Fucking seriously, I'm trying to like this show but the logic loops are fucking impossible. If there is shit outside that can kill you, and you have seen or known people that have died, why the fuck would you walk out alone? Seriously? Also, there have been jokes about everyone being able to "track" but fuck, zombies are tracking now? Really?
I don't know why I'm watching this show week after week. I keep hoping that all hell will break loose and give me a solid hour of action but it seems like I'm wading through 55 minutes of garbage just to get a decent final five minutes of show. I'm not done with the show just yet but the pace better pick up, hell, there are daytime soaps that advance a story faster than the walking dead.
Spoiler I'm pretty sure there wasn't any tracking at all and it was just dumb luck that the walker found its way there. One thing I find funny is how that Zombie took down the cow. I know a cow isn't smart and I've never seen one run, but I would imagine that the thing would be strong enough and fast enough to get away from a walker. That combined with the fact that the walker snuck up on Dale just pisses me off. All it did when the kid was near it was moan, how did his dumb bearded ass get caught off guard. Plus, there's fucking zombies around and a cow torn apart in front of you. Get your head of a fucking swivel. The writing in this show is starting to piss me off. The only thing I liked about the episode was Dales argument against killing the kid.
How does a zombie disembowel a man with his bare hands? Just put your fingers in his belly-button and pretend you're swimming? Lots of things have already been discussed, but do the writers and directors pay attention to the wounds they inflict on the cast? Carl gets shot and is up on his feet four days later. Shane fucks up his ankle and doesn't so much as limp in the next episode. Daryl had his own arrow stuck through his stomach and got shot, but one day in the tent and he's fine. Shane and Rick wailed on eachother for five minutes, but haven't got as much as a black eye. The kid from the other group had a spike in his leg, but can walk again. And even more hilarious, about two minutes after his face got beaten to a pulp by Daryl (who had bloody knuckles, so someone was paying attention in the make-up department), he only has some scrapes on his nose and forehead, but no bruises or anything.
I am just about done with this show. There is so much potential here being wasted. In the most recent episode the writers devoted 55 mins to trying to explore the concept of "civilization", its place in the new world, and the meaning of life and death in a post-appocolypitic zombie world. Fair enough. But no one really said anything novel or interesting. It is "post- apocalyptic 101" that the survivors are going to struggle with the new world and what rules from the past to carry forward. Yet the most recent episode barely would earn a "C+" in Zombie 101. We had Dale blathering about the loss of humanity and the others articulating the need to face reality and kill the kid. Seriously, if you plan to tackle this issue, have something interesting to say about it, or don't bother putting a zombie show on TV. I also think that the show has wasted a chance to explore the notion of leadership. The fight has been between two former cops who essentially share the same life experience and world view. Glen seems equally as resourceful and far more intelligent. Why not have him challenge for leadership and use that as a counterpoint to "cop world." I don't pretend to have any better ideas than the writers. But I'm not the one putting a post- apocalyptic show on TV. The first 6 episodes (season 1) were wonderful. I thought that things were starting to turn around in Season 2, but it just keeps getting worse. I could care less about the son and his stupid hat (can't even remember his name, Carl? [He constantly has a look on his face like the chubby kid in "The Hangover" who tazes Zak]) and was rooting for the zombie stuck in the mud to escape and kill him. His mom (can't recall her name either) should have died in the car wreck. And yet it is Dale that gets killed. Please let the kid escape, find the group of "30" and let's see a seige of the farm or something for god's sake.
I'm actually almost positive if you watch the scene where Daryl beats that kid up, his face changes from being super puffy and barely able to see out of one eye, to being almost completely normal when Carl comes in the shed. In the span of five seconds. I know it doesn't make a big difference to show overall, but when they constantly ignore things like that, it starts to become blatantly obvious. The fact that the writers are either too lazy, or just don't give enough of a fuck to remember simple continuity issues like that really gets annoying. At least Andrea will be able to shoot whoever she wants now, though.
I think the show has improved since Darabont left. There is more action, the characters are slightly more rational, but I think a lot of the earlier criticisms still hold. Problem with Dale getting killed (the director said in an interview after that a zombie can disembowel by hand due to the extreme bony-ness of their rotting hands) is that, who gives a shit? It was sad when Shane killed Otis, because what you knew about the guy you liked. Dale has just been a whining bitch and never did any of the cool stuff he did in the comic. Having Dale on this show was like having your nagging mother in law in tow the whole time. At any rate, the new exec producer promises to ramp up the action and move things along faster. They have to get off the farm so that things start making sense. Would you ever trust sleeping outside in a tent with Zombies roaming around? Makes no sense. Sleep in the car. He said that the season finale would really set the tone for the direction he wants to take the series. I hope it works.
That's what the writers also completely ignore. Why do they think that the only way the 30-man group could come after them, is if the kid leads them to the farm? It's not an invisible fortress, high in the mountains. It's a fucking farm! Down the side of the road. And if a group of assholes sees some empty farms, they'll start looking around for more. Hell, they've been shooting things, driving their cars around and making big-ass zombie-pyres which smoke-signalled to all who cares; "we're here for the taking." They weren't exactly worried about keeping a low profile. That zombie at the end was more ninja they they ever were.
Major Spoiler. Don't read if you haven't read the comics. Spoiler Mid episode - the gang just went after Randall in the woods after Shane already dropped him. This is where I think Shane is going to try to kill Rick and Carl is going to kill Shane. If so, I like the way they converge the story to the comics.
Not 100% true to the comics, but pretty good nonetheless. Spoiler Although its retarded that Shane wanted to kill Rick in plain view of the farmhouse, but whatever. Next weeks finale:
I have to agree. For the first time since reading the comics I feel like the show is moving in a positive direction. It's nice to see the show finally have a faster pace, hopefully they keep it up. This season on the farm was killing me. Spoilered just in case someone has it DVR'd Spoiler I love how they introduced Michonne, although it annoys me they left Andrea behind. Necessary plot device I suppose. I also love that Rick is becoming more like the comic book character. Rants: I wish they would kill off Carol. Mostly because her character is useless, but I don't think the plot line in the comics would work for the show. How the hell didn't they find better vehicles? Find more ammo/guns? Find a police station and get full riot gear for protection? Hell, paintball "armor" would be better than nothing. Find some Night vision? How hard is it to find a van with no windows? Weld some plate on a Suburban? Hell, find where the military left Humvee's for that matter. I imagine I would be driving something very similar to this:
Loved the finale. I see guys are tossing out comic book references. I have none. The direction is 10x better overall. Spoiler I'm shocked they didn't kill off Carol, but I guess Daryl can't be the only white trash. But if they don't kill of Hershel's blonde daughter I'm going to break something. Can't stand that bitch. I like the splitting someone off as Rick was standing there screaming about staying together. Andrea was the perfect character for this as she is not a pussy. Rick turning into a real person who is sick and tired of being made the de facto leader, then questioned at the same time is perfect. "You want me to lead? Then fuck you, I'm leading, this isn't a democracy." I'm guessing that chick with the sword is named Michonne.
I thought the finale was great. There's only one part that I completely miss the point of: NSFW Who cares if they all carry the virus? Sure you might not want to come back as a walker, but I really don't get the big deal overall. For you to reanimate you have to be dead either way, which means the game is pretty much up at that point regardless. I dunno, they can claim "right to know" and blah blah blah but I really don't get why I'm supposed to care about that.
I have not read the comic/graphic novel. However, the fact that so far we only know of the virus being activated by death does not mean that death is the only was to trigger a reaction. In fact, was Shane's behavior some manifestation of the virus in his system? Also, what effect could the virus have on Rick's Wife's fetus? Zombie in the womb? Just a couple of ways in which the virus' infection of all could be interesting. I thought the season ender was great. I too am excited for Season 3.
Essentially, they have a right to know because if they don't know, and someone in their group dies of non-zombie related causes, their guard will be down, allowing them to be overrun. Much like the cops they found when they were going to ditch that kid 13 or whatever miles away. Un-spoilered because if you haven't watched it by now you can go fuck yourself.
I thought the finale was really good. I'm so glad they're finally off the damn farm. I swear when Lori tried to jump out of the moving car my instinct was to say "Dammit T-Dog just let her she's completely useless!" She pretty much eggs Rick on to "take care of" Shane and then looks at him horrified when he does something. In the comic she was tolerable but on the show I just want to smack her. Spoilered for comic information. Spoiler The appearance of Michonne and the final shot of the prison were fantastic. I love Michonne. I can't wait to see what they do with The Governor plot line. I'm also wondering if Axel and the other prisoners will be waiting there. I hope so, they made for an interesting time. Someone sent me this yesterday and I thought it was pretty funny. Dammit Carl. http://www.collegehumor.com/article/6743808/10-reasons-why-the-walking-dead-should-just-kill-carl
Spoiler I kind of like it actually. They screwed it up a bit from how the comic handled it with Shane, but still has applications in the show. Makes for an interesting side issue - if everyone is infected - they all have to agree to mercy kills, and also makes any humans they come across potentially more dangerous - headshots for everyone!