Re: Re: Upcoming Movies Thread I'll watch it when it hits dvd, I don't believe it'll be his last film though, his smodcast "empire" can't make him that much money.
Re: Re: Upcoming Movies Thread I don't know about that. He does at least 1, if not 2 or more live shows a week, tours his podcasts and Q&A's, not to mention advertising, his TV show (Comic Book Men), his comic book store, the other tv shows we don't know about yet (a TV version of Babble-On is apparently in the works), and the Hit Somebody mini-series are all pretty good forms of income. Hell, Adam Carolla only does his podcast and live shows and he seems to be doing pretty well, and Smith seems to have way more stuff going on I also liked Clerks 2 more than Clerks, but give a listen to Hollywood Babble-On this week. He talks all about the major holdup with Clerks 3, namely that the Weinsteins seem to still owe Kevin, Mosier, Mewes, O'Halloran, and Jeff Anderson money from Clerks 2, and Mosier and Anderson don't want to work with the Weinsteins until that situation gets resolved.
It's got me interested simply because the trailer wasn't filled with this sound every time the scene changed like every other sci fi trailer in the last year.
I genuinely had zero interest in this movie, mostly because I have zero interest in Superman as a character. I've really only read one great story about Superman (Kingdom Come), and otherwise I just find him to be an incredibly boring character. Even the Death of Superman books were really only good when it examined the affect his death had on the rest of the DC Universe. He can literally do just about anything, and to me, that always made him kind of boring. That said, this trailer actually made me want to see this movie. I really didn't think it was possible.
Yeah but why does Superman always have to have such a nasal and dorky voice? What is left to tell in this story?
Re: Re: Upcoming Movies Thread I mean he basically does stand up show like Adam Carolla does with his podcast right? He's got a devoted following and that could provide a solid income along with all the other stuff he'd do, write, produce, TV shows, etc. I thought Clerks 2 was hilarious, Id be down for another one...
Johnny Depp. Lone Ranger. Looks passable. Sorry about the link. Can't embed a non Youtube link
Does anyone else think Depp's "Howhh white man" accent sounds terrible? I mean the make up looks cool but man does he sound like a terribly racist version of a redskin? Is that part of the schtick or something from the old show? What am I missing? Still, could be cool.
It doesn't seem racist to me. I think it's a bit of a nod to the old show, but also, I don't think he's trying to portray how Native Americans talk, but how the character Tonto talks.
That trailer looks suprisingly awesome. Depp was inducted as an honourary Sioux member by their chief during filming, and his wardrobe in the movie is all traditionally authentic stuff, right down to the dead raven on his head. Kubla: Virtually all natives think "redskin" is a racist term. Whatever, I still root for the football team.
I didn't come here for the witty conversation, but I came to this. Holy Balls this looks awesome. How can any film with a jet-powered superpunch be anything less than sweet, sugary, bourbony audiovisual delicousness.
Stringer Bell, Jax Teller, and GLaDOS fight giant monsters in giant robots? Greatest movie of the year or of all time?
The bird is traditionally authentic? In other words, he had a bad depth-perception while looking at a painting. I don't know shit about indians, but if Depp is an honorary Sioux member, than Steven Seagel really is a samurai and Madonna is an honorary British person. But about the movie. Well, Bruckheimer knows how to hire guys who can make really good trailers, but we all know how his movies end up. Overwrought, tone-deaf, awkward paced pieces of shit.
Well, crap. The only bad part apart this movie is that no one will make anymore action movies after this . . . except for sequels to this one. Booyah.
Michael Bay's name leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but at least it looks original and funny (fucking superheroes, old toys, etc.). If Bay can lay off the fucking pyrotechnics he may have something. Wahlberg has found his true calling in movies with humour. The guy is so earnest with comedy, he should have done it from the start.