I love the suspence in the show where at any moment a Geek can pop out for brunch. But sometimes the lack of common sence stuff pisses me off. Like dude that cut his hand off. Really? he couldn't possibly cut a link in the cuff chain to break free. And last week, rant in spoiler. Spoiler When they left the car for the guy on the other end of the walkie. Umm, put the tires back on the car for Christ sakes. Fuck, leave the OPEN TOP jeep for them and take the car. OR plie into the car and leave the shtty Whinnie. Oh, (last one) "the military" was over run by the Geeks, but in the tease for next week the French are hloding their own. They did say THE FUCKIN' "WE SURENDER" FROGS RIGHT?! Whew, that said, there are Zombies so all logic is tossed like my salad, right?
Well I guess Darabont fired the show's entire writing staff? <a class="postlink" href="http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=25386" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=25386</a>
I really want to see the eventual confrontation when dude finds out his best friend was banging his wife. The scene in the woods with the shotgun was tense. The old man suspects the brewing trouble now too. The six episode season is going to kill me. I agree that it is great that they won't flinch when killing off main characters. Honestly this genre would be perfect for doing just that. You will be roaming around picking up new people as well as having others killed off. I don't know how everyone could already be infected, yet there are plenty of dead bodies lying around that aren't zombies?
Already got fucked up in the brain by whoever was trying to defend the CDC at one point? I can see how having entirely new writers each week could actually lead to a good show. If as a producer, you're a micro-managing nut job perfectionist, I could definitely see it working.
Virus has an X% full mortality rate with Y% instead becoming zombies. Might only zombify people with particular genetic characteristics or fail to zombify people with a particular immunity strength. Not an uncommon premise in this sort of storyline.
Since Darabount has co-writtten each episode and is the executive producer this really isnt that much different from him just using a small group of writers, he has final say on creative control. He'll probably just find story ideas he likes and add them into the narrative as he sees fit.
The shows writing staff has only co-written two episodes. 2 were by Darabont himself, one with an outside talent, like he seems to be planning on doing, 1 by Kirkman, the series creator, and 2 co-written with the staff writers. Kirkmas has also expressed interest in writing more episodes for season 2. If the staff writers can only manage to contribute to 2 half credits, I can understand firing them. Why not try and save that money, and put it towards production of the show? It certainly can't be a cheap one to produce. I am, very, very happy to see this diverge from the comics. As much as I love them, it would suck to be able to predict exactly what was going to happen. It seems like they'll be keeping the good ideas of the comic and presenting them in new ways, which is great,
It's been a solid show, some weird writing flaws, but nothing to complain about. I'm hoping this works out because I love everything the show has been doing. Definitely need Season 2 pronto. Good thing this show is popular and the budget isn't really an issue. Advertisers are going nuts for the Walking Dead.
I'm seriously considering hunting down the actor who played the scientist, and forcing him to tell me what he whispered to supercop (don't remember characters name.) I must know!!!
Zombies are the new Vampires it seems. Good for Walking Dead, bad for TV in general since I'm predicting a bunch of crap zombie shows coming soon. I'm satisfied with the way they pared down the cast again. Another one bites the dust. The one thing I'm worried about is how the writers are going to keep the action from getting stale. I mean other than the mass zombie attack at night the zombie encounters were getting a little stale. Shooting them in the head at 20 paces can only be so exciting.
"Based on the blood test, your wife is pregnant. Video cameras showed some hanky shit going on between her and the ugly dude in the rec room. I wouldn't be surprised if the kid is his. Have a nice day! Buh-bye!"
I suspect The CW is filming the pilot for their new teenage angst, coming-of-age zombie show as I type this.
Yep, it's gotta be that the wife is pregnant. Don't know about the scientist seeing it on video, but the blood test probably came back positive for MAHHHH BAYBEEEEEEE!! (homage to Claire.)
That almost seems too obvious... Maybe not obvious, but most people I've talked to think that's probably it. Seems like a pretty shitty end-of-the-season-mystery if everyone can call it right away. Having said that, I have no real other suggestions. I'm wondering if something will come of Shane not being able to hear Rick's heartbeat in the hospital. Yeah, maybe it was just the stress and gun fire like Shane said, but it seemed like the writers might have been hinting at something there. Shane has been made out to be pretty badass, and a heartbeat doesn't seem like something his character would miss. I was thinking maybe the mysterious whisper had something to do with that, but I have no idea what that would/could mean, so it's kind of a useless hypothesis.
Not sure if this is kosher or not since it's a theory that has some connection to the comic, so you pansies get spoiler tags. My guess is.. (this isn't that bad btw, and is merely my conjecture) Spoiler That Jenner was telling Rick either that (1) his wife is pregnant, or (2) that they are all infected with the zombie disease. One of the big distinctions that no one has brought up on this site so far is one of the first rules of George Romero zombies - the bite kills you but everyone is infected, and comes back as a zombie when you die. ie: Hell is all out of room. And is anyone else absolutely driven bat shit by the way the Zombie genre (World War Z, Walking Dead, Romero) pretends that there is no such thing as Zombies in popular culture in their Zombie universe? No, they're not "Geeks", "Ghouls", or "Zach", they're fucking Zombies.
Am I the only one who thinks Shane probably has the most well-developed character on the show? Not that the bar is raised particularly high on that, but still. The guy is messed up, but he isn't a mustache twirling mastermind we thought he was when he told Lori that Rick was dead. The show does a good job at showing how and why Shane is such a ticking timebomb, while Rick hasn't evolved that much beyond his Harrison Fordesque 'where's my family'-character. Oh, and for all the people just dying to know the reason behind the zombie outbreak, I have some bad news for you:
I agree with you, it seems too obvious. But given that the show keeps bringing up Shane and Lori's affair, and the significance placed on the blood test, and the looks Rick was giving to his wife in the car after the CDC exploded, I can't see how it's anything else. The scientist's wording when Rick asked about the blood test results was interesting, though. "No surprises." Good call on the heartbeat thing. I remember wondering if that was significant while watching the episode, but kind of forgot about it. It could just as easily be a plot device used to get Shane to leave, though, as he probably wouldn't have if he thought his best friend was still alive.
Looks like everyone's favorite whoremonger will have a cameo next season as a zombie... http://blog.moviefone.com/2010/12/07/the-walking-dead-charlie-sheen-cameo/
You're telling me HE won that contest for the walk-on role as a zombie? Dammit, that shit was rigged.