No! Never again! Olive Garden has gotten its 3 strikes. Besides, their breadsticks are far too tempting for a gal on a diet.
My apartment building is re-doing the roof. This sucks as I am on the top floor and they are over my head early in the morning during a lot of the weekdays. However, the biggest problem is the fucking false fire alarms. This is not a new thing living here. Sometimes the fire alarm will just go off for no apparent reason. It has gotten 20 times worse since they started working on the fucking roof. I don't know what they are doing up there to keep making it go off. Almost every day the alarm will go off at least once. So far the record is 5 times in one day. Each blast will last at least 5-10 minutes of a blaring EEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNN noise that lodges itself in the base of your skull and your temples. Today the alarm lasted for 20 minutes, as I was coming back from the store with arms full of groceries. The elevators don't work while the alarm is going off so hooray for climbing 4 flights of stairs. It's making me, and everyone else in the building, twitchy. The thing I worry about is one day there is actually going to be a fire and we will all burn to death because we're cursing and rolling our eyes at the stupid thing. Fucking hell. I feel much better now. Well the vodka is helping too I imagine.
You're going to be asking your FWB to inspect your asshole for tearing after my team rapes you this year.
I did not know this, but apparently there's this song, 'Call Me Maybe' and all the hip kids are making, I believe they're called 'viral', videos of wacky antics in time to the song. WE SHOULD TOTALLY DO THIS!!!!!!!
Posting with my brand new galaxy 3 s! This phone is so Raven. Although it hasn't given a petite girl vaginal bleeding yet. So I guess it's cool, but not quite Parker cool.
Picked up some legal moonshine in Gatlinburg, TN. Dozens of flavors, I settled on Lemon Drop and a mason jar of the pure stuff- White Lightning. At $18 a jar, I recall my redneck friends giving me free jars a few years back. Makes me want to buy a still.
I saw this girl play last week. She was kickass. Only 22. The best young blues artist I've seen since Jonny Lang before he got (kinda) famous. From 2 years ago: [youtube]] Waiting to get picked up for a movie. "Killer Joe". Anyone seen it yet? It has Matthew McConahayhay in it, so there's a 98.9% chance I'm going to dig it based on that fact alone.
That's a great phone, I just got it over a week ago. I can't stop playing around with it. A firmware update just came out and now it won't stop talking when it sends you a text. I can't find the the firmware notes to save my life.
For the past 6-8 weeks I have been eating very small meals 3x a day with 1-2 snacks in between. Today I had a big dinner (still under my calorie limit for the day) and now I want to barf, literally. Not a good Friday.
I have lost a lot of weight and the diet is easy to stick to, but I'm kind of afraid of the day that I reach my goals and need to go into maintenance mode. I suspect I am going to fuck up pretty badly at "normal" eating (bigger portions, I don't intend on eating shit or anything).
Loving the new Galaxy S3, I fucking hate Sprint, haven't had the phone 4 weeks yet and I am dropping calls, calls will not come through, all kinds of bullshit. I can't get a refund because of the 14 day rule, so I am headed to the store fully expecting to get fucked tomorrow, the termination fee is 350, which is bullshit because I haven't had the fucking phone 4 weeks yet. Sprint can take the "unlimited data" and shove it up there ass, I will pay the extra 20 and switch over to AT&T.
I've been stressed to the max about the smallest little BS (just car stuff) all day. I'm so tired, but I'm drinking to fight sleep. At least I got the grass cut before drinking tonight.
So I'm on G+ if anyone feels like chatting. Also, fuck Apple. I really hate their products and shitty 60+% mark-up on everything (at least, in South Africa, anyway)... I am proud to say I have never owned or used an Apple product, aside from iTunes, and that is only because a tape conversion device required it.