I played golf yesterday with some customers and a guy that works for me. My guy was a scholarship quarterback in college, and his uncle won the Heisman at quarterback and is one of the winningest college coaches still currently coaching. His family, needless to say, has some great genes. On one of the tee boxes he recounted a game last week where his 8 year old son scored his third rushing touchdown before the second quarter was over. All of these were from 40 yards and beyond. This is an "all-star" league of 8 year old kids. When he got past the stud on the other team on his way to another score, the stud grabbed another kid, pulled him to the ground by his face-mask, and proceeded to throw full punches under and over his face-mask. Everyone was horrified. The ref's finally broke it up. The father of the kid who was getting beaten, a line coach, was thrown out for coming on the field. The player throwing the hay-makers was ejected. When the "stud" went to his side-line, all the coaches and players high-fived him for punching the other kid out. Again, 8 fucking years old! No wonder people like Albert Haynesworth exist. And yes, one team was from the suburbs of Nashville and the other team was from the inner city. Way to teach your players sportsmanship, Coach.
You think the Ron Artest incident was bad? The most unsportsmanlike thing I've ever seen was this fucking bull jumping into the crowd and injuring 40 spectators. Who does he think he is?
This guy got 100 mil after this? You would think he would have a bulls-eye on his back after, somethings just can't be allowed to fly without.... in game vigilante justice might be the best way to describe it.
When I was 14 or 15 I became an umpire. I was prepared for angry parents, but never expected the personal attacks. Every weekend I would have parents insulting my height, making fun of my acne, telling me my clothes looked stupid, and so on. I can only imagine how devastating it would have been if I was fat.
Basically, any time you put two soccer players on the same half of the field, someone acts like a douche. I know people try to ham it up and get fouls on the other team in a lot of sports, but faking an injury is especially douchy. But, on the inspiring side, there's this girl:
I played one season of junior league lacrosse. I'm not what you would have called a "finesse" player. I just tried to hit people, and since most of the other kids were spindly and frail, when I made contact, they felt it. The coaches knew this and encouraged the approach. I drew a fair amount of penalty time that year, but the dirtiest hit I made went completely unpunished. Some kid caught a pass near the crease and did not see me charging him. He also didn't see me bring a vicious cross check up under his helmet. He might have seen himself come up off the ground and then land hard, but this I cannot know for sure. He left the field crying and gasping. I got a pat on the back from the coach. I still feel bad about that. Fuck lacrosse.
The one that will always stand out in my mind is Charles Martin of the Green Bay Packers, picking up Jim McMahon and body slamming him onto his already-injured shoulder, an eon after McMahon had passed the ball. Punishment? Two game suspension. Whoop-de-do.
I was always amazed by the terrible sportsmanship at Little League games. It was never from the kids; it was always from the parents. I was a catcher my last year of Little League, and it was amazing listening to the bitching that went on at the umpire. Stupid shit, like shouting "Good eye" whenever he called a strike, yelling at him every time he called someone out, etc. I don't know what the hell makes a middle-aged soccer mom yell at a 15-year-old trying to call the game as best he can. Shit, everyone makes mistakes. But in my own experience playing Little League, the umps tried their best to make everything as fair as possible. I've seen a couple tantrums in the dugout, but they were always stopped really quickly by the coach or that kid's dad.
Rugby League 2009 State of Origin 3. There was a fight between Steve Price and Brett White. White knocked price out. Nothing wrong with that. But when all the other players are running in and Price is lying on the ground, one of the NSW players picks him up by his jersey and slams his head back into the ground. It was really fucking dirty and Price missed a few games after (which could have been because of the initial knock out). The only videos I could find stop before he gets slammed into the ground.
Back when I used to do BJJ, I was at a tournament where I saw a guy who was in someone's guard, got caught in an armbar, tried to stand up to get out of it but had to tap out. Then he kicked the guy who tapped him out in the head. Not hard enough to knock him out or anything, but that was dirty enough for me to stop considering him as a friend of mine. Thank god he didn't train in the same gym.
Woody Hayes has got to be one of the shittiest personalities in college football. Sure players are going to get rough with each other, and you're going to see some low blows and a few fights. But a coach sucker punching a player in the throat? How did he still get voted into the College Football Hall of Fame after that?
Who can forget Wayne Rooney stomping on a guy's nuts (with cleats no less): The incident that cemented Ron Artest's reputation: edit: Whoops, the second one is already in the thread. Well, how about this shitshow: Not sure who's being the most unsportsmanlike, but it was a bad situation all around.
One of the things I've been asked about many times by people I know is the worst thing I've seen or heard on the soccer field (I played collegiately and semi-professionally and had a handful of professional offers). The worst thing I ever did was toss out a racial slur to a kid who took a cheap shot to the outside of my knee that could have ended my career if he would have had better contact. I said my bit, he spit in my face, and I headbutted his nose later on. We shook hands afterwards, and coincidentally we played together at a pro tryout six months later. However, the incident that takes the cake is a time my team was playing 1000 miles away in the semi-finals of a national league. I came on as a substitute against a team that had a ton of West Africans (think Sierra Leon) in the 70th minute when we were down a goal. We had a corner kick with about 5 minutes left and our best player, a French guy, had his shirt held before the ball got kicked by one of their players. The French guy slapped the African's hand and said, "I wish my cousin had chopped off your hand like the rest of you fuckers." Needless to say, there was a bit of an incident after that.
Go ahead and kick me in the nuts for resurrecting an old thread, but someone finally put this up on Youtube, and I don't feel like waiting until the next similarly themed thread.
Having played soccer, and looking at a lot of the stories I gotta wonder why are teen soccer players the biggest pieces of shit ever? When I was younger I was a fucking asshole and realistically had no place playing organized sports. Here's some stuff that happened about four or five years ago. Soccer - Aside from starting a couple of fights the worst thing I ever did was dropkick a kid into a goal post. I played defence and they had this skinny quick winger who looked exactly like Butthead. Well Butthead kept beating me down the line, because he'd just boot the ball and run after it and I couldn't keep up. There was a deadball and I was getting visually frustrated and muttered something along the lines of "god damnit." Butthead heard me and snickered which I did not like at all. Next corner he was infront of the the net by one of the posts and I had planned to just make it look like a slide tackle however what ended up happening is that I jumped and drove both my legs into his back forcing him to smack his face into the goalpost, hard. Yeah not even close to resembling a slide tackle. I got a red card for that one among other things and I'm pretty sure I chipped one of his teeth. Rugby - I've punched people in the balls during rucks. I no longer do those things because I'd like to think I'm not longer an asshole and I realize this shit shouldn't matter to me that much, however during a BJJ tournament I needed someone to let go of a kimura attempt, and since I was on top I drove my chin into his ribs. This is quite an uncomfortable feeling to say the least. Yeah, I'm a dick.
This one covers the focus and alt focus in one fell swoop: For those of you that don't follow hockey, Ulf Samuelsson was a notoriously dirty player. With a knee-on-knee hit, he pretty much ended Cam Neely's career (one of the best to ever lace up the skates) and also took out Pierre Mondou's eye with a high stick. Fuck Ulf Samuelsson. Tie Domi was no saint, but Ulfie got what was coming to him.