My grandpa did the same thing. Retired, picked up handyman work until he got too blind to drive himself. I expect my stepdad will do the same, he just can't sit still. Neither of them really need the money to live comfortably. I, on the other hand, can think of many ways to spend time better than working.
Hell yeah, I have my retirement date already picked out sixteen years from now. But in all honestly I'm only working about 20 hours a week right now, so I'm semi-retired I guess you could say.
I am working until at least 60( roughly another 20 years). My pension goes up 55 percent from when i am 59 till when i am 60, because of the years worked/age matrix they have. I can work till 65 and have 35 years of service but those extra 5 years only add extra 16percent, which is a lot but depends on what i feel like when i get that old.
I don't have the luxury of doing the whole F.I.R.E. concept, but I am planning to be done working roughly between 53-55.
YOU don't live in South Texas, you live in Central Texas. I live in South Texas, and it's 45 degrees. Humid as fuck, though, so you really feel it.
I would say I'm semi-retired, also. Wife gets a pension from being medically retired from the military. We keep our expenses low, so we could live off of that if we had to without any income from me. We would have to sit around and not do anything that costs money, but it could be done. I mess around with several things to make money. Work on boats, cars, houses for our neighbors, do solar array drawings for my friend's company, occasional land survey for the right price. I went back to school for a little while but been on a break for the past year. I really want to go learn good marine upholstery skills. There's a couple of old dudes around here that make a killing at it. They're damn good at it, though, and I suck at it.
I like to say I’m on the 3-year plan. The house will be paid off in 2, and the kid will be out of college. I’ll be 59, and I probably won’t stop working altogether, but I can make some major decisions on changing careers or cutting my hours.
As much as I bitch about the cold, I kinda do enjoy getting some 40 degree weather to make me appreciate the heat. The humidity was so thick it made a haze in the air today. I'll remember this on hot days. But San Antonio and its surrounding cities ARE NOT SOUTH TEXAS. YOU HEAR THAT, @Revengeofthenerds ? How can you look at a city that is almost dead-center in the map, and say "Yup, that's South."? By that reasoning, I live in "East Texas," if you were to draw the state into quadrants. But I don't live in Beaumont or Texarkana. Stop trying to steal our valor, San Antonians.
you live in the asshole of Texas. That’s different. I consider more Austin and that area to be central Texas. The whole German band. It’s a cultural thing. The more Hispanic regions bordering along the south fall into the south, culturally. The same way people would consider Tennessee or Arkansas to be “the south” even though be exact definition it is probably isn’t.
Does anyone know how much password sharing is costing Netflix annually? It just seems like there are willing to inconvenience the shit out of people to save a couple bucks. I wonder if people leaving the platform might cost them even more?
Looks annoying as shit but seem like it would be simple to workaround by simply setting up a wireguard (or other) VPN hosted on your home network that allows you look like you are signing in from home whenever you need to.
Is the cost associated with setting up a VPS or getting a commercial VPN (that Netflix doesn't already block) that offers residential static IPs really less than paying $10/month for a legitimate subscription?
I have never shared my account info with anyone. But, I'm sure this attempt to prevent people gaming the system will fuck me over in some way and have no impact on what they're trying to prevent. I live in a different town than where my office is. So, if I try to watch something at my office, is that going to show up as a separate location? At my house, my internet is provided via Fixed Wireless, because that's the fastest, most economical option for me. So, it's going to appear like a cell phone, but yet that's my home address. I already can't use Hulu Live as an option at home, because Hulu thinks I'm on a mobile device.
Not something I am concerned about. That said a raspberry pi or any old computer you have laying around could be used to run a simple VPN tunnel into your home network. Takes maybe half an hour to set up if you haven't done it before. and costs nothing more than electricity to run the computer you host it on. I was just pointing out how dead simple this is to circumvent based on how they describe it on site.