And there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to try them all. I say go for whatever floats your boat, Pimptress. As long as everyone is clear on the terms of the deal then it's no harm, no foul.
See, I get uncomfortable when this is the case. Not because I want my FWB going around sleeping with everyone, but because a lot of the time (this is purely anecdotal) they expect me to do the same and get upset when, for example, they want to do something and I already have plans with someone else. Not that I would rub it in anyone's face, but they kinda pick up on it. Also, I've had instances where the person was hoping we would date eventually, and even though I've made my intentions clear I feel like kind of an asshole when I break it off as soon as I feel one party is getting too attached. But then again, if two people are FWB's with only each other, to me it seems silly to not just date at that point. If it's just fuckbuddies it's one thing, but FWB's to me entails hanging out and such and if you're with each other exclusively then it's just a matter of giving it a title.
I'm just uncomfortable with it from a health standpoint. I know 90% of it is in my head, but that would give me the creeps. Maybe we have different definitions of FWB. I think of it was just two people who call/text each other up after 11/12 am to fuck. There's no dinner/hanging out in my mind. Come over, fuck me, leave. I've never had a FWB/fuckbuddy/what have you, so I'm not an expert by any means.
I hang out with all my fuckbuddies, because I'm a friendly person who likes buddies. I've always viewed it as someone you are compatible with on multiple levels, including sexually, but not romantically.
Yeah I just think our definitions are different. To me, a fuckbuddy is someone who does exactly what you described. You call/text me late, we get together, have sex, and go our separate ways. A FWB is someone who, even though we're not exclusive, I can still hang out with you and grab a bite or watch a movie or what have you. Fuckbuddies tend to be more defined so there's no confusion. FWB situations can sometimes be tricky. That was the situation that, as I mentioned, if you tell me I'm the only person you're seeing it makes me uncomfortable because then the partnership as it were is unequal. In my mind I guess you should ideally still be trying to date while we're seeing each other. I've had dear friends who I still keep in touch who I've had a FWB situation with until they begin dating someone, and I couldn't be happier for them.
I need to stop talking about things that I have no experience with. Time for an otter .gif Spoiler Another for good measure. Spoiler
My friend apparently has six. Yes, one for every day of the week, provided she lets that pussy rest for Jesus on Sunday. I just can't fathom keeping that many men straight.
Thats just ridiculous. Ive always found having multiple FWBs to be problematic cause you often unintentionally begin to favor one or get some sort of timing/attention issue wrong. Unrelated, at what age is it no longer "cool" or acceptable for women to wear belly button rings. Cause thats going to be my new dating age ceiling after this festival weekend. Damn, just damn.
I don't think it's fair that certain people have multiple sexual liaisons when certain others don't even have one.
What are you, a communist? Just because you're not getting laid doesn't mean the rest of us should share your suffering!
Oh, I see how it is. A guy gets married and suddenly it's, "Fuck you, we'll have casual sex with as many partners as we like! And you don't even get to watch!" Well, young lady, we used to have a code around here. It was called Idiocy Before Polyamory. It didn't rhyme, and it sounded like someone made it up on the spot because he began writing a post and didn't have any follow-through material but didn't want to start over because it was late and he had to work in the morning, but we still held it dear to our hearts. But I see now you'd rather satisfy your carnal desires by having wildly satisfying, yet unconditional sexual encounters with one or more partners than restrain yourself to a series of monogamous relationships as a sympathetic gesture to the plight of relative strangers on the Internet who are matrimonially and/or sociologically limited in their intimate options due to lifestyle choices for which they are completely and solely accountable. This place has changed, man. It's like I don't even know you guys anymore. Or at all. It's so confusing.
Hey now, in this modern society of ours, shouldn't those who have give to those who have not? Remember what Jesus said about having lots and lots of sex: (He probably said something about it at some point, i mean c'mon even the son of God had to get his dick wet once in a while)
Hey it's alright dude. I'm not getting laid either. My excuse is that I'm living in a country where I don't speak the language and most of my coworkers have kids my age. Also me and the ladyfriend split up because we were dating for a few weeks and 7 months of transcontinental long distance without knowing if she's going to move back to Canada at the end of it is a bad time. In other news, five litres of beer yesterday and a jagerbomb somewhere. Holy god. I should be more hungover than I am. There was street sign carrying involved.
Happy 1-month birthday, "weekend" drunk thread. You're all growed up, now! Is 2 pm considered too early for liquor, even if it's a holiday? I'm going to watch a few episodes of Mad Men and say "no."
The West Indian Day Parade is here and I saw a whole lotta ass attached to a whole lotta girls who know how to work it.
It's never too early for liquor on a holiday. As my cousin says, "you can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning."