I wasn't talking about slaying a ton either, just the one. I'll be in Chicago (you live there right?) for the weekend before Halloween. I'm coming for your womenz! You can't gloat over beating Zyron. He likes Don Mattingly, a guy who knows all too well what it's like to never win a championship. It's fated that he'll forever be just not good enough.
This is the song of last week's "Hard Knocks" that I was listening to at the gym. I went a little overboard, because for some reason, I really like that song. I haven't been that close to vomiting on a meek Korean Woman in Sketcher's Shapes in about 4 years.
But sir, that plan makes no sense! Seriously, though, what the hell Dodgers. Good on the Red Sox for getting out from under three huge contracts and getting legit prospects in return.
Help me TiB, I am joining an all chick fantasy football league because I was promised Sunday drinking and a few laughs. I should also explain that I don't watch football. I don't need a lot of information, just tell me which players need to be on my team.
Woo drinking! Amirite? But I'm back at home base, after the lady-type-person had a catch up with her friends at their house, and the boyfriends all hung out in the shed with a fire, a game on and porn on the walls. I'm really glad that I get along with those dudes, because it could have been hell if they were wankers. But as it stands I was disappointed that the boy woke up with teething problems (he was sleeping in the lounge) and it was decided we had to go home. At least I didn't get as trashed as I did last night, when on my lonesome I elected to watch a double feature of Jackie Brown and Inglourious Basterds. Those blu-rays area gorgeous, but after a bottle of bourbon and a few scotches, I didn't make it all the way through Basterds. This morning I woke up on the couch with the kid chewing on my glasses. I really have to stop doing that...
Ich habe getranken drei bieren! Europe (n): a vehicle by whoch North Americans can consume, guilt-free, amounts of alcohol that would otherwise be considered inappropriate at any given time of day.
So I was on a trolley last night for my friend's birthday. Met a girl, former D-1 swimmer who didn't look like Dwight Howard (which I found to be unique), hit it off, her personality was infectious, helped greatly by most of the other girls on the trolley being either stuck up and standoff-ish or just plain boring. Things are going well, we separated from the group to get food, she was pulling me into doorways to make out on the way and such. I figure I'm on the way to swimming the anchor leg in her relay (lets just pretend that worked), as we're walking back, our mutual friend sees fit to inform me that Swimfan is engaged and getting married next month. Not as in "what are you doing, she's engaged!" but more like "just thought you should know, carry on if you'd like". After letting the ridiculousness of the situation and shock roll over me, I kind of just chuckled, shook my head, and headed home. I mean really? This is the second or third such occurrence I've seen this summer, a first for me. I mean, this girl wasn't wearing an engagement ring. The wedding is fucking next month, I mean, my god. I'm not as jaded as some of my friends who have been cheated on in the past and use such incidents like this to say all girls are whores and not to be trusted, but thats kind of fucked up no?
I'm not sure if I get the proper gist of this thread, but I'll use it as a parking space for my drunken rambling anywho: After a few drinks with the guys, we came home, and as is natural, I had to take a leak. I didn't think I was all that hammered, but when I walked back into the kitchen, the gf asks me what I was yelling about. I mumbled something about how I was just talking to myself about peeing on the stain in the bowl, and that I was just being silly. But that's not the truth: The truth is I have no fucken idea that I said anything out loud, and when she asked me what I was saying, I had no idea. But I couldn't bear to admit to her that the guy she depends on for financial and emotional support has less sanity than a shithouse rat. That the father of her child is some kind of raving lunatic. I don't know what is wrong with me, and I'm positive that she wasn't mistaken in hearing me yell something from the toilet. I just have no recollection of saying anything, despite recollecting the visual memory of me doing my business. Fucken bizarre, and I'm scared.
Well you're either going schizophrenic, or were drunk and don't remember something (shocking I know). I'm guessing you just lost a bit of self-awarness, kind of like when people are really loud when they're drunk and don't need to be. But hey, I could be wrong, I'm no shrink.
As long as you're just yelling shit and don't remember it's not that big a deal. Now if you wake up in the middle of feeding her the ol' 1 2 then yeah, both of yall should look into some therapy, or at least some headgear.
I think I'm no longer welcome at the unlimited sushi and sake place down the street after (in addition to our large group being loud enough to earn dirty looks from everyone there) my coworker projectile vomited all over their table. Sigh.
Same here. We feel it because he did something pretty important and meaningful. The extra-planetary walk will always be his.