Vinci municipal government is corrupt as fuck, Im sure they could get in and sniff around if they wanted to.
Why would you need to do it anonymously, if you didn't have to tell anyone the contents? Who cares if someone can look up that you have a safety deposit box?
If he was ever suspected of stealing money, and they see he has a safety deposit box, they can get a warrant to search it. This leads me to an off topic question though: Say you have a safety deposit box with $20000 cash in it and you haven't told anyone in the bank it was there, then it gets stolen or destroyed. Does the bank insure that or would have to ensure it privately?
I think you'd have to be responsible for insuring your own goods, just like you would if you were renting an apartment or something. If the house you rent burns down, the homeowner is covered by whatever property insurance they themselves have, but your contents are not. Also, at least in Canada, if you as a renter are responsible for destroying the property (i.e. you light your mattress on fire or something), then I think it voids the homeowner's coverage of the property damage. That's why most landlords insist on you having renter's insurance. I think it would be the same with a safety deposit box, maybe? I also had this thought: what if you put a bomb in the box to blow up the bank. Obviously a stupid idea, but who would be responsible for paying the damages? Also, how does the bank ensure that you DON'T do that? /tangent
So Ani was raped by the Love Guru? http://www.forumforhinduawakening.org/userfiles/image/awakening/love_guru(1).gif