That was by far, the most awkward I've ever felt in my life. The 2nd time I had to drop off a sample there was a cute mom with her ~8 y/o kid in the waiting room. You wuss, the boys were a little sore for a day or so but that was it. Day of frozen peas, day of Tylenol and I was 90% fine.
It's getting to be that time of the year to consider ice fishing, or, as I like to call it, drinking in a tent on a frozen lake. Every year I end up falling down the YouTube rabbit hole of "recovering vehicles that fall through the ice" videos. It's pretty impressive how such a niche recovery industry has been able to thrive, such as this: But then you get the awesome redneck compilations of "what not to do while drunk driving on the ice". I can't stop watching.
Its ice rescue season in these parts. That time of year when the lakes haven’t completely frozen over yet but people act like they have. There have been a handful of rescues the past two weeks at a couple of lakes around here. On Sunday three people were successfully rescued after one guy fell through on a motorcycle and two others tried to get him. A few years back, my sister’s ex boyfriend was driving a snow mobile across the lake, at night, in a snowstorm. He hit a patch of open water and was gone in an instant. It took a couple of days for them to recover the body.
Before. They broke up about a year before he died. He was over our house a couple of times- our house which happens to overlook the lake.
Can one of you smart people answer something for me, and tell me if it's my imagination or not? I'll want to watch a movie, let's say it's some lesser-known '80s/ '90s movie. I will look it up on Netflix, where OF COURSE they don't have it. So I have to find it on some pirating website. THEN NEXT WEEK IT SHOWS UP ON NETFLIX. WHAT THE FUCK?
What’s your question? Whether Netflix is targeting its licensing deals based on your specific DVD viewing habits? Probably.
Y’all may recall but I did/helped do my first husbands vasectomy. tl;dr - he popped off about wanting one but the wait being too long (army time) when I was 7.5 mos pregnant with our third child and…I asked to make sure he meant it and he swore he did so… listen, I was in the army too and worked in the urology clinic at the hospital. So Monday I asked the civilian scheduler to work him in if we had any cancellations. he got snipped Friday. Doc asked me if I wanted to do the honors. You’re goddamn right.
There might be some steps in between you could explore, too. I didn't have exact change, so of course I bashed the clerk over the head with a brick and stole a pack of smokes. If it's not on Netflix, you can: - Check this website to know what's about to appear on Netflix: - Check this website to see where else it might be available for free: If you don't have the service listing where it is streaming, see if they have a free trial period. If you have Cable / Dish / DirecTV, you can find a lot of movies for free (with ads, though) on TBS/TNT/AMC/FX streaming. - Pay the $0.99 to $2.99 to rent it from Amazon, Apple, Vudu or others - Rent if from RedBox for $1.50 (or stream it from I'm not anti-Pirate. Just letting you know that sometimes there are other options.
Same here. I resisted it for a long time until my middle year old brother found out they had another one on the way, and he was in his late thirties. I called the doctor's office the next day after I found out. It wasn't that bad, except for when the doctor put the needle directly in the vas on the second side ( he did one incision down the center and worked from there ). He warned me it would hurt, and motherfucker it did for less than 30 seconds. Then the lidocaine kicked in and all was good except for the sweat running down my face. My wife, an RN, sat and watched the whole procedure. That day was fine, but the next day my dumbass went to an event and about an hour later regretted it. But still, it was less pain than being over 40 and having another kid. Jerking off into a cup and taking it to the office was a little weird. And a let down when they called to tell me I was sterile. I jokingly asked, "What, no certificate? Not even a cookie?" The receptionist thought it was hysterical, thank God.
I use justwatch a lot to find weird stuff. With the app you have have it so you can select what services you have and have it tell you if it is available or not.
If this baby doesn’t kill us I think we’re still planning on a second. Then husband is getting snipped. He’s obviously not excited for the event, but we’re both excited about the prospect of long term/zero worry sex. I’m kind of surprised that there is as much hesitancy as there is. I’m sure it isn’t fun but it also seems like a few days of discomfort would be worth not worrying about unwanted pregnancy for the rest of your life. Turns out tubals are a lot more invasive and harder to convince your insurance to pay for. But we all know The Patriarchy likes to put the family planning onus on women.
I was supposed to get snipped last year, but with all the Covid stuff going on and shuttering a lot of elective surgical procedures, I've had to postpone the actual operation. And now that I recently just switched jobs, I'm still trying to figure out if my new insurance will cover any of the costs.
I think there's two issues. We've gone our entire lives of being in exquisite pain if our boys are hit so the idea of having them sliced open doesn't sit well. The other is the asinine thought that being snipped somehow makes you less of a man.
I didn't experience anything close to pain with mine. Some swelling and maybe some mild discomfort for the first couple of days. I say on my ass hardcore for a few days and didn't fuck around by trying to do anything I wasn't supposed to for once in my life. Easy peasy.