Yeah, you ladies have to deal with way too much crap with your reproductive systems. Men die sooner but all in all I think we get the better deal.
It's 11:30, do you know where your girlfriend's IUD is right now? What if she had it removed to trap you into a baby? Look at that IG model that got a kooter full off hot sauce in Drake's bathroom. I had to assume they were dead based on the advanced level of infections and David Fincher the high contrast sepia tone close ups from the 70s.
Unrelated to anything at all: I'm working on pricing a project for a new civic building. Two of the accent paint colours noted are "Chinese Red," and "Colonial Yellow." Clearly, Pittsburgh Paints are behind the times in terms of wokeness.
Holy hell do not tempt these fates. and y’all, fun fact, when your kids are grown? sweet fucking Jesus yes you can sleep in and it’s glorious. But the worries? I don’t know if it’s because mine are baby adults still bumping into shit hoping food falls out or what but…they’re so very still there. re: uteruses and their shitty awesome horribleness… I had a robotic hysterectomy in March of 2019 and it’s impossible for me to overstate how much my quality of life has improved. I got my time back, I got my energy back, I got my sleep back (part of it at least). I don’t have to worry about event timing and my cycle anymore. I have zero regrets. Fuck that treacherous organ. She did her job now she can go.
I’m in my late thirties, and we’re thinking of having kids. I figure, I’ve hated my life thus far, so why not hate a child as well?