Looks like a fucking cartoon, and skinny chicks with swords, fucks sake. Would be cut down in seconds. I like the first one, and I'm sure I will find this one tolerable, would love to see a proper version of this historic epoch made though, it doesn’t need to be hyper wanked, the real story would more than carry itself.
Bruce Campbell as the iconic Ash and Sam Raimi will reunite for Army of Darkness 2 due out in late 2015-early 2016. In which after it will gel with a connecting sequel to The Evil Dead remake. I'm pissed they waited this long, on the other hand I don't care. Ash is one of my favourite movie characters, and he's certainly one of pop culture's most beloved.
Unbroken Anybody see this trailer during the Olympics yet? I don't know how good Angelina Jolie will be directing this, but I believe Joel & Ethan Coen wrote the final screenplay. If you haven't read the book, you've got until Christmas.
You're probably gonna continue to be pissed for a while, because unless you got a link I couldn't find, Campbell's debunked talk of AoD2 as being anything other than idle talk that fans like jump all over with an Andy Dufresne-load of hope. I think for the sake of my sanity I'm going to have to assume that like he says, nothing's actually happening until (and *if*) an official announcement is made. Granted, he played the status of the Evil Dead remake pretty coyly, but even that one was practically dead until Álvarez pitched his take. In the meantime I'm tempering a more casual excitement for Bruce vs. Frankenstein, the sequel to Campbell's mildly amusing if fairly broad My Name is Bruce that he wrote and directed. There might be less demand for it, but stranger things have happened and he seems keen (script already written) to do it, which can go a long way. Oh, and uh, hi guys. Did I miss anything good?
It's directed by James Gunn, who made Slither and wrote the remake of Dawn of the Dead. This will probably be a lot of fun, considering this is probably one of the cheesiest team in Marvel Comics and that actually looked pretty good. And yes, that's Vin Diesel as "Groot". All these Marvel Universe movies intersecting are ultimately leading to The Infinity Gauntlet War with Thanos. Lord knows how many more of them there will be before they reach that.
Good to hear. The first one was what a hardcore action movie needs to be: pure adrenaline. No show-off slow motion or played-out wire fighting. This movie makes it look real and looks like it hurts. That Indonesian fighting style is so explosive: inflict as many blows as hard as you can as quick as possible. I hope they have a good replacement for Mad Dog.
You don't know what you've got 'til it's . . . This website is pretty clever but the song choice for the trailer is too distracting. As it gets closer to release, I'm sure they'll recut other trailers, but I think they'd should've used a different song. Or maybe opened with the "news reports" and then into the song. Is that Richard Butler from Psychedelic Furs singing? I am looking forward to this. I enjoyed the book, but I wasn't really satisfied with the ending. I read that Flynn totally changed the third act for the film version, so it should be interesting.
This is actually pretty good. They tend to fuck up the X-men movies, but if they get some of the fight scenes right, I'll be pleased.
No idea what the link is but they have Marvel movies mapped out for the nest 15 years at least with more after that including Ant Man and spin offs from Guardians for starters.
So, you're saying there's a chance?! Holding out hope that this is half as funny as I want it to be. The first part of the trailer seems liked a tired bit - but, then it TOTALLY redeems itself. I smell Oscar! Although, I did have chili last night, so that could be something else.
Everyone can get on the Rogen/Franco hate train, but they generally amuse me. Whoever thought up The Interview deserves a gold star sticker on their file. I'd see it based on the poster alone. Plot: Franco and Rogen are journalists tasked by the CIA to kill Kim Jong-un in North Korea. Sorry, that's brilliant.
That is the most amazing plot idea I have seen for a movie ever. I haven't been a huge fan of the Franco/ Rogen movies of the past, but I don't see how this couldn't be amazing. Whomever came up with the idea is a genius.