I fully believe in jinxes. I hate telling people that something good might be about to happen (like if I have a job interview lined up or if I just had a good first date) because I'm completely convinced I just doomed whatever it was to failure by prematurely talking about how great it's going to be and how sure of myself I am. I keep making exceptions, though, and if whatever it was does fall through there's always a part of me that's like "nope it was totally because I jinxed myself and had nothing to do with there being a better candidate for the job." I also like to be really dramatic about when a coworker notices aloud that no one's in any chats because clearly that means they just made someone decide to come chat with us and it wasn't them deciding on their own. I don't believe in the cheats like crossing your fingers or knocking on wood. If you've jinxed us you've ruined it. No turning back. I don't believe in any of the classic/standard superstitions, like black cats and what not, but I do tend to believe in signs and omens. There's no overarching trend or anything, but if something I'm excited for/anxious about/skeptical of is approaching I do find myself making decisions based on if I've gotten a good or bad sign about it. I think this kind of stuff traces all the way back through both sides of my family to The Old Country. And while I don't, personally, consider this superstition exactly, I have beliefs about spirits/ghosts/good and bad energy and doing things to not fuck that shit up. Like, for example, I learned when I was really young that you can reduce your chances of being haunted if you simply acknowledge the ghosts when you think they're there, so if I go to a place that's clearly haunted I'll say "hello, ghosts!" nice and friendlylike and my friends will laugh at me but have we ever been hurt by ghosts? No! SO YOU'RE WELCOME.