Americans take the good with the bad. It's the price you pay for relevancy. Canadians know that. Thanks for the imports, but you can have Howie Mandell back. Also, Poutine sounds like some French-Canadian sex act. Coincidentally, it also looks like one.
But that's what makes the US so great. Where else can a family of fat-ass skanks get rich and famous just for being...fat-ass skanks? Hell, even that tiny minority of "talented Canadians" had to come to US to make their fortunes. Even "The Great One" sold out Edmonton for LA. So, take off you hoser! Eh!
Seriously, fuck you Canada. Not only do you produce musical abominations, you allow them to potentially breed...
The sister's kid has 3 fucking thumbs. This is where a lifestyle of exclusive Mountain Dew gets you. 1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a thumb war. Oh, and yes, there is Mountain Dew on that pacifier.
Fuck Boober - the Aliens dropped him here, they were aiming for Quebec. Here's a nice group of Canadian folk: Sorry - missed one Spoiler Didn't anyone explain to you that mutants can't breed?
Few pages behind but here is my Four Loko story that I've posted before. I usually disagree with the Govt stepping in on things, but in this case, it was probably a good thing. I can't imagine a 115lb inexperienced college chick dealing too well with the stuff when I was 220lbs and had a good 15 years of drinking under my belt and got hair brushed raped by the stuff.
Completely unrelated, I read about a bride who died last week doing one of those "trash the dress" photo shoots - she walked into a river, her dress got waterlogged and dragged her under and she drowned. She fucking died for a wedding picture. Then I saw this photo: Spoiler What the fuck, brides? What the fuck is the point of this? Edit: I will admit, I found this one kind of funny. Spoiler
Four Loko is liquid retardation. I still have about 10 cans of the original and no intentions of drinking it. I probably blacked out 2 times all the way through college and had it happen twice in the same month from that stuff. It isn't happy-fun time drunk, it's blackout and wake up naked in your neighbor's garage drunk. My friends and I were going to get together and pound a bunch of them, but all four of us tried it ahead of time and three of us blacked out. The last time I drank it, my last 'clear' memory was peeing in my back yard and yelling at the sky about something. I woke up sitting straight up on my couch the next morning with the furniture in my living room rearranged. By rearranged, I mean shit was just randomly everywhere. Crown, if you are interested in trying it, we might be able to work something out but you will have to sign a waiver or something. I'm not going to be responsible when you wind up on the news.
I am. I was in China and missed the boat. I drink enough Vodka red bulls and extra joss their to time travel half my trip away but still I hear four loko is nuts.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Why can't I embed a stupid YouTube clip? This happens every time now. I have an Asian friend who moved to New Hampshire for school, and she claims that the locals look at her like she's a fucking alien. She may be the only Yellow Girl in the state.
And there are some perfectly good thread topics sitting idle while we sit around trashing each other's famous trash. This wouldn't be happening if Parker were a mod. I'm sure the topics he'd bump would be long and deep, and he'd tear up anyone who got out of line. Yep. He'd be the Parker of mods.
But you never see them anywhere else in NH other than their restaurants. Malls, grocery stores, schools. They must be illegals crossing the border from MA.
New Hamp also has no black people. Except on the maple syrup bottles. It's a white state (see also: Wyoming). REALLY nice scenery, though.