We had school called today she to extreme cold (temp -1 with wind chill of -25) and most region schools (not mine, of course) have called tomorrow off, too. The low tomorrow will be -20, with wind chills around -35, so even colder than today. Even with a delay, when kids are out and busses are running it will be, at warmest, -10 with -25 wind chills. We barely got any snow, but because it is so cold and windy, some country roads are near-blizzard conditions, drifted over completely, and others are a literal sheet of black ice. I've never seen an entire area close down so thoroughly without at least 14 inches of snow (maybe 4 inches I the ground, tops). I'd be shocked if half the school busses can even start in that kind of cold, tomorrow. I can't imagine a scenario where we have school, but as per usual, they'll wait until 10 or 11 tonight to make any kind of decision, long after every other school in the region made their decisions. It wil make for an interesting day. All the reports I'm reading are that half the cars that go out end up in ditches, then I get to read angry road workers ranting that have to rescue them, and not clear the snow, as is their job. Actually makes facebook entertaining. On a related note: I'll be playing the shit out of some video games tonight.
The funniest thing is them thinking that a Land Rover or a Subaru is going to be worth a shit for winter driving.
I still power through the pain and barbecue. Dead of winter does not stop steaks from landing on the barbecue, not in my house. It does suck when you need machinery to plough a path to the barbecue but we all make sacrifices. We have a deep freeze warning until Thursday. It's been over a week already, one if the coldest Januaries I remember since the 80's, with freaky-deaky warm spots in between. The snow banks on either side of my driveway are almost as tall as me for the moment. Weather's supposed to go above freezing over the weekend.
It's exhausting commuting here. I had to drive into downtown Baltimore a couple of weeks ago and the way IN was so early it wasn't awful. The way home took literally double the time because people are so fucking stupid. And roundabouts. They cannot fathom what to do with a roundabout. It's insane.
Not as bad as what my friend and his gf did to there house. They originally had old school(house is 100 years old) fir flooring that looked great and just need a tiny bit of refinishing. They didn't want it for what ever reason, I told them i would personally come over and take it all off for them, but no. They put subfloor down, and screwed into it, then put shit laminate on top of it. Made me cry a little bit.
That's fucking awful. Absolutely awful. The Husband pulled the carpet on the stairs going into the upper level and the wood is a bit worn, and we'll have to do some work to it...but it already looks SO MUCH better than the stupid nasty gross carpet did. I think they did the same thing to the hardwood in the kitchen...it has sub flooring and then some shitty laminate on top of that...and it's elevated a bit from the living room...AND it creaks like hardwood when you walk on it...But I don't get their rationale.
That's what happens when the mentally handicapped want to join the ranks of homeowners. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Jesus Christ. I can't believe I know this exists, but here's Taylor Swift awkwardly doing SuperBass with Nicki Minaj
This old house has real wood floors throughout. Too bad years of renters has them all scarred up. They need to be sanded and polyurethaned but even doing it ourselves is an expensive proposition. However...putting something over them?! Hell the fuck no. Scarred up wood floors are still superior to carpet or, the lowest of the,low...laminate.
No, dear. That is a Kiwi. He is more animal than man, and can subsist of alcohol alone for up to 3 weeks. They consider base jumping "good sport". Bundy, I'm looking at you. So it's Monday and I'm on my third glass of absinthe. COME AT ME, BRO. Who else wants to get pissed?
You idiots talking about people sharing links from infowars on facebook jinxed me. A super religious acquaintance of mine shared this link today: Christian Singer Walks Out on Grammys After ‘Satanic’ Performances I couldn't leave well enough alone and pointed out that devil worship and witchcraft are not interchangeable and that I doubted worship of any kind was happening on that stage. Now I'm being told that I'm brainwashed and something about being a frog in water--and that water is boiling! Eh, makes for an interesting evening anyway.
I keep hearing in my head this sound bite from an old tv show or movie where some old dude condescendingly saying "Mr. Berrrrrrrrrrrrg" to someone young and it is bugging me trying to remember what it is from. I was convinced for a bit it was John Houseman, but IMDB isn't showing anything he's been in where there's another character with the name Berg. So someone similar to John Houseman?
Now you just have to let them save you, if you do that they'll leave you alone and you can pretend like nothing happened. A friend of mine dragged me to church this weekend (she is hot) and I learned that God commands an army of very real Angels and they will come protect you (if you pray right I guess). The shit I do for women. Like opening doors, never again.
The Husband has some uber hippie friends who live in Austin. Their house is super super green. They made it literally out of mud and straw bales, the roof is some kind of green shit that would probably flame up faster than a trailer house in Alabama if a spark lands on it, but the floors... They used reclaimed wood from a barn in North Carolina for the flooring for their entire house. They're amazing. Not perfect at all but utterly gorgeous. Those people are still fucking weird.
See, I keep waiting to be saved. I'm disappointed that it's taking so long, and these people call themselves Evangelicals!
Have you ate their Christmas cookies yet? Its not until you eat their Christmas cookies that you can be saved. Things are delicious and make you strangely lightheaded.
Never mind, turns out what I was remembering was from Seinfeld, and he was doing a John Houseman impression. <a class="postlink" href="http://theseinfelddictionary.com/2008/01/28/john-houseman-name/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://theseinfelddictionary.com/2008/0 ... eman-name/</a>
I heard those cookies can help expell the evil spirits ("dollars") poisoning your soul with booze and safe sex.