What I didn't quite understand about the offer is it lists the cost of a single book at roughly $17.00... and the cost of 10 books at $26 per book. Did I miss something in that?
And like Rei said, the retail discount. Brick and mortar stores are going to be selling the book for $26 a pop, so he's telling you the retail savings. Kind of like how Amazon does in their gold box deals.
Looks like Tucker had a relapse: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2012/02/07/tucker-maxs-rejected-twitter-campaign-and-stab-at-celebrity-endorsement" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/ ... ndorsement</a> It's pretty funny stuff though.
1) This is a shitty marketing attempt by Tucker to enrage the 'blogosphere'. 2) Ryan Holiday's book will then site the above as indication of his genius. For arrogant posterity from page 2:
That shit is funny as hell. And in his case, any PR is good PR. Smart move. He's going to get more hits getting rejected than he actually would if he paid for them. He never expected those celebrities to actually tweet that. Once again, right back on Forbes.
Not sure this really counts as a relapse given the things he actually said in the interview. While pretty funny, these don't seem to be anything that he said he was retiring from. And it kind of seems like a given that he's going to continue to market his current book in the ways that have worked for him in the past... by being a funny asshole on the internet.
Ok, I'm a bit of a dullard on Twatter. So ANYONE with 10k to spend can have their "ad" plastered on a Kardashian's Twitter feed without so much as an edit or censor, or anyone bothering to read the thing? How is no one taking better advantage of this? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is spending their billions on the wrong fucking horses. I now have a reason to become disgustingly rich. Well, more reason. You wouldn't believe how expensive it is to buy Indonesian human cargo.
I think this is a photoshop stunt. If he actually paid for those tweets it would have been roughly a 150k practically joke.
Highlights from the T&C - I doubt he actually had to pay anything or that these actually went up on twitter...
I really want him to buy the Google keyword for one million moms, the protest group bitching about Ellen and JC penny. Or '12 step program' / mothers against drink driving. Way cheaper than celebrity tweets.
After reading those tweets he wrote, I feel good going to buy these books. I read this thread and all the hate, but fucking shit. The guy is fucking funny, I don't care how you spin it. I read that shit and laugh my ass off, that's all I need.
I finished Sloppy Seconds yesterday and it definitely didn't have the polish of the actual released books. The stories are definitely bottom of the well and not professionally edited. I'd imagine they were given out in a free format more for marketing/"fan loyalty" value than any other reason.
I repped this to Juicy Juice, but the humor in the tweets seemed lazy as fuck to me for the most part. I'm not above somebody mocking celebrities, and maybe I just ingest too much humor, but I could probably name 100 comedians who might have thrown away the exact same jokes.