(Sorry for the double post, but I couldn't edit my post and I thought I should embed the trailer and spare everybody the trouble of clicking a link.)
Fuck yes. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.ign.com/videos/2010/11/17/your-highness-restricted-trailer?show=HD" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ign.com/videos/2010/11/17/yo ... er?show=HD</a> Kenny Powers meets The Princess Bride. Can't wait for this
You're insulting a truly great film with that comparison; that trailer looks fucking awful. Moreover, when did everyone decide to start casting Danny McBride as the lead in their films? He's an okay supporting actor, but as a comic lead, he is more one-dimensional than Will Ferrell, and has become annoying and unfunny much faster. That retard English accent he is attempting only makes it worse. The only two amusing parts both belonged to the villain; he was pretty good. The rest sucked. Focus- A Jason Statham re-make of a Charlie Bronson classic? (They're my two favorite action stars ever) Well, the trailer leaves a lot to be desired, but it's not bad, either. Typical, though. I like that they resisted making the apprentice an immature funny man clown. The original Bronson film had a hokey, lame trailer, by the way. On the downside, it's directed by Simon West, the genius behind such classics as "The General's Daughter", "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", and the re-make of "When a Stranger Calls", one of the worst horror films of the last 10 years. His best film is "Con Air". Anyways, I don't have high expectations, but I will keep an eye out for this film early in 2011.
Green Lantern is pne of my favorite superheroes. I actually facepalmed after watching this trailer. It's rough indeed. This coming from a guy that has little or no standards in movies. And since I've already prefaced it, I'm pretty fucking excited for Skyline.
No real trailer yet, but hopefully this will be an apology to make up for At World's End. Ugh. This could be good (or not), I noticed Christopher Waltz as a key villain:
Black Swan- A movie about ballerinas. Meh. But there's supposedly a graphic lesbian scene between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Might be worth watching just for that.
It's by Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler), who I feel is a quality, decent director, but also brutally overrated. (And "Requiem for a Dream" kind of sucked) The score is done by Clint Mansell, my favorite film composer today, but music alone isn't nearly enough to carry a film. It's just an accessory. The trailer looked cool though (how often do I write that?), and in an absolutely awful year for Hollywood films, it's probably worth checking out, since there is at least a chance of it being really good.
Sold! I will likely watch Harry Potter next week. I sadly do not have high hopes. One of the issues I had with some of the later books was they had a lot of pointless meandering in them. For example, Order of the Phoenix has about 200 extraneous pages of teen angst spread around through it. I actually preferred the movie version because the constraints of movie length forced them to cut out a lot of that while still keeping the essence. Deathly Hallows, however, they went ahead and made into two movies which makes me think they kept the overlong middle section of the book intact instead of tightening it up for a fantastic, but still long, single movie. But, we'll see I suppose.
I have little interest in the film, but apparently, Stephen Chow ("Shaolin Soccer", "Kung Fu Hustle") was originally supposed to be both the director as well as play Kato. If they had kept that arrangement, I would have been ridiculously excited; no one does action comedies as well as that dude. However, Stephen Chow backed out. (Wonder why?) I haven't seen any films by Michael Gondry, but I have seen Jay Chou (Kato) before; he is a Chinese pop idol who can't act to save his life, and is a significant detriment to any picture he is in, whether good or bad. The main reason he is cast in anything is because of his legion of Asian fangirls. Think of him as a Chinese Justin Timberlake type except even less talented, with moderately inferior acting ability to a Keanu Reeves.
I saw this trailer first, and was like...wow. How the hell does the fan made trailer look like a far superior movie to the one that cost millions of dollars to make (and subsequently ruin)?
I almost came with excitement when I heard that Stephen Chow was doing Green Hornet. So goddamned pumped, and then he backs out for apparently scheduling conflicts. That means you RESCHEDULE THE FILM SO THAT STEPHEN GODDAMN CHOW CAN PLAY KATO DEAR LORD HOW IS THIS ROCKET SCIENCE UGH. So now the movie looks pretty medicore, and the guy playing Kato just makes it way worse.
I love the Fast and Furious series. Fast 5: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/12/14/video-fast-and-furious-five-trailer-hits-the-web/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.autoblog.com/2010/12/14/vide ... s-the-web/</a>
Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon Never been a big fan of the Transformers movies, trailer is kind of cool though. Even though it sounds like they stole the Inception sound effect.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1403865/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1403865/</a> Wrong. Just fucking wrong. First they butcher classics like Karate Kid, Willy Wonka, and Bad News Bears. Now this? FUCK YOU HOLLYWOOD. FUCK YOU IN THE UNCREATIVE EAR. EAT SHIT, MOTHERFUCKERS.
Except in this particular case, you couldn't be more wrong. It's directed by the Coen Brothers, not a studio-approved blockbuster hack, and is based more on the original book than the John Wayne film was. I posted the newest trailer a few pages back, and it looks pretty good; The actual film might not turn out good, but it doesn't smack of a blatant cash grab like the three movies you mentioned above. (And the original "Karate Kid" sucked, too)
It doesn't matter who does this movie or what their motive is. John Wayne is Rooster Cogburn. Just like Gene Wilder is Willy Wonka. When something is perfect the first time around, you don't mess with it.