The real question: OR It's been so long since I've seen Bloodsport that I can barely remember any of it, but I seem to remember Tong Po being more intimidating than Chong Li.
My dog ate an entire bag of anti-hairball kitty treats this morning. he's now kenneled. If he's going to puke, he can do it in his own space and not on my floors. So now my cat is sprawled out, staring at me, and licking where his balls used to be. Today is not a happy animal day.
Dogs... a never-ending source of unconditional love, and puke and farts and shit and piss ALL OVER EVERYTHING.
Driving home from work the other day, I pulled up, at light, next to a car with a family in it. I looked over, and the kid in the back seat was having a great time - pulling a clear plastic bag over his/her head. I was about to honk the horn at them, when mom and dad turn around and start laughing with the kid, and clearly allowing him/her to keep at it. Isn't this shit why they have warnings on these things? It will be super double hilarious when, having learned that putting bags over your head is great fun, and mom and dad get a kick out of it, the kid is unsupervised for 5 or 10 minutes, grabs a bag, and a depressing Lifetime movie(starring Bill PUlman and Teri Hatcher) is the result.
Since they are basically the same movie, the comparison is apt. So I recently learned that a former roommate of mine went to college for enviro sci and now does 8 week stints at CFS Alert. There's something fascinating to me about living at the top of the world like that. However, that novelty would likely wear off after about five minutes and I realized I was stuck in a place where it's night 24 hours a day (at this time of year) and only hits about +5 C in July.
True facts. The puppy (Max) slept on my legs last night and seemly farted every other minute while the other (Kaiser) puked all over the blanket as I was drifting off to sleep. As I picked her up to take her outside, she puked again. I didn't want it getting on the carpet, so I instinctively caught it with my hand. At least she had the decency to look sorry.
I can't do dog vomit. It's too slimy and foamy. Nope. I will compound the problem because I can't control my own reaction. Dog vomit is a job for The Husband and The Kids.
The worst is being woken up by that yakking sound. At least he hasn't shit in my bedroom (yet). His burning trash farts are enough, sometimes it's like he's trying to dutch-oven the entire room. I forgot to mention shedding too. Good lord, he produces the equivalent of a sweater every week. It's a damn good thing that dog can hunt, otherwise he'd be quite the freeloader.
My cat has the lovely tendency to mat up if he's not brushed at least four times a week. My dog doesn't shed too much - in the house. Put in in my car though...and all the hairs he's got jump off his body immediately and embed themselves like a skilled reporter into the carpet and creases of my seats.
My dog usually knows when it is about to happen. He gets in my face and pants really fast. If I am awake I grab a plastic bag, if I am asleep it wakes me up. I've got some ninja barf catching skills.
My dog is the worst shedder. He's awesome, I love him, but a couple times a year he sheds every hair he has. If you don't vacuum daily its like the carpet gets a black haze to it.