I saw that a couple of days ago and couldn't watch the whole thing as you can hear her inhaling and the spit/snot being sucked in. Gross! And, do you actually get PAID if you get a lot of youtube views? I think I have some videos to make...I'm a bad singer too!
Its not quite that easy. I'm sure others here know the model better than me, but certain users, with consistently high views and subscriber totals (JennaMarbles, EpicMealTime, etc...) are compensated on a per view metric. So if you're part of this profit sharing, and you roll out a video that gets 20mm views, you get a pretty nice check. Being a landwhale who has a single video that gets a few million people to point and laugh won't get you paid on that alone.
I hate it when I'm pouring dry cereal down my gullet and a bunch of it falls into my bathrobe. Eh, still edible.
I'm so glad your marriage hasn't stopped you from treating the foul bachelorette meme as your personal bucket list.
Why the fuck would it stop it? Name aside, marriage it pretty much a legal Foul Bachelor/Bachelorette Frog License.
What about a wheezing, snot inhaling, landwhale with this many videos? Look at the hits on some of these. Jesus Christ. Spoilered because I care: Oh God. Hey Crown Royal ... that bitch has your hat!
aka the only person who should be posting in this thread. The most stressful thing about today was deciding which color to paint my nails (dark gray, because I know everyone cares). It was awesomely lazy.
One small change makes this so much more interesting. 1 more hour till beer and 5 days off. It's gonna be a long hour.
Here's an interesting little tidbit. I drove down to Arizona today to get my niece her drivers license. It will expire in 2054. That is not a typo. 42 fucking years without having to deal with the DMV. Hell, I'll expire (Again) before 2054. Also an 18 pack of beer was $3 cheaper there. The registration for her car was $18, and her insurance $33 a month. Currently contemplating moving to Bumblefuck Arizona.
Fuck after dealing with the DMV here in NC which is a fucking nightmare, that along is enough to make me move to Arizona. Feel like a old dirty bastard right now, walked into the house and found my old lady carrying an infant around with her, normal occurrence as she watches little kids for extra cash. I didn't recognize this particular infant and when that happens usually the mother is also in the house doing a kind of interview with my girlfriend before leaving the kid with her, needless to say I thought the woman in my house was the mother......nope it was the infant's 12 year old sister. I don't know who lets a 12 year old girl walk around in a low cut top when said 12 year old has a rack that you could set a beer can on but what do I know.
The answer to the greatest question in the universe of course. Still it seems crazy to get a license for that long. Every ticket we get here you get points added to your license and you can't renew unless tickets are paid and the points penalty is paid as well, and only a small amount of points come off each year, so 4 speeds one year may take 2 more years to get rid of. Can you imagine what you can rack up over 42 years?
My grandfather had a drivers license that never expired. Ever. It was issued in Alberta or BC in 1924. I've got it tucked away somewhere. He always said he was holding on to it just incase they took away his DL.
Sorry to bring this back up so soon after the dinner hour. I was curious just how much cash nanalubswhales would be bringing in with these videos so I did some clicking around. I found an article (here) that cites the Wall Street Journal as saying "those who join YouTube’s Partner Program receive between $1,500 and $4,500(US) for every million video views. ". What? Unless I'm really reading this wrong, even if you take the low end of $1500 p/MM hits, the ET cover earned her $39K, Adele $24K, Super Bass $16K. Then there's the rest of the videos on the screen shot I posted that add up to another 15MM for another $22K ... that's over $100K and the oldest video I've used here is 11 months old. And that just twelve out of the 186 videos she has up!!! Even if it's half that, it's still too much. She's a fucking genius! Someone please chime in and tell me that I am not reading this right, or I'm missing some very important detail here that does not allow this person to make $100K doing this? Otherwise, I'm off to get a fat suit, a double wide and a guitar. You can find me on youtube as SingingSubLuvsGeetar.