The first and only time I've measured mine was about a year ago, just because I was curious how long it was. I've never cared to keep track. How does the work, anyway? Do you just make new pencil marks on the ruler every six months? Maybe make it a family ruler with initials and dates like some families do for height? We had a thunderstorm roll through a few nights ago. I woke up to trees swaying unsteadily, rain pouring, and a sky that almost constantly lit with lightning. All of that (quite beautiful, really) and not a peal of thunder. For some reason this unnerved me more than being in the likely path of a tornado.
I am driving to Ohio and back this weekend. 1350 miles round trip, through Albany then Buffalo NY, then back through Pennsylvania on the way home. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I'll need a weeklong drunk thread when I get back.
Since you guys keep bringing that lovely family moment up again and again, how has no one wondered what happened 10 seconds later, or have they been in that position for 12 photos already, family photos never go well on first shot. what if the kid popped a boner, did they send him off to take care of it and settle in for a retake. Sweet fuck there is everything wrong in that picture. Screw em, that photo goes into every single wedding slideshow. Does the photographer use THIS photo as a promo piece in his shop? How did he get approached? "Excuse me sir do you perchance take family photos of a naked incestuous daisy chains?" And fuck me worse, the guy fucking said "sure". Did he come by the house in a van with no windows too?!?! Sweet holy hell this is going to make me a many horrible questions had to be answered "yes" to have it occur.
Fifteen minutes until there's beer in my hand and NO MORE WORK THIS WEEK. edited because I can't type w/ a crap today.
You're already posting this, I think NO more work this week has already occured. Just saying. I still got 4.25 hours left so you'll be drunk before I even buy any.
Oh man, he probably got a boner during the photo shoot... Maybe the mom was into it... And Angel, to answer your question, yes, I measured my dick when I was growing up; I want to know how deep I'm going on a girl. Question for the Tibettes: Have any of you measured the depth of your vaginas?
I think I discovered Netdaddy's worst nightmare:
He's on assigment. Before he got involved with Curiosity, the delay from Mars to Earth transmission was 15 minutes.
Laying by the pool before I go back to work. Then two hours and this day is over. Sort of cutting back the drinking. Hm. Anyone have a suggestion for gluten free beer?
Or, New Planet Off The Grid Pale Ale. Lots of hops' taste, though. I have heard there are some Belgian ones that use Barley that has the gluten extracted that are pretty good, but I can't find any of those around here.
I did for a little while but stopped. The measurements were all over the place, depending on whether the wind was blowing, I had watched one of those morning work out shows earlier that day while the folks were still asleep, or I was getting ready to pose for a family picture. Damn fickle appendage.