These people should be put to sleep. Fucking conspiracy theorists have to fill in their own life-void with an utter refusal to believe that shit happens. Fluoride isn't exactly good for you, it's meant to be topical but these ding-dongs usually trumpet it's being pumped into water intentionally to poison and control the population. Same thing with chemtrails. I have a guy at work that believes in them and at least once a week I have to say "Oh my God, you are so FULL OF SHIT."
Fucking fuck, school corporation. Make the fucking call already. I'm sure there is a reason every single other school in a 30 mile radius has made the call for tomorrow but you, but Jesus Christ. Just make the damn call. I swear my school district is run by groundhogs. They make their weather related calls based entirely on whether or not they see their shadow. Related to conspiracy theories:
ExH2 was a conspiracy theorist. I'm okay with the whole "shoot them" idea when it comes to him. He would listen to Art Bell at night, and there was a link he got there about how aliens are what caused the Dark Ages and what happened to the Mayans...basically, everything that the last Indiana Jones was about was what he believed. Idiot.
They probably eat the Pork Rinds that Tyson grows out of one of their Frankenfields. Or Dow, Monsanto, etc. the only difference is that those companies actually DO poison people. They do shit that would make Hitler ashamed to shake their hand.
Totally off topic... but thank you guys. Y'all are really great and supportive people. I appreciate it.
Back tracking a tad, I have only owned hound dogs and I have yet to experience the typical annoying hound behaviors. Perhaps it's just the training they get, or my own personality as their pack leader that they follow, but beyond typical hound behavior of tracking and being mischievous, I haven't had barkers or chewers or over active nutjobs. My Dachshund puppy has followed the trend and is really mellow, low energy, nonbarker. His only "annoying" trait is that he will retrieve for literally hours on end with little thought to the fact that I've thrown his ball over 100 times and I have no interest in continuing for another 100 throws. Sorry to hear what you have to deal with Shimmered. I had to deal with that same thing 11 times with my ex. It never got easier and was always completely soul crushing.
Drink wine by the gallon, smoke, refuse to wear sunblock because.... it gives you cancer, the don't eat anything that doesn't come out of whole foods. Except my wife's mac n cheese, which she puts fatback in, I laugh everytime they eat it. Don't bother arguing with them, it's an impossible thing to win. EDIT: The sunblock thing is horrible to me because they are addicted to tanning salons and refuse to believe skin cancer or skin damage comes from tanning or overexposure to the sun. The firmly believe that putting sunblock on gives you cancer and actually causes you to get sunburned. My head almost always explodes when we go to the lake, one of my cousins literally dived off the boat when my friends wife was applying spray sunblock and the wind blew some on to her skin.
So how does sunblock give you cancer? The good news is these people will probably die in the next 10 years due to some form of melanoma or lung cancer. Either way, they couldn't really be doing anything more carcinogenic than they are. Short of eating Plutonium anyway. I think tanning beds may be the most carcinogenic thing people widely use. I almost think playing with mercury is safer.
They think that the sunblock and the chemicals in it are responsible for skin cancer, not tanning beds or the sun. According to them all the sun and tanning beds do is give you vitamin D, which is good for you. I have heard them say on multiple occasions when they haven't tanned in a few days that they are "going through vitamin d withdrawal".
Cool, so when they get cancer (because they will), tell them that chemo is bad for them because its all industrial chemicals. Also tell them they radiation that they may get is unnatural so its bad for them too.
This starts a whole other argument with my cousins, see they already believe what you just posted, no I am not joking. Apparently there are organic cures for cancer out there but big Pharma won't release them or the government has them and won't release them so the population will reduce itself through people dying of cancer. Edit: Unrelated but I am stuck watching some reality wedding for the next hour, if Hell is real I am in it right now.
They have a dachshund festival one town over here every summer. I drove past it once and it was just Weiner Dogs as far as the eye can see. My favourite breed is actually a hound, the Bassett. The greatest howl on a dog, I think they're amazing. And FUCK can those stubby freaks can really put on the coal when they want run. We'll be getting a Charles Cavalier next year. I live Spaniels, had an American Cocker. A great smaller dog.
Wha.... WHAT???!?!? Scorching, long term exposure to ultra-violet rays inserts vitamins in your skin. That is awesome, it's a new level of stupid and bullshitting. You put on suntan lotion, you enjoy the sun. You don't, your skin blisters; you get heat stroke and throw up in the shade while bukkakying yourself in aloe. Maybe get melanoma. My kid has never been burned, apparently because I slather her in cancer chemicals in the heat. Fucking infowars should be impaled an an iodine-soaked stake. They bring idiots to loud life.
Yes, but it is a self-solving problem. They don't believe in sun screen or cancer treatments. They get cancer. They die. World is smarter. The end.
I wonder if they believe in blood letting too. I'm sure I could sell them on the idea that the reason people get cancer is because they have too much blood.
That's why it's impossible to talk any common sense to them, ANYTHING that infowars posts, they immediately believe on a fanatical level. EDIT: To the above post, they believe in blood diets, as in you can only eat or drink specific (ORGANIC!) food depending on what blood type you have. One of them asked a doctor if she could replace her blood with a new "type" so she could resume drinking coffee, I shit you not.