Many years ago when I was a young lad (Perhaps you should read this in a Grandpa Simpson voice), some friends and I went into the big city (Spokane.) The homeless were a new and interesting oddity to us....they would all gather on the sidewalk outside the mission and ...well...just fucking sit there. They didn't do a damned thing but sit there and watch the cars go by on Division Street. All damned day. It was like that's what they were put on this Earth to do. We drove by them countless times staring and mocking them in wide eyed wonderment. We weren't complete rubes, we'd seen bums before in our hometown, but our hobos were active and somewhat scary rail riding hobos. These big city homeless folk were just lethargic, sit on the curb and wait for something to happen hobos. So I decided something should happen to see if these were real hobos, or you know...just wannabe bums trying to get a free place to stay. Picture a beat up white '64 Pontiac 4 door with 5 teenage guys inside driving by the homeless shelter when it suddenly stops, a door opens and someone rolls a full beer to the curb while yelling "Here ya go! FREE BEER!" It was truly a bum rush. 15 until then stationary bums suddenly became quite animated and scurried towards the rolling beer can like rats after a discarded peanut butter sandwich. It was fucking amazing. And hilarious. It was so entertaining we did it 5 more times that day, but by the end they were kind of expecting us and the entertainment novelty had worn off. Some people just feed ducks and pigeons...street alcoholics are infinitely more territorial and entertaining. Buy a cheap 6 pack and try it for yourself.
Try a pot of boiling hot coins instead. Not to take away from the fact that IS a bad beer. It makes your tongue feel like it took a shit.
Had a lot of fun in Austin this weekend. It was "Batfest" where throngs gather on the Congress Ave. bridge to watch the 1,000s of bats take flight from under the bridge. I have experienced the source of the phrase "Bat shit crazy." And the gingerbread pancakes at Magnolia Cafe are incredible.
Cranked out two back to back shifts this weekend. For the first time in a long time, I was able to tell myself "Hey, you kicked ass, and you kicked it well." Cooked for one shift, bartended the next shift. Didn't make a shitload of money, but hey, I did what I was doing well, and that's all that matters to me. So good for me.
So Saturday night ended with an adult sleepover with a girl I've been talking to which lead to me only getting like 3 hours of sleep, plus a shitty nap/go back to sleep situation once I got back from dropping her off. I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night, but slept terribly and still feel blah this morning. Not fucking cool. Speaking off, does anyone have any tips for getting "better" sleep? I've never really thought of it cause I have no problem falling asleep and usually sleep pretty hard, but I have a sleep app on my phone (Sleep Cycle, its pretty dope), and looking at my sleep patterns, I wake up alot during the night and don't seem like I'm getting enough deep REM sleep. Which would explain why I'm tired alot despite getting 7-8 hours most every night. I guess it may be time to look into my sleep habits a bit.
Im looking to improve me sleep as well. I first really need to drop my caffeine consumption. Also, for no real, good, reason I've come to rely on benadryl and muscle relaxers to get a solid 9 hours or so of sleep, I usually don't mix them and will only take one of the other. I decided to quit that and the first night last week I tossed and turned and was shitty the whole next day. I fought to stay up and not nap and eventually sleep as hard as ever the next night sans drugs. Even though I got 7 hours I felt ten times more recharged. Of coarse the weekend roles around and Im drinking and staying out until 4 am. So now my sleep cycle is all fucked up again.
Apparently the puppeteer behind The Count of Sesame Street died recently. Guess he couldn't count to 79.
A permanent "Drunk" thread in the Permanent thread section perhaps? Judging by this thread, I suspect a lot of us would support this plan.
That would kill whatever novelty there is left. I believe there is anticipation still for WDTs because they blow up every Friday. It's surprising, and disappointing, this one has lasted a month. Let's not ruin it. Yes, I am aware of the irony inherent in my making a comment about ruining a thread in which I post One Man, One Jar.
That's a good point. Oh well. So much for perma-drunk. *putting the bottle back in my desk drawer and back to work I go then*
That's what she said Parker. What do you call it when parker masturbates? Beating a dead horse.
As I repped you. I don't even know to take the horse joke as a compliment or insult. I'm going to take the egotistical route and take it as a compliment.
Also, not to double post, but I can't edit my old post. It shouldn't be called a "Drunk thread" but it should be something like a more general "this happened today" thread where people can talk and comment. Like the rant and rave thread, just less specific. Because not everything is a rant or rave. Sometimes you just see some random shit on the street and feel like posting it.
I disagree with you and agree w Chater. These drunk threads can suck the energy out of the whole board unless they're delivered in small doses. If you guys wanna chat, maybe there's a chat feature that can be added? Otherwise, drunk threads should be used sparingly on the weekends, and folks like CJ and ToyToy should be deployed to make the breadth of thread topics more robust.
+1 No, this is not Twitter or Facebook or whatever. If that's what you want, you can cleverly incorporate it into the R&R thread or it'll keep until the weekend.
I might get to shoot one of these tomorrow: Fuck yeah, we have 10,000 .50 cal rounds that the crew chiefs need to burn through and since I'll be riding in the back of the Helo for a portion of the flight, I'll try to swing pulling the trigger a little bit.
I've put up a bunch in the past. Rarely did they ever get picked up, so I don't bother as much, or at all, anymore. Hard to justify spending time and effort putting together suggestions and ideas for discussions when the drunk thread is just going to hang around for a month and dominate everything.