I like Taylor as Gambit. Wolverine: Origins wasn't good. I need to see first class, because they're sort of resetting the story with First Class and Days of Future Past because whoever did Last Stand fucked up what Bryan was trying to set-up.
Motherfucker just threw explosive Ace of spades at your forehead and macked on all the ladies because you're a Canadian born BITCH. Gambit ruled. Also Im guessing at some point the Xmen movie have to turn to Apocalypse?
Given that they just teased Bishop, he'll probably end up being the villian in this or be teased for the next one. No way he isn't part of this series. Can't have Bishop without Apocalypse right? Or am I high? Is that Cable? Fuck it, I'm going to to wikipedia.
Uwe Boll could have directed Usual Suspects and it would have been good. Some people fall into luck time and time again in Hollywood with no discernable talent- see Keanu Reeves.
This brings me happy. I was a huuuuge comic book nerd as a kid, often resorting to fistfights with my brothers to get to them first. I stopped reading back in the mid-90s, when the art went to shit...but Apocalypse? I AM SO IN. You've made my day. Yay!
Hayao Miyazaki's next (and supposedly last) film is coming out in a few weeks. Suffice to say, I'm pretty excited.
Thats not just any robotic T-Rex. He has a name. His name is Grimlock and he's a Dinobot. Wonder if this will suck as much as the other sequels. The first one was barely even okay, Michael Bay needs fast-acting cancer to kill the fuck out of him.
Disney FINALLY decides to go dark again (the reason they were a success in the first place), this is what $200,000,000 looks like kids: