Proms at my school generally sucked. We had dinner in the commons area of the high school, everybody got to leave for like an hour for the promenade (where we walked through the nursing home and got our pictures taken for the paper,) then came back for the dance in the elementary gym, then had to go straight to the all nighter back in the commons area. This left little time for drinking, and while I'm sure some cooler kids than me did just that, I was a good girl and just did what I was supposed to. I went to prom my sophomore, junior, and senior years with different dates each year, respectively. I think my junior prom was my favorite, but probably because that was the year that our class was in charge of it. Usually the theme was something gay (Under the Sea sophomore year and Almost Paradise senior year) but our class chose Welcome to the Jungle for our theme. Which, looking back, was probably just as gay but it seemed badass at the time. I liked the idea of posting prom pictures, until I dug mine out. God I was awkward in high school. Anyways, for the betterment of the thread here they are... Sophomore year with a friend that after high school decided he was gay: (The awful farmers sunburn look I'm sporting is thanks to a track meet that day.) Junior year with an underclassman who begged me to take him: Senior year with my husband (boyfriend at the time): I borrowed dresses all but my senior year. I'm low maintenance when it comes to such things, shit I bought my wedding dress off ebay for $50 including shipping.
Another question for you Americans: do you guys have proms for each year of high school or something? Maybe we're quaint and simple up here, but I only had one prom, and that was when I graduated. To keep it on focus, it was lame and I would have missed nothing by not going.
At my school it was a junior/senior prom, but the top 6 sophomores (by grade) served drinks at the meal and for doing that got to go to the dance and all nighter as well. Since I was 3rd in my class at the time, I went my sophomore year.
I could never understand the whole prom experience. Seeing people dancing two feet away from each other, spending an assload of money to rent limos, and spending a Friday night under the supervision of the faculty seemed as retarded then as it did when I was in high school. I spent my Friday night under the supervision of my brand new broadband connection and downloaded gobs of internet pornography. And raided my mom's liquor cabinet. I passed out drunk and satisfied. The only difference between me and everybody else was that I didn't have to worry about herpes. That's called thinking ahead.
Prom pretty much ate a warm bowl of cock for me. The buffet was lousy, the two biggest Top 40 hits at the time were "Swamp Thing" and "Cotton Eyed Joe" so guess how awesome the DJ was, a fuckstastically stupid slide show montage featuring 500 pictures of 20 specific people from the graduating class, our after party was out in Lower Asscrackylvania a.k.a Nairn Ontario (motto: Where the fuck is Nairn Ontario?) where I got bombed off the weird old whiskey that I swiped from the ol' liquor cabinet and when I woke up we all got to watch in horror as a horse stomped the farm dog to death. Good times. No high school. Yes, college.
Hmmmm. Let's see. Downloading porn, drinking parents liquor alone, and passing out. vs. Taking a bunch of ecstasy, your extremely hot date taking it as well, and spending 4 hours viciously rubbing your crotch on her ass (and any other ass in the vacinity), absolutely destroying the dance competition only to lose out to some black kid from another school that could spin on his head, generally being as fucked up as possible along with the entire student body, and the faculty being able to do nothing about it. Then partying until the wee hours of the morning, getting drunk as shit, having sex. Then waking up at 8:00 am and driving to Cedar Point, spending the day smoking weed and riding roller coasters. Then partying in a hotel all night and eventually having more sex. This, essentially, was the prom experience at my school. I didn't get a limo, I drove my date and I let my friend who was going stag ride along with us. It's fun because, at least in my case, the whole damn school let down their pretensions and just had fun. Or maybe that's what it seemed like because of the E. I never did go to a school dance without it. Edit: Ok, maybe to some of the older and cynical folk on here option one seems better. But to a horny, drugged out 17 year old? Come on...
I remember my school didn't take it all that seriously, the whole year shared a coach to the hotel where we had it. All I really remember, besides the fact we were allowed 1 glass of wine each, is that for some reason I really really needed to do a number 2, but had a phobia of doing that in public toilets at the time in case anybody found out. So I spent a good majority of the time going to the toilet, getting ready to do a shit but then stopping becuase someone else had come into the mens bathroom. I did that about 10 times and never got to go. God, I had the worst stomach cramps ever, totally ruined the whole thing.
There was only one prom a year, but only Juniors and Seniors were allowed to go, along with their dates, who might be underclassmen. So, just the one prom, but the one you went to junior year was your Junior Prom, and Senior year... well, you get the idea. I didn't go Junior year, and to make up for it, went to two of them Senior year. The first was a favor to a friend, as her boyfriend was out of state that weekend racing motorcycles. I got caught smoking in the bathroom right before the grand march, but they didn't kick me out, cause it wasn't on school grounds, I didn't go to that school anyway, and you could still smoke indoors in Minnesota at the time. Anyway, during the grand march, the couples come out from opposite sides of the stage, meet in the middle, walk down an elevated platform, and then go down the stairs, all being videotaped and watched by the crowd. We get to the stairs, I go down my two steps, and turn to offer my hand just in time to watch my date go flying through the air past me. Silly bint caught her heel on the lip of the top step. Watching that video with her Dad (who is my Dad's best friend) is hilarious. Anyway, since I'm not actually dating my date, I use the opportunity to work the room full of a completely new school full of girls. I ended up really hitting it off with one of them, and took her to my prom, which was like a month later. Problem with that was, she got back together with her ex like a week before my prom. She went with me anyway, but left at midnight and didn't do any of the after prom stuff with our group. Always fun being the extra man in a party like that. A big ass bottle of Cuervo and a dimebag ended up with me licking some super hot girl's feet later in the night (her date was surprised and happy she even agreed to go with him and was cool with it). All in all, a pretty good experience.
I'm from Europe, and prom over here is a little different, prom is basically an excuse to get drunk, while dressed up. Almost no one wears a tux, but a normal suit, and girls usually wear a low cut cocktail dress. There's no slow music, were couples dance at the end, but normal loud, techno music. Also, I've never seen more people throwing up at the same time. To be honest it was nothing special, and quite a forgettable experience. and here's me at the prom Spoiler
We didnt have a junior prom so I had no clue what it was going to be like. I went to the prom after party in my junior year though and it was awesome so I figured my prom would be as awesome as the party so Id go all out for it. I bought a sweet suit, $800 rattle snake skin cowboy boots (I wanted them for awhile anyway, prom was just an excuse to buy them) and a 40 pounder of Crown Royal. I was just going to drive my truck there but as I was leaving my dad threw me the keys to his Harley and let me take that insted. It looks like this: Spoiler So I show up late because I had to stop for gas (thanks dad) and the teacher/doorman didnt want to let me into the hall because he thought I was late because I had been drinking. Principal comes over, smells my breath, lets me in. Anyways the DJ sucked, every third song the music cut out and the song restarted. I went to a highschool in the city so all they played was rap music, and looked at me like I was retarded when I went up to ask for a country song. They were stingy with the roast beef and potatoes and they didnt even have ketchup. Not a big deal, but it was the teachers surprise policy that they wouldnt let anybody go to the parking lot once they were inside to curve people drinking, so I couldnt even grab ketchup packets from my dads bike. Anyways I left an hour early and dropped the bike off. I went into town and grabbed a steak then headed to the after party at some broads farm which also sucked. Her parents actually took everybodys keys once they parked, it was cold out and the cops tried to bust it up. I hit the rye hard and stumbled to my truck to go to sleep. I started it up to get the heat on (spare key fuckers) then passed out. I woke up 10 hours later, truck still running. I felt like shit, took a piss then went home. End of story, fuck prom.
I went to two proms in high school. One year was boring, as we had a minimum time to stay before we could leave and go to the after party. Everyone was just waiting around for the party and when the minimum time was up I think about half the prom left. At the after party, I was supposed to try blow for the first time, but the cops came and I bailed on it. The next year was a lot more fun. We took a limo and filled it with girls and champagne. The highlight came just as we were pulling up to the front door of the hotel where the prom was. My friend is about to throw up and we start yelling at the limo driver to drive to the back where there are no teachers to see it. He opens the limo door, vomits half into a solo cup, half on the ground, reaches down on to the ground, grabs his ecstasy pill out of his vomit and then swallows it again.
I had the pleasure of going to three proms. My first was my senior year, and they had prom on a boat that went out onto Lake Michigan. This WOULD have been fine, had the boat been bigger. Instead, we were left with virtually no dance floor, and a lot of kids getting sea-sick, but not being able to go outside for fresh air because it was 45 degrees outside. Oh, and I couldn't go with my girlfriend because she was a sophomore while I was a senior, so I went with a friend. Overall, a pretty fucking useless night. I stayed with the same girlfriend (my now wife... yes, we started dating when I was a senior and she was a sophomore in HS) and went to her junior prom. It was at a nice hotel, and we'd gotten two adjacent rooms in the hotel. The prom itself was nothing to write home about, but the gf and I had a very good night in the hotel room, three times. One room was the 'couple's room' and the other was the single people's room. One of my single friends was a retard who didn't get the hint, and ended up crashing in the 'couple's room.' This didn't stop my gf and I, mind you, we just had to stay under the covers. My wife's senior year, I went again. By this point, I was 20, and fuck if I wanted to go to fucking prom AGAIN. Luckily, I had a few friends my age that were going, also, so that sort of saved the night. We weren't able to get a hotel room that night, though, so that year wasn't NEARLY as fun as the previous year. Overall, it was completely and totally unmemorable. Three proms, and for the most part, the dances always sucked. However, in terms of all-time awful proms? My senior year, on a boat. I'm really hoping whoever had that idea spent the entire night sea sick and throwing up.
Raise your hand if you somehow went to four different proms and didn't get laid after any of them. Oh, just me? Great....
Junior year I took a freshman my friend's girlfriend knew. She was Peruvian, but not some stunner, and didn't speak more than really shitty broken english. It was like a fucking movie, she didn't know much english so she kept repeating that fact that she had done coke before (less of a hint more of a "this is what people laugh at when I say it" line). We skipped afterprom and went to my buddy's girls house to drink. They had bought a single bottle of Captain Morgen with no mixers so the girls took one or two shots and quit. My buddy thought he'd be a great wingman by jokingly cuffing me and my date together so "we could get to know each other better." He then took his girl into the next room and fucked her. My date and I just watched a movie on a futon. I tried making out with her but she wasn't having it so we just both passed out. Fast forward a few hours to me waking up to her biting the shit out of my hand to wake me up when I had to take her home. She didn't tap me on the shoulder, she didn't pinch my nose together she friggen bit me. She apologized saying she was nervous and drunk (as best she could) but needed to get home which I took her. I didn't think anything of it until a few months later when another friend said there was a rumor going around that she bit me in some defensive move because I was attacking her in some way. Great prom! Senior Year- Again I asked another girl that was just friends of a friend that I had never talked to before. We both just needed dates. She was a nice girl. This year instead of going to the blow out party my buddy had I just went to after prom with her and our friends. pretty event less, I took her home after and that was that. I really did this for my mom. She wanted to relive the prom since she never went. She sprung for the suits and dinner each time, so I really didn't mind. I would probably have only gone on my own dime if I had a serious girlfriend who wanted to go. Otherwise it really wasn't as memorable as the movies make it.
I only went to one "prom" - my final year at school. We don't get any others. Anyway, my supposed "friends" guilted me into going. Me, being the stupid idiot, agreed. One of my friends then set me up with one of his girl friends. She was mildly attractive. Cue the start of the evening. No limo, so I have my parents dropping us off. In my mom's old Ford Sapphire. (OK, I'll let the laughing end first). So, we get there - I don't even remember what the theme was (the students had no opinion on the choice, since it was decided by the members of Staff and their puppets, the Dance Committee). The photographer takes our picture, I meet up with my supposed friends. Date disappears. After about an hour, I get up to go looking for her - she's on the other side of the place shooting the shit with some people. She tells me "Oh, sorry, I only came with you because most of my friends were coming - didn't *mutual friend* tell you this?" No, no he fucking didn't. I went back to my seat and waited for them to serve the dinner. Another 2 hours later, still no food and I'm extremely bored, and my date stopped by once and then disappeared again. I ask one of the faculty members what is going on - they didn't order enough food! I then leave and go down the road to Steers and get myself a burger and chips. I then went back to the dance and my friends tell me my date's been looking for me - she wanted to dance because she was bored! What.the.fuck? This chick had barely spent 10 minutes with me the entire evening! I'd also told her before the dance that I DO NOT dance, as I am hopelessly uncoordinated - people made fun of me enough, I wasn't about to hand out more ammo. I then told her I'd wait outside while she danced with whomever she wanted. Another hour and a half and she's ready to leave. I tag along with her and my friends to the afterparty. Alcohol was being served there for everyone of age - I wasn't, so no booze for me. Stayed there for about 2 hours - she disappeared again. I left at about 2.45am. I got no kiss, no lay, no nothing. I saw her a few years later; she didn't remember me at all and her face had been ravaged by acne. I could hardly hide my delight. Moral of the story: I should've started listening to my gut instincts at that age, because they aren't often wrong.
My prom night was incredibly boring compared to a lot of the previous posts. I never had a girlfriend in high school so I wasn't expecting to bring a date. I didn't take a limo to the venue, didn't drink or smoke beforehand or afterwords, and I didn't plan on doing anything afterwords until a couple of friends of mine convinced me to join them on their "party" bus. The amount of party on a bus is usually proportional to the amount of substances people bring onto said bus. There were no substances and therefore no party, just incredibly loud music for no reason. There was, however, a rather...big boned girl I knew on the bus who gave me a lap dance when she saw I was nodding off. Everything was fine until I started smelling fish. We pretty much drove in circles until 7 in the morning when they dropped me off, it was not fun.
Man, most of your proms pretty much sucked. Which made me wonder, why was mine so fun? I think I've got it. Prom is fun if: you and your date like each other. And then the big one: take ecstasy. Bonus points if your date does as well. This will almost guarantee you having a great time and getting laid that night. Hell, I even had fun at the 80's themed impromptu dance we had, courtesy of Sir X. I dressed up in Rex Kwon Doe American flag pants and had a Harley windbreaker, made out with three chicks, and danced to all those wonderful 80's classics all night. Don't blame me if you get busted or something though, learn to hold your shit a little better sucka. I know most of you are older than the high school years but to those that are still there and are considering this, I'd recommend a few practice rounds before you lose your shit in front of the faculty. Oh and, don't die.
I had a blast at my Junior and Senior proms... I can't for the life of me remember where our after party was either year, though. I do remember the zipper on the corset top of my dress Senior year getting stuck and two guys had to pull it over my head with vise grips. I wouldn't let them cut it and it took a lot longer than it sounds like it would. The waist part was considerably smaller than the top so even when they got it over my boobies, it was still very tight around my shoulders. I was bare breasted for a good ten minutes. Looking back, I would have found a pair of scissors. We also had to semi-evacuate the dance floor that year too... some of the DJ's lights fell and shards of glass went everywhere. Since 99% of the girls were barefoot, we had to be carried off the dance floor.
Oh my, my senior prom was the worst, bad movie sort of prom it could possibly be. So I was far from a lothario in my High School years. Despite being neither extremely nerdy or outcast, or particularly unattractive, I just didn't really find myself until late in my HS years. So cue prom, I didn't go to prom my junior year because I didn't have a crush on anyone at the time so I didn't focus in my efforts anywhere, but more realistically, I had been denied a total of 6 times for the prior 2 years of Homecoming dances, so I was more than a little gunshy about putting myself out there. (Partially this was due to my own stomach churning lameness. I fucking asked a girl to sophomore Homecoming by taping a note to the inside of her locker...from the outside. I wish I could punch my 15 year old self in the face, but thats a story for another time.) Well, along comes senior year. I don't go to Homecoming again, but coming to prom, I am a little more optimistic. This fairly cute Jewish girl in my econ class had mentioned to our mutual friend Katie multiple times that she thought I was cute, smart, dressed well, etc... Now despite these, at the time, ridiculously unusual compliments, I still didnt know this girl that well. She was on the dance team and had just magnificent tits, so we'll call her Dancer Mctitties. Well, as prom date asking time approaches, Katie mentions that Dancer Mctitties has expressed some significant interest in going to prom with yours truly. I am almost immediately game. I start thinking of grandiose titty fucking scenarios. However, Katie mentions that I shouldn't ask Dancer just yet. (Red Flag #1). A week and change later, I get the go ahead, which I should have not have had to wait for anyways, and ask her, to which she accepted before running off to talk to her friend or some shit. This happened a day or two after my friend Panda, who I had really wanted to go with, was asked by the large black man, whom she had started dating recently, in a seeming unrelated incident. Except he was Dancer's ex hookup flame. So suddenly the timing is not so random. Fuck... Then it gets awkward. She never gave me her phone number to talk plans, so in my infinite stupidity, I look up a number in the phonebook, assume its her family's, and leave a longish message related to prom stuff. Cue me getting a fairly embarrassing call from a concerned mother, who turned out to be her aunt, about why I was calling their house about her niece...FML The rest of the buildup to prom was unremarkable but foreshadowing a shitty time as she more or less avoided me at school and went through the planning motions in distant and unenthusiastic manner. So finally its prom night, after some convincing, my dad tosses me the keys to his new BMW and tells me to have fun and be safe with a big smile on his face. Feeling like a complete badass, I drive over to pictures only to find out we are going to carpool with some of her other friends and my dad's car is going to sit in the fucking driveway all night. Stellar. So instead of rolling up in style, we awkwardly sit in the back of her friend's BF's Grand Am as we get lost taking a "scenic route" downtown. Dinner was no better and then almost immediately afterwards, when dancing starts, Dancer Mctitties disappears. Confused, I find one of my friends and we do a few laps. I find her draped over the lap of aforementioned large black dude. Well fuck me sideways, I was used as a vehicle to get her to prom so she can gobble some dark chocolate. And Panda, she was ditched as well, but was so upset she ended up leaving. Splendid. So I spent the next 3 hours wandering around in a mortified daze, receiving 2-3 pity dances from other girls whose hips totally reflected the unwillingness of their bodies to commit to the good intentions of their hearts. And as Dancer Mctitties came up to me for the last dance of the night, I told her I needed to go to the bathroom and walked away. I wish it could have ended there. But we still needed to go to the school sponsored After Prom. That was actually fun as I stopped giving a fuck and played pop a shot and dropkicked my friends in an inflatable bouncy castle. After, I silently drove her back to the house which served as "homebase" of sorts for our group and awkwardly stood around for a few minutes as other couples began to disappear to go presumably hook up, or something other than wanting to slit their fucking wrists with a quarter. And to cap off a magical night, as I walked to my car to drive the fuck home, I passed a certain large black man walking up the drive. I'm sure he was there to titty fuck the double Ds I had just wasted $150 on. Fuck, I wish I drank in HS.