I’m kinda with you on that. Visually, it looks amazing. I just hope Hollywood doesn’t Hollywood it up (by taking a multifaceted story and condensing it down to “Spicy Avatar”).
Yeah Im rolling my eyes at the thought but Jason Reitman is still a grade A filmmaker so you can still hope it's more than just "GhostBusters" with Gir...Kids. I really do wish theyd have cast someone not from the supernatural based drama comedy revolving around nostalgia as the main selling point.
Fucking hell... dude is in his 90's and still acting/directing. And holy shit did Dwight Yoakam get old.
Absolutely fascinating. What a deep, raw, dark, private look into Val Kilmer and acting, too. When he said (and I'm paraphrasing) Spoiler . "I don’t want to insult any of the other actors that fly around the world, but it enables me to meet my fans and what ends up happening is that I feel really grateful rather than humiliated because there’s so many people." it was very poignant and real. ETA: I found the actual quote, so edited that in.
Already got my tickets! I went to the first version of this a few years ago. It's a real treat. There was only one thing in it that I hadn't seen before, so I am looking forward to this "director's cut" version. If you like Rush at all, it's worth it, but it's also a decent concert flick experience. Peter Dinklage (Elf, Game of Thrones, etc)'s brother Johnny is a violinist, and played in their string orchestra during the Clockwork Angels Tour. He makes an appearance for another song captured in this film, and there is a behind-the-scenes interview with him about it. It's pretty cool.
Yes and no. The R40 video does overlap with what's in this, but the "proshot" version of the Dinklage piece that's in the Cinema Strangiato film is (or was) exclusive to the theatrical version. About 90% of the Cinema Strangiato film appears elsewhere. Part of my enjoyment the first time was being in a theatre with a bunch of Rush nerds, since that combined with the big screen gave it a more concert-y vibe than watching the DVD at home. During the R40 Tour show I went to in Philly, I got busted by security for recording the show. They just made me turn off the recorder and put it in my pocket, and sort of checked on me a few more times, and didn't kick me out or confiscate the recorder, which was nice.
Yeah, it was a one-night deal back in August 2019, too. I always assumed it would be released as a DVD and never was. Did you see this? Rush Beer https://www.rush.com/rush-collaborate-with-henderson-for-rush-beer/
Alfred Molina as Dr Octopus again. Defoe as the Goblin. This is this first thing from Phase 4 that looks fun, guaranteed fans will lose their shit watching this: