Would someone, please, for the love of God, get a good publicist for Hope Solo. Every time I think 'she's hit the bottom of the dumb pool' she goes right on ahead and says something to prove me wrong.
Oh it was real funny right up until the Jews decided to put him down! Or "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him--and gaveth him belly rubs--should not perish, but have everlasting life."
First someone get her some tits, ass, proactive and a make-up artist! I thought she was hot, then I saw her on Dancing With The Stars and HD was not kind to her.
Spoiler Ok, am I the only one who's feeling sympathetic for Hardman? FFS, he wasn't going to come back until threatened, he helped when Harvey was being sued, and so far has done absolutely nothing wrong. It's like Jessica refuses to let go of his (admittedly huge) mistake. Fuck though, her and Harvey are the ones who keep pushing him, then act surprised when he pushes back.
A while back our previous boss introduced bbq Fridays on the last Friday of every month. I work in an office of 3 men and 38 women, and while the women did 99% of the work, one of the men always did the actual grilling. A few months back it happened that the 3 of us guys were busy at the start of the bbq. Next thing we heard was the alarm sounding an evacuation. The women had somehow lit the hose that connects the gas cylinder to the bbq on fire and subsequently panicked. One of them had lost some hair and most of both eyebrows. Now we aren't allowed to have bbq Fridays any more.
2 cats down, 10,000 to go.... AND the cat ladies were there harassing me. Apparently just staring at them and blinking when they ask you aggressive questions works wonders. Also, I love the night time security guard. He had my back the whole time! Of course I was the perfect lady and wished them a good night when I left.
I was at the beach playing volleyball yesterday! I had nothing to do with that heart attack. I'm going to the game tonight. So watch your local news. I have also decided to return the transparent Jays shirt and buy a boring men's t-shirt. I'm not a tits-out kinda gal. Unless, of course, it's for random Internet strangers.
Because you're retarded. Easy Friday... Did some laundry now heading to see Expendables 2 with the pops. Fuck what ya heard.
My phone won't let me post my tits. That makes my phone retarded. Not me. Although I am potentially retarded for a few other reasons. Just not this one.
I must have been tortured as a child while baseball was on in the background as a child and have repressed the painful memories so that all that remains is some deep seated visceral hatred of baseball. Seriously, I can't even be in the same room if it is on. Any other sport, fine, just absolutely no baseball. Oddly enough, I mentioned it to my sister and she feels exactly the same way.
Maybe it just needs to be dried out. Instead of using your fucking phone, use the one that's for phone calls and texts and what not.