I just walked out in the kitchen and had the following exchange with my sister: Me: What are you cookin...oh dear God...what is that? No. Don't tell me. Her: It's the chicken feet! I think I'll go get a burger tonight.
Just when you think rubes can no longer out-rube themselves... MY GOD. Who does that? Helped my parents move today, those Forearm Forklift moving straps are the single greatest invention since the remote control. You can lift things twice your weight like it's nothing. Buy them. They are worth their weight in platinum.
My bittersweet movie prayers have been answered, flipping through the channels and see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is on. That should do it. And the TV is off Olympics for the first time in a week. On another note, Ryan Lochte's mom's house is in foreclosure. And he is sporting a fucking $25K grill and custom made shoes with his name on the bottom. As if I couldn't despise him more. I actually don't even see the pretty so much anymore when I look at images of him.
Hey, you don't know what's going on there. He could have given her a ton of money and she could have given it off to the pool boy for an illegal drug deal. Don't judge without all the facts.
Well, look at that. Two posts in a row with 3 of the 4 Nom themes for the WDT in a row: hooker got an Olympics-related post, and sack covered dick snake and whine. So, here's a bunny: Also, but unrelated . . . I saw Dark Knight Rises yesterday. Here is my brief review: I quite enjoyed it. Cool gadgets and action, drama and deep themes, and damn can Anne Hathaway wear a freaking cat suit.
I'm currently watching a Jim carrey movie from the 80s. The general theme is some chick turned him into a vampire after giving him a blow job in which she got a little teethy. It also featured a shower scene where everyone cleared out after they assumed one of the guys was a "Fag" Moments like these are why I love cable tv
"Once Bitten" it's called. Not a very good movie. A few years before Ace Ventura made him huge. I don't even think he was on In Living Color yet.
Well then the apple doesn't fall far from that tree. I also hear he kicks puppies for no good reason.
So, my husband knows I am stressed out, so kindly offered to do the grocery shopping for the week. So, I stand in front of the suspiciously empty refrigerator Me: "So what did you get at the grocery store" Him: "The staples" Me: "Well, I see we don't have any milk, bread, or vegetables.....so what did you get" Him: "Just the staples" Me: "Like what....specifically" Him: "Well, I got toilet paper, paper towels, cat food" Me: "So you didn't get any actual food?" Him: "No, I guess not" Me: beats head against the wall So come clean guys....is this a front that you put up so you will never get asked to do anything again? Please let me in our your secret.
I do the cooking, therefore I do the shopping. My wife, whom is exceptionally competent as a human being, is complete shit at a grocery store, because she doesn't cook the meals.
I didn't have high hopes, but since he offered, I expected some actual food items. Milk, deli meat, shoot, even a frozen pizza. I wasn't being particularly picky. Instead, now it is almost 8 pm on a Sunday night, and I am headed out to the grocery store. You may play dumb....but I'm on to you....
I think he does it a little. For instance, I do most of the dishes by hand or soak them to run in the dishwasher, which I load. I have him empty the dishwasher but he drags ass about it. Sometimes it takes him a couple days to get around to it. Then there are always a few random items that he just leaves on the counter because he "doesn't know where they go." Yeah, I've shown him the drawer where the measuring cups go about 4 times now.
Clearly you all didn't pick husbands that roped off the kitchen as their own personal domain. That's what happens when a guy from New Orleans married a Yankee who had never in her life eaten a shrimp before we started dating. The dishes and cleaning part is annoying, but it's a small price to pay in return for food that has flavor.
Let him know that any food that you are purchasing is for your consumption only. Bet he won't forget next time. Honestly, if food isn't a "staple" then I don't know what to tell you.
I think it comes down to comfort and usage. Like I said, I do all the cooking, so I have the kitchen set up the way I WANT IT. I unload the dishwasher, I do the grocery shopping, I clean the fridge/freezer (which I did today). My wife would (and has) done all of the above, but not the way I WANT IT. Since I'M the one that wants it a certain way, I DO IT. No muss, no fuss. I hear you on wanting your spouse to do it (and implicitly, the way you want it done) but that's just not realistic most of the time. I play to my strengths, I let my wife do the same. I think we both come out better that way, and neither is disappointed, because I know she won't do it the way I do it, nor do I expect it that way. Therefore, I do it myself since I can adjust MY behavior, and I don't like asking anyone to adjust theirs. In short, I worry about me, and let the other shit sort itself out.
Yes, that is mostly how I feel as well. I guess I still want him to participate in household chores on some level. I don't get peeved with him or anything if it isn't perfect, but it is nice to have him at least try to help a little when I'm the one doing all the cooking, shopping, cleaning, laundry, errands and misc. Speaking of which, I just scrubbed all the grout on the tile in this condo. I don't think any previous tenants have done this since the tile was laid down. It went from "maybe the grout is supposed to be this shade of brown?" to "holy shit I'm grayish white."
Oh, I agree. Doing your share, or his share in this case, is important. In my case, I work part time, my wife works full time, so I do all the housework. When we both worked full time, I did the cooking, she cleaned the bathroom (which I hate doing). I walk the dog for an hour in the morning, she takes the dog out for a quick pee at night. Things like that. It's important to share the work, but I don't mind dividing it, like I do kitchen shit, she does bathroom stuff.