Spoiler I'm getting tired of this show really fast. Every episode this season has disappointed me, and this one was the worst. They're just not fucking doing anything! Give me some sort of a new twist in the Sophia situation or end it, because I don't give even half a shit. And what else is going on? The Asian kid got his dick wet - cool, but in terms of the overall story, who cares. They fished the zombie out of the well - kind of entertaining, but again, pretty much just filler. Rick's trying to get the farmer dude to let them stay - great, everything that's happened there has bored me to tears, please, try and stay there permanently. Lori's pregnant - interesting, but everyone I know who watches this show saw that coming a mile away. I don't know, it's probably not as bad as I make it out to be. I'm just pissed because after season one this show was on the fast track to becoming one of my favorite series, and in my opinion this season has been barely mediocre at best.
Spoiler In reference to nothing happening so far this season. Weren't we supposed to have seen Michonne by now? During season 1 I remember reading they were going to have her involved in season 2. Did that change with the new showrunner? Anyone read anything on this?
I don't know what to post here. I'm honestly waiting until I see someone post in here that they aired an episode worth watching before I put myself through an hour of that kind of boredom again. Kind of a shame, because this series had potential.
Spoiler I don't know what's worse: this show, or the fact that I keep watching and posting in this thread. I just feel like they have all the tools to have an awesome show, and maybe they'll start using them one of these weeks... I felt a glimmer of hope when Mirage Merle was telling Daryl to stop wasting his time fucking around with the rest of the boring pussies. Maybe he would storm back to the farm and get shit moving... Shane's been restless too, maybe he would join Daryl's cause?? No. No, of course not. And who the fuck cares about the barn full of zombies? Is that supposed to be a cliff hanger? I assume it's friends/family who got turned into zombies that they couldn't bring themselves to kill? Am I missing something, or does keeping zombies in a securely locked barn not matter even the tiniest bit?
This could sum it up. Anyway, if you recap the episodes, it seems like quite a lot is happening. The rift between Rick and Shane is widening, Hershel starts acting more and more like a crazy asshole and Maggie and Glen try to get freaky. Also, NSFW Daryl pulled an arrow from his own body to wreck a zombie, after he was done murdering the face of an other zombie. But the execution makes almost everything fall flat. I get that the writers try to make us connect with the characters, but do they have to make them all a bunch of emo-whiners (with the obvious exceptions of Daryl and Shane). Trying to flesh out the characters while they are looking for one who completely isn't, doesn't really make for interesting television. It's obvious that they are trying to work out some ways around their (significant) budget-cuts, but up until now, everything has been too on-the-nose and slooooooooow. Get on with it!
A world full of zombies and the only survivors being the dumbest fucks on the planet I'll believe. But how the fuck is Carl walking around as if nothing happened like two weeks after he was shot by a god damn rifle?
Some people wanted to know when an episode aired that was worth watching.....well, this one is. Spoiler Look, this show still has its flaws and they were again evident. But this time the characters took matters into their own hands. Their actions followed somewhat logically, instead of just going through the motions. And the end? Maybe I'm a dumbass, but I did not see that one coming. They should've done this episode about three weeks back, but IMO, it was a good pay-off nonetheless.
Spoiler I thought the last one out was going to be Hershel's wife, which confused me because I thought they'd already blasted half her face off (they did). I was actually a little surprised that it was Sophia. But it was good that Rick was the one to step up and do her, sorta taking the leadership role back from Shane.
Yeah big time, definitely wasn't expecting that one. Finally a decent episode though. Don't read if you haven't read the comics, but: Spoiler It's going to be interesting if they have Carl eventually kill Shane in the show also.
I enjoyed the twist with Sophia being in the barn the whole time, I do however have one small gripe with it that I hope they answer immediately when it comes back in February. Exactly when did Sophia get wrangled? If Otis is the one that did it, that would mean that he had to have found her before he shot Carl, which then begs the question was Daryl actually tracking Sophia or someone else. If Otis didn't get her, then at what point was she brought to the barn and why wouldn't Herschel at least mention that they found a child walker, seeing as how the only reason they were continuing to stay at the farm was so they could search for Sophie.
Herschel was trying to keep the walkers, in the barn, under wraps. He didn't want Rick's bunch to do what they eventually did anyway.
Yeah I get that, the best way to do that would have been to tell Rick "Hey uh we found a girl walker out in the woods, you guys wanna check on see if it your missing girl?" They find out it is her, cue headshot, the group is back out on their way to Ft. Benning the next day, problem solved. There is absolutely no reason to hide her in the barn, and exactly WHO found her?
The writers were on Talking Dead afterwards, and they stated that Otis was the one putting walkers in the barn. This means he probably found Sophia before the group even got there, and Hershel probably didn't know. I'm not sure if Otis knew whether or not they are looking for someone like her as they were occupied with Carl being shot.
Wow, and this, once again, is an example of the writers of this show to keep getting things wrong more often than right. It's stretching things to have Otis be the one who put her in the barn. If I'm correct, this is the timeline: Day 1 - The group gets stuck on the highway. A herd passes by. Sophia freaks out and disappears in the woods. They look for her. Day 2 - They look for Sophia. The groups splits up. Carls gets shot by Otis. That night Otis and Shane get medical supplies and Otis ends up as a zombie-snack. Day 3 'till now - Whole lot of nothing, blablablaboring. So the writers expect me to believe that Sophia runs into the woods, gets to the ravine (where Daryl found her doll), possibly slept in that house Daryl searched, got bitten by a zombie, wandered around until she got stuck in the swamp, where she was found by Otis? And it all happened in one day? Now I know that logically speaking, all the zombies in the barn probably wouldn't have been found in the swamp. On the other hand, the farmboy did say 'it happened again' and all the people on the farm (including Otis) were specifically portrayed as people who don't go around hunting walkers. See, I was happy with the ending of the episode, thinking that Sophia got lost for a couple of days, justifying all the hints and traces of her, then died and got put in the barn by Hershel or his son(?). And Hershel being an asshole, he didn't feel like telling the group. Or maybe he feared they would shoot her. But instead the writers come up with something like this. Which besides being completely retarded, also negates almost half of the preceding episodes and doesn't capitalize on the potential of having someone other than Otis finding Sophia. How can these writers keep fucking up such a sure thing?
As far as the timeline, Sophia was out in the woods for an afternoon, overnight, and then nearly another full day before Carl was shot. She could have gotten bitten shortly after Rick lost her and come back as a walker overnight, leaving the better part of the following day for Otis to find her and get her into the barn. Daryl found the doll in a river before he fell down into the ravine. More than likely, it traveled there from wherever Sophia dropped it, probably much closer to Herschel's farm. Also, I may be wrong, but I thought there was another day between Carl getting shot and Shane and Otis going to the FEMA station. Either way though, the timeline for Sophia winding up in the barn is still plausible.
This episode portrayed what this show should have been like all season. 1) It would be reasonably easy to find refuge in this type of situation. That was my major gripe with last season—they never bothered to set up camp anywhere, besides their half-assed attempt at the quarry. 2) The zombies are a good and easy threat to understand. This type of show would never work in a genocide or other "real" apocalypse scenario because there would be too many ongoing factors. The zombies are good because they are an outside threat that can be easily worked into the scripts. Also allows for gunshots and action that would be otherwise missing. 3) The show itself should be focusing on group dissolution amidst their attempts to stave off the zombie threat. Last season did a poor job of this as well (with the exception of a couple bit characters). The value of a TV series over just a movie is that they can take the time to flesh out these situations. Too bad the first season barely did this, and the second season did it in a pretty weird way. Anyway, next episode should be interesting.
I'm not sure the bit of plot development in the second half of that episode is enough to keep me on the edge of my seat until February.