I am so glad that in high school I didn't have to worry about this, jesus I couldn't even imagine, the worst I had to worry about was disposable cameras. Now get off my fucking lawn.
It's completely bullshit though. Because for women, "incriminating stuff" all too often means "any display of any sexuality whatsoever."
As far as I'm concerned light beer is not beer at all but swill masquerading as such. I barely tolerate mid strength beer. I can drink fruit juice if I want to stay sober.
Going to a chili cook off in a few hours. I thought it was going to just be an excuse to get a bunch of people to drink in the early afternoon, you know like golf, but it's actually getting pretty competitive. We're going to be the only beanless entry, not sure how that's going to go over in New England where that just doesn't happen.
...Are we going to the same chili cookoff? The spicier the chili makes up for the lack of beans. I hate shit like 3-bean chili or white chili.
Do you post this shit on an electronic message board because the people you seek hi-fives from in real life end up walking away after five minutes of listening to you speak?
Doubtful, there's only like 10 of us and it's in Manchester, CT. You're in Boston now, right? We're making up for the lack of beans with steak, if we don't win this I'm going to flip.
Post that recipe, son. I have not found a suitable chili. Every time I make it, it seems the quantities never create the same flavor profile. Is there a base quantity of chili powder to liquid/meat you use? I'm looking to make one with lardons, trinity (onion, celery, green pepper), a shit ton of garlic, then add baker's chocolate, smoked beer, and a hot pepper medley of roasted New Mexican Greens and poblanos. I'm also thinking of switching the smoked beer for a stout, then adding a smoked meat. Gots to have that smoke. Kind of want to braise chuck roast in there too.
I never played the Fuck/Marry/Kill game, but I want to marry Black Jesus and send his ass to the kitchen.
Yea but I come back to CT quite a bit since my family and the girls family are both still there. The one I'm going to is in Glastonbury.
I like how I was just waking up in the morning, surfing the internet, them boom, extreme cake making. Did not expect to see something like that this morning.
Yeah, I'm the opposite, family is near boston while I live in CT. I'm guessing you're more familiar than you ever wanted to be with the whore that is driving the Mass Pike near worcester on a summer weekend. Too bad we're not at the same cookoff, you could have seen me in what I imagine will be the drunkest I've been in ages, besides my wedding.
First of all, chili with beans in it isn't really chili and anybody that tries to argue otherwise is a communist. In my experience, what I've noticed works best for these competition type chili's is having more than one type of meat with varied textures to get people the best mouth feel. The last I made I used cubed beef that I season and browned first as well as some smoked pulled pork shoulder. Also, another little trick I've used previously that seems to give it a distinct flavor is to add a whole cinnamon stick while you're letting everything simmer together. Once it's done, just pull the whole stick out and discard it. It gives it a little bit of an earthier flavor without being overpowering as compared to if you used regular cinnamon powder. And if you are planning on using bell peppers of any kind, I would recommend roasting them yourself if possible beforehand. Roasted peppers>regular any day for chili.
I went to the States yesterday for the first time in almost two years. My GOD are things cheap. Gas is 20% cheaper. Food and booze is 50% cheaper. I bought a bike for my kid for forty bucks. The same bike is a hundred here. It's a MADHOUSE!!!!
And obviously from the other side of the fence it appears that things are just ridiculously expensive overseas. Do y'all get paid more to compensate for the cost of living, or does a dollar (or Euro or whatever) simply not stretch as far over there as it does here?