Just that part? I was laughing at the whole damn trailer. The premise is more absurdly idiotic than most teen girl movies, (why would the inmate need a complicated sex plot with the psychiatrist and his wife instead of saying a few words, nodding his head, and getting out in a few weeks? How can the former possibly benefit him?) and I can almost guarantee it will lose a lot of money, for a myriad of reasons. Everyone likes DeNiro, myself included, but what was the last good film he was in?
HEAT was the last good one that I remember. Ever since then he's put out a bunch of crap. On that note, Al Pachino has made even worse crap and his whole act has gotten really tiresome. For some reason Pachino and Robin Williams always seem to be in the same boat to me. They have one character that they play in every movie.
As scotchcrotch correctly noted in a rep, there was the outstanding action film "Ronin"...but that was in 1998. Been a while.
The Avengers is out in 2012. Downey Jr. will be playing Tony Stark/Iron Man in it, Mark Ruffallo is The Hulk, Scarlet Johannsen is Black Widow, Chris Evans as Captain America and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. The Bad News (for me at least): Joss Whedon directs it, who I HATE.
"The Score" was in 2001 with Edward Norton. I thought it was excellent but I love Bobby D. Other than that he has thrown nothing but Analyze Focker movies at us that made me sick. "Righteous Kill" was a c- at best. 2 cents.
New Tron Legacy trailer: New Dwayne Johnson movie Faster. I read the description on IMDB it sounds interesting but we'll see. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/faster-2010/trailers/11115207/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/faster- ... /11115207/</a>
<a class="postlink" href="http://morewillie.com/2010/07/thor-trailer-leaked/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://morewillie.com/2010/07/thor-trailer-leaked/</a> Leaked Thor trailer
It actually looks pretty good. If they focus on cool-looking visuals and action instead of injecting cliched, third-rate movie "emotion" into it, the film will be lots of fun.
I was skeptical about the Thor movie. Wasn't sure how it would translate and was thinking that the shots I've seen so far weren't impressing me much. However, apparently the Comicon trailer for Thor was released (see: leaked) online: Thor trailer I have to say that I am pleased, and this trailer changed my opinion about the movie. I was going to skip Thor and just go see Captain America next year, but after this trailer I think I'll have to get in on seeing Thor, too.
The moden scenes in the trailer look fantastically well done. But the fantasy/medieval scenes? nnngh. Maybe audio would save them (no sound, at work) but taken just visually, it looks like they used up all the taste and discretion casting Hopkins as Odin, and then sent a bunch of drag queens on acid to a renissance fair to work up the costume designs. Cringeworthy. The Avengers/Thor/Captain America all look like they'll be watchable though.
I'm not a big fan of electronica and techno, but I like the fact that Daft Punk will be doing the music for the movie. I watched the group's animated film, "Insterstella", which had no dialogue, just music and actions, and it was legitimately good. It makes me think their material goes together very well with a sci-fi environment. On a completely unrelated note, because a friend insists the film will be good, I read the comic for "Scott Pilgrim". Utter fucking garbage. If the comic "Watchmen" was great, "300" was very good, and "Kick-Ass" was okay/average, this is plain awful. Everything, from the inept, pathetic drawing, to the characters and "jokes" is like something a high school nerd would write in a futile attempt to seem cool. I was really shocked. Even with Hollywood scraping the bottom of the barrel with their adaptations, I was amazed they would use source material this poor and amateurish for a studio release. Edit- I almost fell asleep watching that Thor trailer. It was nice and completely generic for the first 80 seconds, and then it devolved into a bunch of stupid-sounding quotes and horrible acting, typical of the vast majority of these comic book films made for little kids. It's funny, because the Tron trailer (a similar film in many respects) was posted above it, except it was presented in a far superior, more entertaining manner. Some people understand how to make trailers, others don't.
When I first read that in a news article a little while back I thought it was a belated April Fools joke. I mean sure his last movie failed miserably and sure his last tv shows lasted a combined two seasons......but hey snarky dialogue = $$$$ right? I'm still trying to wrap my mind around Marvel's decision. The Avengers movie is essentially the crown jewel of all these works (Thor/Iron Man/Cap America etc.) and they're giving it to a guy who's financial success record is beyond suspect.
Can't see this from work but hopefully will shed some light on the whole Daft Punk working well or not: http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Daft-Punk-s-Tron-Legacy-Score-Leaked-Online-19901.html
New animated film produced by David Fincher called The Goon. Paul Giamatti and Clancey Brown are in it. Looks hilarious.
<a class="postlink" href="http://chud.com/articles/articles/23425/1/ACTIONFEST-REVIEW-CENTURION/Page1.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://chud.com/articles/articles/23425 ... Page1.html</a> This fills my heart with some small hope.
That's the best trailer I have seen in a long time. I am impressed. Not the most original premise ever (Zombieland?), but that was very entertaining. Focus- In deciding whether to watch the remake of Tron, I checked out the 1982 original. And it was awful; a Disney live action film for kids, similar to "Dragonslayer" released a year earlier. However, it's far more pretentious and poorly made, with awful sci-fi mumbo jumbo, a lack of any understanding of computers and science, and an unintentionally hilarious theme of "programs/computers are people that can think!!" It also is one of the worst acted and directed films I have ever seen, to the point of where I was wondering whether it was self-parody (It's Jeff Bridges worst acted film ever, and he's still the second coming of Paul Newman compared to the rest of the cast). Finally, its pacing would exhaust a snail; a friend I was watching it with promptly fell asleep. Don't blame him one fucking bit. Small wonder such an intellectually lightweight kids' film, with a cult following, is getting remade. The only thing the movie had going for were great visuals for 1982 and a neat fantasy world. And honestly, in the hands of a good writer, a good editor, a good director, and a completely different, good cast....this would be a DAMN good film. So I'm not discounting the possibility the remake/sequel will be way better than the original, and maybe even good. However, my optimism took a dramatic hit when I noticed that Steven Lisberger, the incompetent writer/director of the original, is a writer and producer of Tron 2. Fucking shit. I hope that's true in title only.
I don't care how old these guys are, as long as they keep manning up and doing the crazy shit they've been always good at, I'm sold. At least it's not The Ringer part 2.
Yeah, I was a fan way back in the CKY days so I'll be seeing this in the theater. Steve-O's face during the Port-a-Potty slingshot makes it all worth while. Knoxville has some kind of weird addiction to this stuff. I remember reading that after 2.0 he still had the Jackass urge in his system and would run into street signs at full speed. Say what you will, but for a guy who has abused his body as much as he has, he looks pretty decent for 39.