I understand why things freeze up from the ice. Obviously driving in snow versus ice are two different things. When I was coming back from hockey at 1:00am there was no one on the roads, and they were covered in ice. Every time the road curved, or went downhill I had to be extremely careful. Add in some cars around me and it would've been bad.
It's really just inclement weather in general that fucks people up down here. Heavy rain and can't see 5 feet in front of you? It's cool, I'll still go 70mph. Part of my family lives in Madison, WI and I visit them a lot more now that I'm older, so learning to drive in the snow was something that I had to do. Really, it's not that hard, just being careful and taking your time is all that's really required, but people down here just get behind the wheel and hope for the best.
Yeah, I'm a little south of Atlanta, and all that's true. One of the interesting things is that a lot of the interstate problems and exit closures were due to tractor trailers being jack knifed and stuck. So, these are truckers who drive all over the place, not necessarily local southern idiots. Either the local idiots skidded / braked in front of them unexpectedly, or the drivers were expecting different conditions being used to driving where they do have the necessary infrastructure. Or both. Another part of the infrastructure that makes Atlanta different is the lack of real mass transit. Atlanta is a car town, with lots of commuters coming from the bedroom communities. It's a recipe for disaster. There were school buses that turned around and delivered kids back to school, where they spent the night.
Have the kids from Fame been breaking out into musical numbers all over Atlanta? I've never seen such fucked-up traffic. Talk about shitty winter infrastructure reserves. Of course, I have to chuckle at certain things, like the latest CNN loudmouth speaking in a very serious tone about how has "Witnessed ice actually forming in the vehicles!! You can can see icicles hanging off the back of that semi trailer!!" Jesus, educate yourself before spitting your glorified Action News, you hack.
There is a cruise ship coming into New Jersey with 700 sick people on it. Can we stop pretending cruise ships aren't a biblical abomination of pure evil? No? Then explain why Disney has them if they aren't.
I went on a Disney cruise when I was 18 and it was filled with sex crazed debauchery. I mean girls getting filmed fucking random dudes level stuff. I won 80 bucks at the ships casino. Ill admit though most people who do these types of cruises frequently are trailer trash.
I am actually shocked that there is not a reality show based on a cruise ship. I have a friend who spent a couple years as a blackjack dealer on one. Man, she's got some stories. I guess none of the major lines would ever allow filming of such a show, since all the entertaining to watch stuff would paint them in such a negative light. It would certainly shatter the family-friendly idea.
I've always disliked the idea of cruises. First of all I am scared of open water, then there's the idea of being on a floating crap bucket. Remember the one boat that got stuck in the Gulf with no power so no sanitation? That is literal hell I'm sure. Add in the propensity for cruise liners to get the norovirus and you have a disaster.
All the roads here are covered in ice. We went for a walk down the road and on the one stretch we saw, one car was crashed and seesawing over the median and another truck almost got stuck at a light with his wheels spinning. It is pretty freaking dangerous out there right now.
Re: Re: WDT 1/24/14 NSFW Cruises sound like a good idea at the time, unlimited food, nice Island scenery but if you like to drink they are a fucking nightmare. Never again will I go on a cruise, I got hit with a bar tab so high I could have just rented a house on the beach for a week and still saved about 3 grand. Not to mention being 6'7 I was glad I upgraded to a bigger room, the cheap rooms are fucking tiny.
Whenever you Gus talk about cruise ships, I fear to take my kid on one yet am conflicted because I oh so gravitate towards grim spectacle. It's probably why I make friends with nutbags. It looks like nota virus at the shit-ship docking in NJ. So, there you go. I nice, gross disease to be trapped on open water with fat people and sneaky adulterers. They're getting a "50% refund and a voucher for a future cruise trip" I shit you not.
According to an article I just read, one of the reasons cruises are so prone to the norovirus are the buffets.I guess if you have a lot of people eating, sneezing, touching the food at the trough the virus spreads like wildfire. Why are trashy people so in love with these things?
I see a budding solution to the white trash problem in this country. Make cruises even cheaper. Make the buffets an even bigger selling point. Get them all on board and become violently ill. Profit.
I like you're thinking, sell a cruise with an all you can eat voucher, and let nature take its course.
Or they eat enough that it sinks on its own. I've haven't been on one but I've witnessed the Noah's Ark off-ramp of ugly that de-boards from one. Yikes. Are there ANY good ones? I heard the Alaska ones are amazing.
Because people are gluttons when shit is free. Remember when the welfare card when on the fritz and Wal-Mart was deluged with lowlifes? There you go. Epecially a demographic of people who are used to a steady, nutritious diet of Tang and Cheetos. This is their "Living the high life" for one week a year. It was this or a five-day pass to Six Flags.
Cause its a cheaper version of an all inclusive resort, with even more laziness. Toss in an EXOTIC location like Cozumel or the Bahamas, and these uncultured idiots now can also see far off foreign lands. Ive been on two crusies. One as a Spring Break trip in college, the second shortly after graduation. The first was a bunch of college kids, so naturally we had fun. The second time, I also had a good time (mostly cause we met some college girls and had sprung for a room with a balcony), but it was far more enlightening as to why they suck. First, the initial cruise was on Royal Caribbean, the second was on Carnival. I didn't realize what a massive step down in quality, and step up in white trash that difference made. Second, as college kids, we smuggled on tons of booze and made any effort to avoid paying for drinks so we didn't realize how brutal the costs were. The second time, as cash flush young professionals, we quickly realized what highway robbery it was for a buzz. Finally, the casino. The Royal Caribbean ship had a nice casino with tons of dealers, played alot of craps, actually made a good chunk of change, had a great time. The Carnival ship had a shitty, tiny casino where they closed most tables and games to shove everyone to roulette and blackjack with shady rules and autoshufflers. Its was horrible and people were getting brutalized. Fuck that ship. Haven't been back since, and it would take alot to get me back on another one. The irony for me is, despite the white trash demographic, my college friend, who had been on over 15 cruises with his family at time of our Spring Break cruise, was a snobby son of a Siemens exec whose family turned their nose up at almost everything, yet LOVED cruises. Other fun story, on the Carnival cruise, we went to the "club" a couple nights, cause why not. Well one night, we went back after a day in San Juan, and the girl I was talking to and I were dancing. Now it was mostly empty, save for a couple middle aged couples canoodling in booths, and one dude I'm almost positive was finger banging his wife in a shadowy area. Anyways, our dancing got kind of heavy, nothing obscene, but implying what was going on later, and since the floor was mostly empty, I noticed the diminutive Caribbean security team eying us. Well, a few songs later, they come up, a group of 5 all under 5'8 and sternly tell us we need to leave because "that dancing is entirely inappropriate in a family setting like this". It was 1AM in a cruise ship bar. One of the highlights of my cruise for sure. I also have a story about being less than 5 min away from being left and stranded in Mexico without a phone, wallet, or passport, but that's a story for a bad vacations thread.
I almost got left behind on mine because I busted my foot when I wrecked a motor scooter the ship warned us not to ride. They had to race me to the hospital to get an X-ray and claimed if any bones were broken I'd have to stay as they couldn't risk me having a blood clot or something at sea. They claimed horror stories of huge traveling bills for people stranded in this type of situation. But I was fine and everything went on swell from there.