Jeremy Renner has officially been cast as the new star of the Bourne Films, and all signs are pointing to a prequel. Maybe they'll go back early enough where the camera man hasn't developed Parkinson's yet and it won't be terrible?
That might be the most tragically unfunny trailer I've ever seen in my life. Are Aziz Ansari's and Danny McBride's respective 15 minutes up yet? Actually, that's unfair on my part...I never understood how Ansari even got a single minute.
Did you watch Eastbound and Down, or Parks and Recreation? I'll fully admit that Ansari's character on Scrubs frequently annoyed and rarely provided laughs, but both of their roles on those two shows prove that you're way off base here. You could even look at McBride in Pineapple Express or Tropic Thunder, or Ansari in Funny People as further examples.
Or just a white collar professional with some semblance of taste. I'm not as eager to wolf down the pig shit Hollywood produces these days as you are. Good, funny first season, and a second season so humorless and shitty, I quit watching after the first couple of episodes. Danny McBride plays the same damn character in every film and television show, and I've already grown tired of it a few movies ago. What the hell did McBride do in Tropic Thunder, exactly? He was on screen for a couple of minutes, delivered a few ordinary lines, and that was it. Shit, if that's your benchmark for a good comedic actor, than half the fucking people on this planet should be starring in comedies. As for Ansari, he is painfully irritating and never funny. His material and delivery suck; Dane Cook is 10 times the comedian he is, and I think Dane Cook is garbage. Hell, I went to high school and college with a bunch of Indian dudes, and some of them were way funnier than Ansari while not coming off as nearly as cliche, predictable, and annoying. Jesse Eisenberg is a talented dude, meanwhile, but he's typecast in the same role, and has to accept some shitty roles for the money, like everyone in Hollywood these days.
Anonymous My biggest worry is Roland Emmerich as director considering he is very hit or miss (mainly miss) but never the less I hope its as good as it sounds.
So it was really 4chan who wrote the works, and they all trolled us for the lulz, right? Not a bad trailer, though.
Love the 30 minutes or less trailer. Sucks they speak English, but at least its nice to know a good comedy is on the way.
Wow not bad. Could be pretty interesting. On another note, like a wife who just keeps going back for more, it looks like the Terminator franchise will take yet another beating. Arnold is set to star in T5, and hes 64 for anyone keeping track. Even worse, they have the Fast Five director at the helm. The only way to make this salvagable is if Arnold isnt the Terminator. He could be a resistance soldier or something along those lines, and they need to do away with the John Connor storyline and explore some other aspect. I love this series, but as for T4, I dont have high hopes for this one.
Both of these two trailers struck my fancy. I was actually surprised by the X-Men trailer. I had pretty much written it off to begin with but they may actually be able to pull it together. At the very least they should make good popcorn movies for the summer.
Here's the full trailer for Super 8, JJ Abrahms' tribute to Spielburg's Amblin-era films. I predict it will be the biggest movie of the summer.
If you don't think it will suck, you clearly haven't seen any of JJ Abrams' previous fucking abortions.
I loved the new star trek and lost was one of my favorite shows. But super 8 just doesn't really interest me. Its like spielberg is trying to do et again or something like that. Until I hear different I will just wait for it to hit dvd.
I may have to retract a statement I've made often on this board that women aren't funny. Bridesmaids looks smart and funny-