And yay for US! WE get to EXPERIENCE LIFE through the half-lidded eyes of a woman who is rapidly approaching middle AGE but still can't fucking figure out how to HAVE A CONVERSATION with a dude without resorting to passive-aggression or whiny bellyaching. I for on the edge of my WINE DRIBBLED seat...pining for another installment in your never-ending series of "I went to a concert/this board isn't mean anymore/hey guys fucked my crush it was soooo great" posts. I'm not drunk...I'm just motherfucking all-American being a DICK!
So much win in this post... where to start.... I'll go in order: Most people probably aren't drunk because it's Tuesday night, the most non-drinking night of the week and some of the dorks on here do nerdy things like have jobs or raise families. I know.. what FAGS. Only Geeks aren't willing to throw it away to get drunk on the most boring fucking night of the week. I apologize for every single board member here for "losing our edge" whatever the fuck that means. I guess not having more than 70,000 board members will do that, but then again we're just like Freak Safari like you said-- one board member answering posts to himself. Maybe you should go there for a while, show them how it's done. Let us know how it goes. Or better yet, don't. So again sorry for not being drunk in the drunk thread, as we are not as supercool as you. Usually the drunk threads are kept to the weekends, along with the drinking, but whatever floats your passive-aggressive boat.
If by experiencing life you mean getting dumped, high school problems, weeknight drunken stalking, an inflated sense of self, and pining about five years ago, then thanks, but I'm good.
He was on the Today Show this morning. Which was great because the burning question on my mind about the new VP candidate wasn't where he stands on the economy or social issues, but rather what workout he does that keeps him looking thin and trim. I may have to change from Independent to Republican based on that alone.
He needs to share it with Christie, too. There's a profile pic of him shaking hands with Romney in today's WSJ and I think he attracts supporters due to gravitational pull more than anything else.
Hey, I just applaud the balanced coverage when it comes to worthless reporting about Presidential activities. For 4 years we've had to hear about Obama playing pickup basketball. Politics aside, who the fuck cares. Its as relevant as Ryan liking P90X. At least we know neither will become William Howard Taft.
If you're having so much fun being out and enjoying life, why were you posting on an internet message board? And why do you care if a bunch of internet strangers are being shut ins on a Tuesday night? ...Yeah To her credit there was nothing passive about that post.
Where the fuck is the shame? This isn't a fat thing, it's a self realization thing. It's one thing to be a slug with a speech impediment (hilarious), but an entirely different matter to spit gibberish at a camera then howl out a song YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE LYRICS TO. I love watching people do covers of tunes, you know, with instruments they learned to play. I hate amateurs singing karaoke then expecting everyone to love them. Joke's on me, though, since Nay-Nay has 16 million views. Which translates to like 5 billion internet dollars.
So am I allowed to rant about lliving in a hick area if my commute home was prolonged because there was a tractor trundling down the highway? I'm here until mid-November it's looking like now. This is why I don't have pets or plants.
There is a country song to describe this problem. Also it is SO dead at my office today. God am I bored.
Nope. He's working and providing food for everyone else. He was there before you, doing what he's always done. It's not his fault people decided to build houses around his land.
Yes, yes, I get it, these are godly salt of the earth people who are more moral and better than me for what he does and where he lives, and the fact I am working and providing an income for him by buying his food (to say nothing of the other things I provide) count for nothing because The Farmer is an immortal who has lived in the same spot forever. For lo, I, a city dweller, whose grandparents were poor farmers who moved to the city for a better life, am unworthy in their presence. What I was asking is whether or not this qualifies as living in a hick area. I figure tractors on a fucking restricted access highway without speed limits might qualify.
What the hell is that thing? Oh lord, is that a tongue ring? Also, pet peeve, people who do covers for youtube that DON'T KNOW THE FUCKING LYRICS. You're at a computer you mouthbreathing fuckface.
I misread it and thought you were ranting about the tractor being on the road. Yes, getting stuck behind a tractor does qualify you for living in hickville.
I liked her smooth criminal rendition better. It's early Friday too, my brother is on his way and I have the next 5 days off, and he hit the post stampede sale and is bringing me a sacrificial offering of 60 beers of which I will offer up to Magubgub the lord of irresponsibility.(also known as my liver)