That looks really cool. I read the first two volumes years ago, but didn't realize a Netflix adaptation was in the works. I'll definitely check that out.
This an upcoming movie, but also, I just watched the original. It was good. I used to love horror movies, and grew up on the Freddies and Jasons. I thought Scream was clever, and the original Saw was well done. But, then lately, everything seemed to switch to "how gross can we get" with the new Saws and (wtf) Human Centipede instead of being creative with the story. I just figured that genre had moved on from me, with the occasional It (remake) or new Halloween (sequel). Happy Death Day is currently free on FXNow, and I actually thought the sequel looked interesting based on the trailer. So, I watched the original a couple nights ago, and it's quite good. It has an old-school vibe - not, Night of the Living Dead old school, but Friday the 13th old school. It's Groundhog Day crossed with Scream. Clever, funny, scary, has a twist, etc.
They pushed the date, obvisouly, and now it opens this weekend. Back when the trailer first came out, I thought, those eyes are too big, that character looks dumb. It looks like they just added the big-eye Snapchat filter to everything. (Apparently, this was a common reaction across the interwebs) Now that the new trailer has been running, I thought, ha! they fixed the eyes and made them smaller. Nope. I was wrong.
That looks great. The title sounds dumb. But, that didn't stop Edge of Tomorrow from being good. Also, that link's not working. Here's another:
Yep. Have to say, it's looking like Netflix is really putting out a pretty good volume of quality content these days.
It’s the Crüe, dude. You have to go harder. Before you watch it you need to go on gruelling tours and do heroin. the original should of done way better in the box office. It is a great movie, hope they don't fuck this up.
Hell yeah. I have the DVD that was labeled with the better title of Live. Die. Repeat. I love that movie. I thought American Made was good, too - I don't know why Doug Liman films don't get more love.
Most of his movies are good. “Jumper” and “Go” were terrible, but he has a great list besides that. Bourne Identity was fantastic. Edge of Tomorrow ranks up there with “Aliens” as far as sci-fi movies go. It is fucking AWESOME. A great story, characters, humour, and plot devices that never run out of steam. And it’s tonnes of fun. It’s a model for what Starship Troopers should have been, as a movie.
This looks surprisingly, optimistically funny... here's hoping it's not all the good parts jammed into the trailer.
Two movies with a hero named Captain Marvel within a couple weeks of each other. This does look fun, though.