I spent all afternoon with my brother and my shotgun and amazingly wasn't tempted to aim it at him once. I think this is a good sign. Really his belated birthday gift for me was 240 clays for the pair of us at a sweeeet sporting clays course and we had a lot of fun. I'd hate to be a goose come September because we got pretty sharp today.
You have a daughter named Skyler and you plan on using a butterfly knife to intimidate kids? I presume this is when you get a little time off from running the Gravitron at the fair.
Dixie is pounding his fists on the ground, spitting curses at the heavens. So I'm watching this roadtrip program about Spain with Mario Batali and for some reason he brought Gwenyth "Better Than You" Paltrow. What an intolerable prude. She won't eat beef, chicken, pig, drink milk, and carries herself with an air of superiority only the pseudo intellectual can. I have little doubt she fucks with the lights off and hates it when you sperm in her hair. However, this inimitable creature more than makes up for it: Claudia Bassols. NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW
Vagina's should be hairless. End of story. That shit gets in my teeth and takes me out of focus. "What you want me to look like a 12 year old girl?" Sorry, I don't know what the fuck that looks like, so take that shit somewhere else. I want you to look like an 18+ with a hairless vagina. Every girl I dated has shaved, then I ran into one that waxed...I'm never going back to the island Jack. Girls can get that shit lasered off now and have it never come back. God bless America. Side note, DVR'd Jeff Ross's new show "The Burn" and I fucking love it. He gets on a custom segway with a mic and a camera guy behind him to roast meter maids because he got a ticket. He also brings on other comedians and just roasts shit. Fucking hilarious.
This is a shitty weekend. I always thought my family would always be family. I'm mourning the loss of my brother, and it sucks. I never thought things would end up this way. Drinking isn't helping anything. Wish I had another sibling through this. I'm my cousins' honorary 4th sister, but that isn't the same. By the way, I ate barbeque in a small town today, and I sat next to a stranger who repeatedly sipped bean juice from a bowl and loudly licked his fingers throughout his meal. I was so repulsed I could hardly eat. WTF, people? Was he raised in a barn? I know enough people from small towns to know that this isn't typical, but he didn't really give citizens of (small town) a great image. Learn some fucking table manners. Ugh. That is my pet peeve.
Woo! I made steamed manapuas tonight with egg soup. Good shit. It was also the first time to use my bamboo steamer...I forsee potstickers in my future.
I can't really see myself getting married. I mean, did you know that 50% of all marriages last forever? re: The Hunger Games
Skip Hunger Games. Watch Battle Royale. It's the original, made in Japan. Perfect for those who enjoy the Asian schoolgirl (and violence).
Fuck you, end of story. I could point out your punctuation error, but I won't. In retaliation, here are a few tasteful pussy shots:
I pulled into a store tonight and heard loud rap music blasting from a car near by. *Bump, bump, pause, bump, pause, bump, bump* (Repeat on an endless loop) "Let me tell you my Nigga's I hit it like a Singer, Yeah man, I sew that shit. The po-po come a callin', Tryin' to chill on my ballin'. I ain't got the time, So I rack my 9, You want somma this? I didn't think so. Pussy motherfuckers." Or something like that. My first thought was "Oh no! Negroes!" It was 2 white boys with backwards baseball caps in a BMW and trying to look ghetto. In a new BMW. Yeah, that's ghetto as fuck.
I've got a real problem with something that a board member (who will remain anonymous) said about one of the pictures I just posted via rep: REALLY? What was so bad about that red-head's pussy? If you're such a judge, show me an example of a perfect pussy. EDIT: Just so there's no misunderstanding, this is the picture in question: There ain't a damn thing wrong with that pussy.
You know you spend too much time on the board when you recognize some of dixie's photos as repeats. I also predict that in 10 years when pubic hair becomes fashionable again we, as a species, will be having better sex more often. I'm not an expert in these matters (obviously), but I imagine that having to be hyper self-conscious about your pubic hair 24/7 is sort of a turnoff.
Y'know what I didn't need to see this morning? A ginger's ass hair. How the fuck is this thread still open?
I watched the "honest trailer" Friday and STILL stupidly rented Hunger Games Saturday night. It wasn't 'stab myself in the eye w/a skewer of flaming cat shit' terrible, it was close though. If you've read the books, the move will be terrible. If you haven't read the books, the movie will be terrible. What I'm trying to say here is, read the books, skip the movie.
For a movie based on a book, especially a young adult book, the movie was above average. There was much to be desired, but they tried. I almost feel bad for them, because you can tell how hard some people tried on this. That aside, I wanted to check out Battle Royale. Now apparently the story is available in every medium known to man. I chose the manga and made it about ten pages before I gave up, remembering just how shitty and frustrating manga can be to read. Now I'm trying to get a hold of the movie and praying I'll have time to watch it in the next week.