In the trailers I keep seeing Mcconaughey making weird noises at a restaurant with Leo, and I read he improvised those bits. I guess it's supposed to be comic relief but it just looks....stupid. Like he's so charming he can make strange noises and people will be laughing their asses off. I don't recall any of that in the book. I trust Scorcese though, so I hope those bits are taken out of context and it's not him just being unbearably smug.
I won't judge you, but that is the worst fucking trailer I have ever seen. I have never seen so much fail in under 3 minutes.
After watching a few episodes of Ninjago with my cousin's kid I can tell you if the same people are involved in making it, it will be absolute SHIT with Lego commercials interspersed between scenes.
I cannot believe Aronovsky is tied to that. I thought I was watching the trailer for What Dreams May Come 2. I hope there's Home Alone-inspired hi jinx when the conformists storm the ark. Maybe a monkey hits a guy with a coconut and smiles, real original stuff. LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME
All I care about is the repopulation scenes with Emma Watson. I'm assuming there will be a lengthy director's cut. Though, this is brilliant. All those church goers that haven't had squat to do since 8MM.. err Passion of The Christ came out will flock in droves to see it. It'd also be a great FU if they wrote Noah as a paranoid schizophrenic.
I love Darren Aronofsky. You couldn't keep me away from this movie if you tried. Jennifer C, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, and the motherfucking gladiator? I'm in. Seriously though, the funny thing I love about this is that he's taking a bible story, but at the same time DA is on record saying he wants all his movie to be "adult fairytales." I can taste the "irony" (think I'm using irony wrong here but the incorrect definition works best here).
I hope they show Noah getting drunk and being seen naked by his sons and then cursing out his grandson for what transpired. Old Testament is pure nuts sometimes.
Man, you guys must've really had some issues with your parents making you go to church. (5 lames - really?) Forget the religion part, There are lots of Old Testament stories that are brilliantly fruitful for an artist like Aronovsky to turn into a film. I seriously doubt the film will be making any sort of case for whether or not God, or some organized religious Judea Christian version of God is true. It's no different than making a film from one of Shakespeare's plays or an epic poem from Homer. If the source material is compelling, it's worth attempting to craft a film. Besides, they can make no statement whatsoever about whether or not God is real or really flooded the earth, and simply retell what's in the Bible, and there will be a huge market that's interested in seeing it. In other words, why would Hollywood, and therefore the producers (and Aronovsky) shy away from making an easy 100 million dollars?
And let’s face it, the target market will believe anything so it's not like it has to be a well crafted sci-fi or drama, just have lot's of Goddiness. See passion of the christ In other news I'm excited about Pompeii, which means the disappointment will be palpable. I fucking hate Hollywood.
That's true to an extent. But, it's not just that the target market will believe anything - it's that the target market wants to see things they already believe portrayed on film. Look at Atlas Shrugged's release - it was a flop. But, the target market for Noah is HUGE. I don't think you have to say "see passion of the christ" - you could say "see insert Summer-released animated movie here" for the kid demographic. If only 25% of Ayn Rand fans are interested, that's not a huge number, but if you get 25% of Jews and Christians interested? There's a reason they promote movies with "from the people who brought you xx" - the market is already there.
They aren't wasting time with Justice League at all. The lovely Gal Gadot (the Israeli chick from Fast 5 and 6) will play Wonder Woman along side Affleck's Batman in the next Superman movie. Is it a Superman movie still?
Looks interesting, but I really wish JJ Abrams would get off his ass and give us Cloverfield 2. So many questions...