Not to discount tender ball pain, but.... If men had to deal with half the shit that women do regarding reproductive maintenance, there are so many things that would change so fast.
Hah I already shudder a little at the idea of a second one… but tbh it would be hard for a baby to be a worse sleeper so why not roll the dice?
I was 42 when my first was born and I'll be 45 when #2 arrives in Agust/September. I'm glad we're having a 2nd, but do not like that I'll be 60+ when both graduate high school.
Karma? What could I have done to deserve this baby who laughs in the face of the Geneva Conventions? In 7 1/2 months I can count on 1 hand the number of times I’ve slept more than 4 consecutive hours. Luckily he’s pretty charming during the day, but we remind him frequently that he’s lucky he’s so cute because fuuuuck.
…Are you my wife? Same situation for us, except he wakes up his sister in the middle of the night too. That’s the extra fun you have in store.
Our son's challenge is getting him to sleep. Once out he'll sleep for hours, but damn its a fight to get him zonked out.
I have 2 devs on my team who just had newborns within the last month. We are a highly distributed team, from the West Coast to Portugal, and all sorts of spots in between. When we're trying to organize a call that works for everyone, their response these days is, "yeah, doesn't matter... we're in EVERY time zone right now."
Funny thing about vasectomies. One of my friends got one. Then his wife got pregnant. This obviously is going to lead to a divorce. He is super bitter that she can have kids with her new family and he can’t. He also super bitter that he can’t get divorced because she is pregnant. And what makes him most angry is because he is married, legally the birth certificate for the new baby will by law have his name on it. Then he will have to go to court to have it removed.
Never got those thoughts. Same with the whole “I don’t wear condoms” sentiment some dudes are hardcore about. Sam Kinnison had a bit about it. I have deep seated fears of STDs from the morgue photos they showed us in high school sex Ed. I’ve turned down a number of girls in the moment because of it (some girls do not take it well being rejected even if it’s something noble). I’ve gotten drunk enough that I’ve raw dogged it a handful of times and one, I always have low key mental melt downs until I get tested or nothing breaks out, and two, wonder why girls with so much more on the line would risk it too? Last girl I hooked up with was actually kind of put off that I pulled one out. Like I had brought it expecting to hook up or thought she was the type of girl I’d have to wear one for. Don’t know but it kind of blows my mind when they don’t have the same predilection of using them I do.
Wait, just so we're clear, she's pregnant with someone else's kid, right? Why can't he divorce her now? Why didn't she just take an abortion pill?
She got pregnant by someone else. The court won’t grant a divorce if the wife is pregnant. It gets legally sticky.
Good on you. I was 100% the opposite. I am amazed that I didn't have an oopsie baby or any burning when I pissed. I was terrible at wearing rubbers. @Frebis - I got my wife's feathers all ruffled when I said I'd want a paternity test if she got preggo after I got snipped.
I stopped using condoms with a girl I was dating. "But how can you trust her birth control, what if she's lying to try and trap you with a baby?" Because I had taken her to the ER one night and I saw her IUD on the ultrasound with my own eyes. Don't act like my proof of birth control isn't strong enough to satisfy the Federal Rules of Evidence.
Assume as much and you can't get divorced while pregnant legally. Last one could have 50 different answers.