Do I think Tom Cruise is a dumb motherfucker and the entire MI franchise has ballooned into an obese, lumbering giant of a cash grab? Absolutely I do. Will I go see this movie because Cruise is one of the great action film stars of all time? Absolutely I will. If they released a trailer that suggested the My Little Pony dolls somehow infiltrated NATO and Ethan Hunt was the only thing that could stop Sparkle Pony from launching nukes into downtown San Francisco, I'd still see it because there's a decent chance we'll get to see Tom Cruise in a high tech wing suit jumping from a space station that's experiencing orbital decay.
I couldn't agree more. He does all his own stunts so i think that is why his movies just look better. You get nice close ups, nice wide shots of him doing what ever he is doing.
I love how he just redoes big, fun stunts just because it was fun, well after they got a usable shot. “When are you going to get another chance to do this? So let’s do it again!” Dude has a point. As much as he’s a religious fruit cake, all reports are he’s the nicest, most respectful person on the set. I, too, will watch every movie he puts out.
Word. That’s how you do it— plenty of shots to grab your attention, while giving nothing away. I also love that Danny Boyle is directing this one. He did the first one.
That 1915 recording of Kipling's poem "Boots" was played incessantly on repeat during the resistance phase of SERE school.
When I heard they are shooting The Naked Gun 4 I thought it could only be awful. Then I heard Liam Neeson will star as Frank Drebin Jr and I thought “Oh, that’s PERFECT.” Who could possibly play a stone-faced, deadpan cop surrounded by lunacy better? Schedule release is August 1 2025.
This might be the most intentionally confusing trailer I’ve ever seen. It looks promising and original, but I cannot tell what sort of film this is. It plays off like one of Tim’s sketches but looks like a stalker thriller.