Nope. All households have radiators, and they either have electric boilers, pellet boilers, or oil heaters. It is dirt cheap to heat for a winter, but the boiler takes a lot of work.
If that were my task for the day, I would call a friend or two and stock up on beer. The work goes way faster, and, when its done, you are still having fun drinking beer with your friends. Win/win.
My job sucks and I feel myself slipping into depression. So, what better escapist thing to do than see a movie? I see movies about once a year so am seriously out of the loop. I want whimsical with a side of bittersweet. Any suggestions (no Batman please, I am sure it is a fantastic movie, but not really what I am looking for)?
I recommend renting a film loaded with bittersweet whimsy called The Room. Believe me, you will laugh and you will cry. In fact, I would bet money on it.
Maybe something that is playing in theaters? I don't think I will be able to pry the remote from my husband's fingers to change from watching Olympic trampolining or whatever shit they are currently broadcasting. But I am filing that away for the future. I kind of want an excuse to cry but certainly don't want it to be for something happens in my real life
I too hate my job. Hate it so much I vacillate between shaking rage and inconsolable tears. It's like a puppy dies every morning.
No Mexicans here, and I don't trust Serbians in my house. No one actually likes Wes Anderson. They just think they are supposed to, so they have a Royal Tennenbaums poster in their dorm room. I just don't think that all your movies should look the same, and feel the same. Bottle Rocket was his first, and feels like every other movie he made.
What about MiB3? Not too deep of a movie, but I hear it's good. In other news, my nice and quiet weekend has taken a turn. A friend is on his way down via boat from the island. He and his girlfriend want the option to crash here if the weather turns. No problem, except last time they stayed here I had to drink myself deaf. His girlfriend says (more like yells) "cake-walk" in response to damn near everything. I find it odd and very irritating. me: Let's do a round of shooters! her: Cake Walk! me: I'm going to throw the steaks on now, everyone hungry? her: Cake Walk! me: Hey, it's getting late. I'm going to head to bed now her: Cake Walk! ... you get the idea. She's likes margaritas so my plan is to start feeding them to her immediately upon arrival, and not stop until she passes out.
Was thinking about that one. That is playing at an artsy theater around here. I also kind of want to go by myself because weeping in a theater seems like a solitary activity but worry I'll hurt my husband's feelings if I tell him I want to see a movie alone.
Perfect way to describe it. I have used the word "fuck" to my mother more this week than I have cumulative in my entire life. And I know that it offends her, but I can't think of another word to convey my current situation as well so I keep using it. So far, no outward tears but that is because I don't think they are worthy of my tears. If I cry because a puppy dies with Sarah McLachen singing in the background or an Olympian fails or I feel a deep connection with a fictional character in a movie than so be it. CJ - lets start up a new business selling bananas in Bali or something. I think we could make it work.
I met my critical factor for Germany! Which is to say, I had an Augustiner. Just my luck that I'd be in Berlin for a beer festival. Tonight will be a pubcawl featuring a ping pong bar. Dr. Pong. Hope there aren't any chinese olympians and/or kimasters there.
Brave is touching and poignant, not quite bittersweet though, but quality Pixar. Love, Actually is about perfect for what you're describing, but you'd have to watch it at home.
If you are looking for a good beer bar, Aufsturtz on Oranienburger Straße has one of the best selections in Berlin.
That's exactly what I did yesterday. I said, "It's been a long fucking week and I'm going to the movies by myself. You're not invited. I don't want a movie date, I want to go alone." Worked for me.
Not for nothing, but I kind of figure if I marry someone they'll love me and know me well enough to understand that sometimes I just want to watch a movie by myself and would be happy to watch me go do so.
I go to a martial class on Saturday mornings, and today we had a new guy. He came in, left his shoes on, and proceeded to make the strangest noises at the back of the room during warm-up. He was basically doing his own thing while we were following the instructor. I caught glimpses of him in the mirror when he started making weird sounds, and from then on I couldn't stop laughing. It was horrible. He was so ridiculous it felt like something out of Jackass or SNL. All I could think between giggling was, "Is this really happening?" There was no way this guy was serious, but he was. A minute into it the instructor was like, "Are you ok, brother?" and it just got worse from there. He ended up checking the door jamb and walking around, trying to touch his shadow on the wall while we sparred. It was awesome.