Okay, seriously. If you get busted for fucking a horse, then a little while later decide it would be an awesome idea to think "Hmmmm. I think I'll fuck that horse...again!" Fuckin'.... play AROUND, a little bit dude. There are LOTS of horses out there to fuck. Go sew some oats, maybe by tempting some philies with REAL oats. Plenty of fish in the sea. Not to say you should try fucking fish. It ain't easy. I was on acid at Discovery Bay and mistook a nurse shark for a mermaid. Not my strongest moment in the sun. I also got bit by a camel today. No sex. At a zoo.
A lot of them use the same currency. And the only place I didn't pay to use a toilet in Holland was the hotel we stayed at. Here are the urinals in said hotel:
Also the place that revolutionized holes in the ground and metal troughs as urinals. Because, of course.
I got the library of text books I need for the upcoming semester yesterday. And just finished mowing the lawn. This kids free weekend, productivity is my bitch. Thank gods college football starts next week. I can only see so many homers on sports highlights. I'm ready for another exciting season of Notre Dame underperforming. Also getting ready to watch Mizzou get its associated kicked in its debute season with the SEC. Damn why am I excited for thus sport again?
I'm a little surprised at your feelings about this, you'd think somebody spending (in your opinion) egregious amounts of money on something that was useless would be right up your alley.
Apparently floating around in a pool and swimming 4 laps total is enough to wipe me out completely. I came home from that, ate lunch, and passed out for 3 hours. Happy Saturday to you less lame folks.
I've skated 8 times in the past 8 days. Before that I had done roughly nothing. My legs are shot, I am tired, but its the good tired. My game is coming back to me, which is nice, and the teams I'm skating with I enjoy. Now I have 2 weddings and a Vegas trip coming up in September. I'm hoping my odds of hooking up increase, though I wouldn't put money on anything happening. My friend is getting married to a fat girl, with fat friends. I am not a fat guy, rather I'm decently in shape and moderately attractive, therefore I don't go whale hunting unless I'm blacked out. The second wedding is my sisters. My sister is 6 years older and all her friends are married/lesbians. Vegas may be my only hope.
Pfft. If you consider anywhere that doesn't speak English a country. Which I don't. German toilet design confuses me. Not all of them are like this, but I've only ever seen them in Germany. It's a normal bowl, but the hole is at the far front of the bowl and in the centre is a platform of sorts. You take a dump and the shit just sits there, stinking everything up, and is threateningly close to your genitals (thank god I'm no Parker). And then you flush and the bowl has shit streaks all over, so you have to lay down some tissue beforehand to prevent it. I mean, it does allow a closer organoleptic evaluation of your shit, but that's not really an advantage.
Maybe I'm old fashioned but I don't get the whole let hangout with people from the internet thing. I can understand parts of it, but other parts are odd to me. I get wanting to connect with like minded people, I get wanting to socialize with people you find interesting instead of aimlessly going to a bar and trying to find someone interesting there. But the parts that I don't get are that all of you seem decent, but I just think it'd be weird to see anyone of you in person. Maybe its my own personal hangups, in fact it obviously is. If I were trying to socialize with new people I'd personally hit up a church because we all know church girls are horny sluts at heart. But I draw my line with penecostals and any kind of baptist or any protestant sect that focuses on the apocalypse. I'd rather be around mormons than those crazy assholes.
I feel like I should point out the different between trying to socialize with new people and tryin' na' get some strange...but who are we kidding. Did nom lick your asshole?