That one with the kid is shopped. The real picture is floating around on the net. Though there have been some super massive hogs killed.
Well... Florida has wildlife that scares the piss out of me, too. You have snakes that Could whoop the ass of Quetzacoatl, gators, giant scary lizards, Paletto bugs and your satan-spawn cicadas. I mean I got attacked and bitten by some strange, brown-coloured snake right dead-centre in the middle of EPCOT two years ago. You're not even safe from it in Disneyworld, where they chase all the Jews away with cattle prods. Your state is America's Oz but instead of midgets there's fat people riding around on their Exercise Cars.
I should also point out that Macklemore seems like a pretty good dude, who is doing the best he can. No real hate for him, just think it's kinda funny watching people go ape for it. Sax line in thrift shop is dirty though.
As for wild hogs, there have been huge ones running around for quite some time. My dad who is 67 has a story of a giant one that his group (when he was a kid he would hunt with a group of people with a pack of dogs in the swamp) killed and they couldn't get that sucker out of there, even with the help of a big truck. They gutted it to relieve some of the weight and only then was the truck able to pull the damned thing. So how heavy does that make the boar? No idea, but "fucking heavy" would be a good guess.
I wish Taylor Swift would go away. For a year. 18 months. Something like that. Go away and write songs and play with them and really try to come up with something that isn't about boys and lipstick and being IN LOVE with THE ONE and then NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER BECAUSE GIRLPOWER! She's talented...she's charismatic...but go away. And develop an edge.
I really, really don't think you want that. I don't think you want her to take a break then have her start doing hip hop.
I would LOVE that. Then she wouldn't be on 'country' radio and I could channel surf in peace. Then she's y'all's problem.
Yea, I'm shocked she's still considered country. The last country-ish song she made was her Tim McGraw song. Part of me really hopes she tries to do hip-hop. It'd be so dam funny.
That song was creepy. And I don't consider Tim McGraw country either. I don't know. That whole genre has morphed pretty thoroughly...Nashville sound me. I know a girl...she's black, lesbian, tattooed up... and she listens to country music. But only the country music that's white enough that black people don't like Jason Aldean, Tim McGraw, Luke Bryan, etc. Because she hates black people...and doesn't want to be around them... It's very confusing. edit: Do all Persian kitties "thump" when they jump? I swear my smooshyface is the loudest footed cat I've ever heard. He jumps and it sounds like a giant THUD every time.
Tim McGraw fucked her too? Jesus, who hasn't she slimed? Also in Grammy Bullshit: Their In Memorium had O.D.'d TV show dork from Glee, but left out Jeff Hanneman of Slayer. You know, the guy from the band that defined a style of music, arguably inventing other off-shoots of heavy metal. No, let's remember the kid from Karaoke The Show, and still not even spell his name right. Clown shoes. The entire Grammy organization. Probably said this before, but they are hands down the most self congratulatory, out of touch fools I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing for 5 minutes out of my life before I got bored and did something else. Mine never jumped. He just sort of "fell" in the direction he wanted to go. Had a fat cat fall off the second floor, splatting gut first on the floor. Sounded like someone dropped a water balloon. HI-larious.
Mine jumps. As high as the chair. He never jumps super high. But when he jumps it seriously sounds like someone dropping a stack of magazines on the floor. It's crazy. He is NOT a ninja.
Yea I noticed that too. Leaving Hanneman out was a slap in the face to his family, putting Monteith in and misspelling his name is an insult to his family as well. I think your right, putting the Glee kid in and leaving Hanneman out almost insinuates one was more influential than the other. But you have to remember the Grammys are all about pop music. Slayer was a is a great band. I don't care if you hate metal, you have to see a bit of talent there.
I know there's such thing as "office hot." Is there a name for the phenomenon for not really noticing an actress the first few times you see them, and then thinking she's hot? I watched "Jack Reacher" this past weekend, and didn't even realize I had seen Rosamund Pike in "Die Another Day" and "The World's End." So, she's the one that's going to be in Gone Girl.
It is supposed to snow here, too. In Mobile, Al. I am currently wearing shorts because this is one of the warmest days we've had in weeks. In really was convinced that it snowed last week but that was just sleet apparently. But tomorrow!! Tomorrow, by golly, I am making a snowman on my car.