Tempest, an adaptation of Shakespeare done by the same lady who did Across the Universe and Titus. Sold. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.traileraddict.com/player.swf?id=28377&e=y" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.traileraddict.com/player.swf?id=28377&e=y</a>
This is the first I've heard of that. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that it looks incredible. A lot of changes from the source material evidently. Helen Mirren as Prospero? I'm on board. Djimon Hounsou as Caliban is just awesome, in my opinion. Stoked.
Really? Vigilante crime films have been coming out a dime a dozen in Asian countries for the past 20 years. Upon watching the trailer, I instantly thought of Jet Li's "Black Mask", which not only had a secret criminal organization, and a betrayed protagonist...but even the same exact fucking mask, only black instead of red. Whether the film is actually any good or not is going to solely depend on the choreography. Personally, I'm pessimistic; before Tony Jaa showed up in 2003, Thai action films have been known as shitty, low production knock-offs of the genuine article (Hong Kong action). Considering the first movie that came to mind upon seeing that trailer was also a Hong Kong classic, I'm not hopeful they're breaking the mold here. As much as I like Asian films, putting the trailer above in the same category as "The Dark Knight" is a freaking insult to the latter.
20/20 had a story on the upcoming documentary/"reality thriller" Catfish. First off, I'd be very surprised if this movie isn't 100 percent fabricated, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But filmmakers shouldn't pawn their story off as reality if it's not. If you can't tell a compelling enough story without lying to the audience of its origins, you shouldn't be making films. Secondly, why is 20/20 (a respected show back in the day) feeding this frenzy? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the mysterious girl and her family all signed waivers to have their images in a "reality thriller" while having the protagonists call them psychopaths, but it seems very far-fetched to me. Considering 20/20 summarized the whole movie along with the twist, I'm really wondering what the movie has left to offer. "Don't let anyone tell you what it is", the movie's tagline is some vague bullshit copied directly from the king of hype with no content JJ Abrams. I hope this movie flops and serves as an example to filmmakers that novelty tricks and lying to your audience isn't needed to make a successful movie.
I just recently watched Sin City and Pulp Fiction, so I guess you could say I've been on a bit of a Bruce Willis binge. And it doesn't look like thats going to be ending anytime soon.
I don't often like trailers, but both the ones I have seen for "Red" were pretty good. And it's so simple, too; just treat a premise like that as something funny and absurd, instead of taking it seriously. Focus- Second trailer for "True Grit" hit...WAY better than the first. Seriously, it's like night and day;
Oh shit son! Not that I'd be surprised that the third Batman movie could and will be good but this makes me think it will be pretty goddamned awesome: http://www.deadline.com/2010/10/tom-hardy-reunited-with-inception-helmer-chris-nolan-on-batman/
Jackass 3D is officially one of the greatest movies ever Saw the midnight showing last night. 3D is a bunch of shit, it just looked really high def. That movie is hilarious though.
I am not a big movie buff, and it is rare that I get excited about one, but I just saw a preview for The Next Three Days, and it looks awesome. Does anybody here know more about it?
Unknown Heres one with Liam Neeson. Looks like its part Taken, part Bourne and definitely does not look like anything we havent seen before. Even with looking unoriginal, Liam Neeson is awesome and I loved seeing him kick ass in Taken so Ill definitely be checking it out when its released.
Well, if it looks like two shitty action movies with awful fight scenes (both with SHAKY CAM), I will probably sit this one out. Thanks for the warning. Speaking of which, what's the last good Hollywood action film that also had quality fight scenes and choreography? Absolutely nothing is coming to mind. Focus- Full length trailer of one of my favorite books finally hit; If you haven't read the novel, you're laughing right now, whether it's the clumsy, lame-sounding Engrish, or the generic scenes in this lousy trailer. Thing is, I can't figure out any way to translate something as unorthodox, understated, and unique as the novel into a ninety second movie ad. It's literally impossible. At the same time, the trailer provides several good sign, considering they credited the actors playing Hatsumi and Nagasawa, a seeming side story that nevertheless has a lot to do with the central plot. Oh, and the whole "look" is fucking perfect, whether it's the facial expressions of the actors, or the scenery and background.
According to this article, <a class="postlink" href="http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=71200" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=71200</a> The third Batman movie is going to be called The Dark Knight Rises. I think Christopher Nolan could have come up with a better name than that, but whatever. (The Caped Crusader?) The upside is, it wont have the Riddler as the villain. I guess the speculation is revolving around Tom Hardy as The Penguin or Bane. I saw Bronson recently and Im starting to like him more and more since I first saw him in RocknRolla. If the rumors are true, hopefully it wont be a total fuck up like the last time Bane was the villain.
Am I the only one who wants to see Harley Quinn? She could be ridiculously hot and is fucking crazy. She could follow in the crazy footsteps of the Joker after he was taken away, obviously we don't want just another Dark Knight, but a little bit more of the same couldn't be bad.
I think it would work much like Scarecrow popped up in the beginning of Dark Knight, to show that Batman is always dealing with crazies in addition to "destroy the city" type bad guys. Maybe a girl gets inspired by Joker and goes on a quick rampage before getting busted by Batman 10 minutes into the movie. The whole movie shouldn't be about her, though.
It would certainly be better than retreading Catwoman, I think Halle Berry ruined that for all time. My initial thoughts when I heard about the title were that they were maybe going to pursue a Knightfall-esque storyline and have Bane or whomever the central villain is put Batman out of commission during the first third, Gotham's reaction and descent into darkness without Bats' protection in the second third, and have the last act as Batman "rising" to take back Gotham.
I can't imagine that being possible. The whole point of the end of the first was Commissioner Gordon handing Batman the Joker card, which was a perfect foreshadow for the second film. I've heard rumors of Catwoman appearing in this flick, too. Personally, I think the best villain for this movie is Bane. His Knightfall storyline of being a guy who wants to take over the city's organized crime fits in nicely with the universe Nolan has created. Bane wants to take over all of the city's organized crime rings, and he does so by taking out Batman and scaring/forcing the other crime families to fall into place.
This is exactly what I'm expecting from the 3rd installment, and kinda hoping for. Riddler, Bane, (not) Catwoman, (not) Penguin, more of Two-Face seems garaunteed, I really don't care. As long as they acknowledge the absence of Joker, and make the rest of the script compelling (and Christian Bale tone down the "Bat-Voice"), I'm gonna see it. Shit, who are we joking, if they have anything like the ad campaign they had last time, even if they don't, we're all gonna see it. Whenever it comes out, 4th of July, Christmas, Halloween, any other major movie weekend, doesn't matter. It will be number one at the box office for three weeks.