This was fun... Earlier today Crazy told me "There's some guy in a tow truck out there taking pictures of your car." I go charging out the door and walk up to the drivers side of the tow truck sitting in the middle of the street. The guy rolls the window down, he's crouched real low in the seat and looks shady as fuck. I asked if I could help him and he replied "I ain't doin' nuthin'." I asked why he was taking pictures of my car and he repeated "I ain't doin' nuthin'." Then he drove away. At least I got the name of the towing company. Hopefully he got the message that messing with my car is serious business.
Well, shit. Just checked the weather report for where we’re staying. Highs below freezing, lows in the single digits. With a consistent 10-15 degree wind chill. I’ve never been in single digit temps before. Anything below 45 is “don’t go outside” cold for me.
It was to wake up to a false nuclear radiation blanket this morning. Thanks for the heads up, Darlington.
I’ve coached little league basketball, 2 teams at a time, for 3 seasons. Never had a single complaint til this season. One team I’ve had two parents file complaints both to me and to the director- One mom thinks we scrimmage too much. One dad thinks his daughter isn’t getting enough playing time. This makes things fairly tense, to the point I’m questioning coaching next season. Coincidentally their kids miss most practices and some games. Also, these kids tell me they don’t want to play. It got so bad that I ask the team “who wants to play?” and I rotate kids in who raise their hands. The daughter doesn’t raise or hand or say yes and her dad says “she’s shy” like I’m supposed to be able to read her mind. I have no problem playing kids that are new to the game, but if kids whine or tell me over and over that they “don’t wanna go in” what do I do? I’m not into forcing kids to play a sport they don’t want to. I know quitting is letting them win but bringing on any headaches is not worth it to me. It’s also not fair to the kids who want to play, that come to every practice and practice on their own. I’d love to address this to the parents but not sure how I can tell them to chill out without it escalating things. Thoughts?
@scotchcrotch I wouldn't listen to the kids saying they don't want to play. I'd probably start a rule saying everyone plays at least once per game and tell the kids verbally ahead of time about your rule. For the kids missing practices. Obviously that is on the parents. Are these kids who also do not want to play? You may want to chat directly with the parents about attendance in those circumstances. Like, little Johnny isn't making it to the practices and as a result isn't confident about playing.Is there something going on? What can we do to help him make it to practice? Also, not sure about how well you know these families or the director. You might want to come up with your game plan and then have a meeting with the director before you do whatever you'll do to make sure he is in agreement and has your back. I've never coached but that's my first take on resolving some of that stuff. Everyone has issues with coaches one way or another but you have to coach the whole team. The biggest complaint I've personally heard from parents with kids in sports is that they spend all this time and money getting their kids to practices and then they never play in the games because of x, y z reasons. It's not fair to the kid, and it's a fucking game at a low level. Let them play.
I hate to assume things but I believe parents aren’t going to practices because they don’t feel like they need to. Then they just show up for games and get all entitled. What kind of example are you setting for your child if you skip the hard work and then complain because you don’t get your way?
This. I would tell the children and the parents at the same time, new rule, each child gets to play 2 quarters if they show up for the game and are dressed. If there are too many kiddos on the team for everyone to play that much each game, then rotate in a fair way (and let them know ahead of time on the schedule) who is going to play one less quarter each game in order to get the other ones their half game. That way if there is an issue with a particular child not wanting to play, its on their parents, not you. They don't have to participate while they're on the court if they're shy or whatever, but they will be part of the 5 person group out there. Same rule applies to everyone, and it's on the parents not you.
I think it depends on the age of the players. The younger they are, absolutely, forced gameplay for anyone who shows up, because at that age it's about trying to teach them to be part of a team and break through some social barriers that they may have. If it's high school, then it's about winning and you do what you can to put the best team on the court. If it's somewhere in between? It's a mixture, but you have to be cognizant of the social and non-gameplay elements in the mix and do what you can to coach the kids for life, not coach the team for a win. Part of that might be having a serious chat with them about practices, etc. After all, it might not be the kid's fault that they can't make practice, the parents might be making them skip it, and then that's why they're so adamant about their kids playing, because they don't want to be seen as the one fucking over their kid, so are transferring all that shit on to you. $0.02
Somebody needs to strap Gwyneth Paltrow down to a bed and keep her heavily sedated until she is finally, blissfully gone from this earth. Jesus Christ. Whatever you think might be an obnoxious celebrity issue, she surely has it. They need to take her children away from her before she fucking eats them.
1 year sober today. It's crazy to think I don't miss it at all. I've replaced the addiction part with a gym addiction, which fortunately has reduced my injuries (specifically lower back) rather than increased them. Drinking a german NA right now that has 58 calories and 3 grams of protein in it, got some NA porters and IPAs in the fridge for later. Leaving skiing tomorrow and I'm taking a bottle of alcohol-removed whiskey and one of gin as well. It's nice that I don't have to give up the delicious dark beers and hops, just the part that makes me do stupid shit and gain weight. I'm not sure I could have made it if my only options were o'douls or sparkling water.
I miss that show. With all the “retro revivals” going on I’m surprised nobody has tried to bring Quantum Leap back, it’s one of THE best sci-fi shows ever. Funny, suspenseful, limitless ideas and two amazing main characters. I wonder if Bakula would be up for it again, it had a great-but-dubious ending.
I wish they don't do that... some things were great, and don't need a remake or reboot... they were what they were, just leave them be and don't fuck with them.
I dunno, I could be interested if instead of a reboot or remake they made a continuation with Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell. I think the series finale was open ended enough to make it possible. The real question, would a studio spend on writers capable of creating compelling stories?
Dean Stockwell is in his 80s. Kind of hard to put him back into that role and say he’s the sidekick of a time traveler.
It is snowing for the first time of the year. It is blowing and so FLUFFY. The ducks are covered and stomping around in it. Too bad the new snowblower hasn't shipped in yet.
I think most finished shows should be untouched. Quantum Leap is one I wish they did a follow-up movie or SOMETHING, even though it did have an ending. Put Bakula in the Al role. That’s how I kind of pictured what happened after the finale. The new actor will have to perform well in drag.
This is exactly how I feel! It snowed a lot last season and I was over it by the end. It's super awesome today though. I've got a fire going and am snacking on soups and cakes with all the curtains pulled back to watch the shnow.