How bad is 2 inches of snowfall in Atlanta? I spent an hour going a mile for beer, roundtrip. People in my office that live in the same city are still not home and they left 3 hours ago. I have a 7 mile commute and I'm seriously thinking of walking home.
I still have the feeling it's over confident assholes who bitch about everyone else freaking out about winter weather that are the ones that end up in the fender benders and crashes that hold everyone up....
Pinkcup is probably neck deep in some guy's asshole. And Juicey is probably taking a very long poop. No idea whether these two are related.
Any flu tips? I have one day of work, then it's Lunar New Years for the next four days. So, hopefully I can get over this virus that is fisting my soul. On a happier note, I feel high from lack of sleep and cough medicine. Namaste, bitches? Let's go play Cards Against Humanity with a bunch of Koreans at 7 a.m. Also, subtle brilliance: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
If anything it would be the rum on the rocks. Bayou Rum is some good shit. However, it is SNOWING!!!!! and I want to do a wintry drink.
Of course it is. People seem to not understand that you shouldn't go the speed limit during a snow storm. You shouldn't needlessly change lanes when the roads are slick. You should stay at least 5-6 car lengths behind the person in front of you in case they need to stop or start to lose control. You shouldn't believe that just because you have 4x4, snow tires, and common sense, everyone else does. One section of road may be perfectly fine and 100 yards away they might not be. It's mind boggling the amount factors that affect driving performance during snow/rain storms that people choose to completely ignore.
Guys guys guys!!! Did you hear?! It is snowing!!!! Snow! ICICLES!! ICICLES AND MAH FACE!!! CUE DOGGIE!!! Wait where'd that cutie come from? Anyway. Whiskey it is. Not that I need booze right now...but I am so friggin excited about SNOW!!
You know what? Buttered rum is next. I already poured a couple glasses of nog for me and el husband. Awesome idea blackjesus
Feel free to come visit any time you like. The snow on either side of my driveway is piled so damned high that I actually can't see cars on the street as I back out onto the road. Thank God I live on a side street so there isn't much traffic.
Christmas Eve we headed up to my parents' house and we had to take two cars since the dog was coming as well. My two daughters were in the one car and on the way, she pulled into a Wawa to get gas. We get on the turnpike and hit some bad weather. This: Not horrible if you take your time, but a little icy. On the way, we notice a 6 car accident going the other way, so I call my younger daughter to give my older daughter a heads up to be extra careful that it's getting slippery. We had the following conversation: Me: Hey, just wanted to let you know roads are getting bad, tell Morgan to be careful. There's a 6 car accident the other way. Catherine: Yeah, we saw it. Me: Saw it? Where are you guys? You stopped for gas. How fast is Morgan going? Catherine: 60 Me: 60! Are you in the right or left lane? Catherine: Left Me: You tell her to slow down right now and get in the right hand lane. I then hear Morgan arguing with her in the background but she finally did it....right behind us. We had a Come-to-Jesus talk when we got to my parents.
Ever have something happen and you don't know how to articulate every thing that goes with it? Yeah. Me too. Anyway. Ice is a bitch. Texans are terrified. It isn't snowing here. Fuck everything.
A customer threatened me and we had to have the cops escort him out. He told me I was gonna die. I don't know, he may have meant it in a YOLO way or something...
I haven't tried the second one but I'm digging the first. How does it compare using margarine vs actual butter? Margarine was all I had on hand. I used doubled the measurements of both sugar and butter though and it came out better. Then again I've always been a glutton for sweets. In other news I decided to take six days off from work for a vacation and stay at home and do absolutely nothing. It's been absolutely wonderful. I've done absolutely nothing and it's been everything I imagined it would be. I've been playing video games, reading about how to start my own bio startup, playing the piano, and hanging out with my son. It's been magnificent.
I did a variation of the first using roughly the same ratios. 2T butter, 4T brown sugar, 1c water, .5c rum, a very generous sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg. El husband had a very audible mouthgasm and compared it to cinnabon, one of his favorite guilty pleasures. A+
Hey it's LatinGroove with the beautiful eyes! Be careful of those kind of vacations, they're the hardest to leave behind. Anyway, I wish there was video of this, as I really want to see how it turned out: