It's awesome that Moss from IT Crowd is in it, but I have a feeling it's just going to be "that cast" being "those characters" for the billionth time.
In my continuing theory that nothing is sacred, they are remaking.... Robocop. I'm sorry, that tears it. Somebody has to die for that. TRUE classic action movies (i.e The Terminator, The Killer, Die Hard and yes, Robocop) should NEVER be remade. The original is as good as it gets: slam-bang action, dated but still incredible effects, intentionally extreme violence, and pure tongue-in-cheek. No matter how hard they try, it will not be as good as the Verehoven original. NO WAY.
I think everyone can just go home, because any chance of winning an Oscar for the 2012 season once this hits theaters is gone. I present to you the first 10 minutes of The FP, the best dystopian underground video game dance battle movie in history. It's like Step Up 2: The Streets vomited out a mixture of Idiocracy and Malibu's Most Wanted--and it's glorious. NSFW language, if that matters. Spoiler Just when you think it can't get any more intense, you're smacked across the face with "Omega Gangsta Mode."
A Canadian friend of mine recently saw this film. The producers are presently attempting to secure US distribution. It looks like a neat little flick; NSFW Spoiler
It taps the same sick vein aqs Hobo With A Shotgun, sort of the same cheapo-sadism ode to grindhouse flicks, but this one also nods the late 60's biker exploitation flicks as wel(like Psychomania)l, complete with rape scenes and $0.50 gore make-up effects. It's terrible, but intentionally terrible. Most people will probably think it's garbage.
Right, it's a neo-grindhouse flick filled with graphic mutilation, brutal rape, and child murder. What I'm trying to say friend thought it was outstanding, and I would probably enjoy it, too. That gorgeous poster doesn't hurt matters, either. I'm sure; it's a niche market. But since you got a chance to watch it, how would you compare it to "Hobo With A Shotgun"? Better, worse?
Worse. They're both Canadian films (I think) but I found Hobo awesome personally and more fun, but if you like it then you'll like this. It's more disgusting, though.
I actually watched this clip. Don't feel bad for me, feel bad for humanity. This cannot be a real, serious movie. This has to be some film school joke project. This is not a real thing. Also, why are there no black people? None? Really? No. Just no, not even for ironic funny's sake. There is no good to come of this.
There's no way it could be a simple school project. Not with the super-polished look, this obviously has a crew, real lighting, real sound mixing, obviously hair and make-up, and MONEY. They're using top-notch cameras which usually run a over a hundred grand. You can't build a set piece like that even as shitty as it was without thousands of dollars, and there are DOZENS of extras to boot. Tommy Wiseau's film The Room, possibly the worst film ever and a remarkable catastrophe made cost more than $4 million, all out of Wiseau's pocket and he hired people that had NEVER acted before. That film in an enormous turd but so bad that it's high comedy (and a midnight movie like Rocky Horror), but even shit films cost big bucks. This movie looks awesome beyond belief. If it IS a real film, then I want to see it not only to see the rest of it's terribleness, but to see some more mothafuckin OMEGA GANGSTA MODE, BEEEEYACH!!!!!
To be fair to downndirty, it will probably be a lousy film, even with all of its wonderful irony. The concept is cool and funny, but the execution is really poor. They almost couldn't have done less with such a humorous idea. (Almost because "Omega Gangsta Mode" was pretty funny) It was barely amusing enough not to become annoying by the end of its first 10 minutes; that's a bad sign for a movie that relies so heavily on the novelty of its parody/absurdity. In that sense, it reminds me of a lot of unintentionally bad movies; 80 minutes of boring crap, and 10 minutes of unintentionally funny material. They make for some great Youtube highlight videos, but actually watching the whole things has always bored the living hell out of me.
I swear to you, The FP is real. I think it was released in 26 cities here in the US this past weekend. It was something they originally started as a short, but the two guys who directed it always intended for it to be a full-length film. It cost them $100K to make. Here is the filmdrunk review of the movie. Here's an interview with the two brothers who made the movie. Honestly, this looks like the perfect thing to turn on and watch with a bunch of friends and a stocked cooler of beer. If you take it seriously for even a fraction of a second, the appeal of this movie is lost on you. The actors take it so seriously that you never have to.
I've defended Michael Bay and all his Michael Bay-ness for years. Every single shitty to decent movie, I've been on board because I loved him for who he was. He wasn't trying to make Oscar winners, or actually shoot for the Razzies like it seemed. He made movies where I could forget about the real world, and see some crazy shit explode all over the place with hot chicks and funny one liners. No more, I cannot forgive him for this... You do not... do not turn my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles into aliens...
Honestly does anyone really gives a fuck? The cartoons were good, the movies sucked, does this really get fans goat? Kind of like the people that bitched about how aliens had no place in Indiana Jones movies. If Indy IV hadn't have sucked in every other respect people would have accepted aliens just like accepted fucking ghost shooting out of the Ark of the Covenant melting Nazi faces or a thousand year old knight from the Crusades. If the movie sucks a dick it's going to take a lot more than switching a minor plot point to make it better. "I just can't believe giant post pubescent turtles could come from space they HAVE to have been born here on Earth for me to believe it." Fuck. Who says space turtles can't be mutated by space radiation? If Krang is in it I'd be happier.
Agreed. Please stop talking about TMNT like it is high art. It never was, in ANY form and believe me I am old enough to give it a shot in every category. And don't expect Bay to give you what you want. Why? Because he's Michael Bay. His job is to make movies look like music videos, berate his entire crew just because he feels like it, and rip off his action scenes from older, better films. THE END.
That's not really the same thing because in one you're changing a pretty iconic plot point and in the other you're talking about the franchise merely using something different to drive the movie than what fans were used to. Instead, imagine if in the latest Indiana Jones movie they made Indy an Interpol inspector who also dabbles in archeology. Heck, it's right in the name, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Although you are right in that maybe they were space faring turtles radiated in space! I will agree though that a lot of people who are fans can, in my mind, all go suck a dick since the cutesy cartoon/movie iterations of the turtles are miles removed from the awesome graphic novel beginnings they had. Although I did find it nice that in the first movie they actually gave a nod to the graphic novels in the scene where Raphael gets thrown through a skylight. Oh, and Crown, are you really telling people not to bitch about TMNT because it's not "high art" when in the previous page you're complaining about a Robocop remake? I love Robocop also, but a little consistency in your rambling would be nice.
It's pretty much a given that if you don't want angry masses, don't fuck with people's childhood icons.